Halfshaft Bolt Failures and Customer Satisfaction Program


*Supporting Vendor* GT Owner
Apr 20, 2006

seems fair, when did they stop making the FGT?

October 2006



Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 5, 2005
Fresno, Ca.
Anyone who visits this site and is unaware of bolt issue and has not taken care of them deserves to pay whatever the replacement cost is.... Sorry, but this topic is beaten to death.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Apr 3, 2007
Northern California
they quit makingthe FGT? :eek

:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Sep 9, 2006
CURRENT MARCH 27, 2010 INCIDENT (New Transaxle Failure, after CSP Program):

This past Saturday morning, on March 27, 2010, driving home from a local So Cal car show, where I met with other GT owners, my transaxle failed, coming from a leisurely acceleration from a stop sign, not far from the show.

Bolts are sheared and need to be extracted. Current vehicle mileage is approximately 10,800 miles. 2006 Ford GT, and I am original owner.

PRIOR BACKGROUND (Transaxle Bolts previously replaced under Customer Satisfaction Program):

Around January 2008, the Output Shaft Flange Bolts and Washer were replaced by a local dealer, as per attached documentation, at 5,542 miles.

Dealer is now in possession of my vehicle, indicates cost to extract and replace bolts is estimated at approximately $750.00. I have requested that dealer service advisor request for Ford to cover the cost, although service advisor says that my vehicle is now out of warranty and that they believe Ford will not likely cover claim, but the advisor will submit.

I would like some assistance on interpreting the documentation, as well as some guidance on how best to proceed, if Ford and Dealer both decline coverage. Do we have a local Owner's Representative assigned to Southern California for Ford? Otherwise, I will contact Ford GT Customer Assistance Center at 1-866-742-3673.

My instinct is that Ford should cover the repair, as it is a known recurring issue, in spite of their Customer Service Program (0B749) attempting to set a deadline for fix of 12/31/08, since my original attempt was within that window.

Secondly, and this is where I also need help, is, does it appear the dealership, aware of program (0B749) as advised by me, and stated on invoice, used the most up to date repair kit available (Jan '08)?

The 1/08 invoice shows Washer 7B368 BA and Bolt 4529 AA. Were these the best parts from Ford at the time? Or was there a better kit or combo available?

If not, approximately when did the superior kit become available, and what is it called?

Thanks for any insight. The dealer, at initial glance, does not appear to have an interest in covering the cost to repair. I purchased my GT new, out of state, it was the only way to find the color and equipment combination I wanted at the time (9/06).

It is my hope, as a matter of principle, that either Ford or the Dealer will step up to the plate with some encouragement. But I want to make sure I have some proper information first, and whether it seems that I should pursue the manufacturer or the dealer. Or if I should just eat the cost myself.

Any advice appreciated.

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Blue/white 06'
Mark II Lifetime
New owner here, please take into account.

Would you come out ahead to pay to have the accufab bolts placed and have greater piece of mind?

Not arguing that you, as an original owner should not be taken care of by Ford, just I have to assume your time is incredibly valuable and how does that come into play?



GT Owner
Nov 2, 2005
SF Bay Area in California
Randy sorry to hear about this issue coming up once again. I would skip the grief and get some Accufab bolts install by Kendall. Using the best parts with a tech that can do the job right is more important than saving a few bucks. I can't imagine doing the TX mile and having these bolts fail.

An interesting fact is this is the 1st case of the new Ford bolts failing.

Unless this is an April fool joke.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jan 4, 2006
Belleville, IL
Wow, there were two sets of Ford fixes, the first with some stronger bolts, but the second with much bigger washer with countersunk bolts. You might call the GT hotline, 866-742-3673.


GT Owner
Mar 1, 2007
Randy -

The invoice only shows one (1) Washer 7B368 BA installed. Shouldn't there have been 6? Is this a kit number with a larger quantity? (maybe Torrie, Kendall, or Shadowman know)


PS - Post #7 says the replacement part number should have been a kit, 4G7Z-4B490-A for both axles, and not individual parts.
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GT Owner
Oct 19, 2005
London, UK
I seem to recall that it was the washers that were first thought to be the culprit to the failure. The original factory washer had not been heat hardened leading to their deformation under crushing when torquing the bolts. This threw the bolt head off slightly, weakening it.

It was only after a little while that the bolts were found to be sub standard.

I think many of us would be interested if the replacement Ford bolts are failing, perhaps if Kendall (Or someone else here) can take a look at the bolts that have failed, we could confirm if they were indeed replaced with the correct parts.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Sep 9, 2006
Randy -

The invoice only shows one (1) Washer 7B368 BA installed. Shouldn't there have been 6? Is this a kit number with a larger quantity? (maybe Torrie, Kendall, or Shadowman know)


PS - Post #7 says the replacement part number should have been a kit, 4G7Z-4B490-A for both axles, and not individual parts.

Good eye Ralphie spotting the single washer. I didn't catch that.

And another good point about the individual parts detail, not a kit.


GT Owner
Nov 2, 2005
SF Bay Area in California
To the best of my knowledge the recalled letter didn't go out until the final axle kit was available. For the sake and sanity of all FGT owners, I hope that your FGT had the older parts installed, or they only did one side. Having the latest parts fail in 5K miles would not be good!

If the dealer indeed installed the wrong parts I believe you have a very good case to have the work redone at no cost. However if the dealer the car is at now is the same one that did the original work then it is kind of like have the judge, jury and defense lawyer all on the same team. :ack
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Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
May 25, 2006
Ft. Lauderdale
Good eye Ralphie spotting the single washer. I didn't catch that.

And another good point about the individual parts detail, not a kit.

Sorry to hear Randy..:frown

There are curved plates for the outer 6 bolts not really washers. Two bolts per plate. 3 plates per side.
After seeing both kits if I had to start new I would use the new ford extra thick counter sunk washers with the Accufab/ APR bolts. The APR bolts have a non threaded shoulder which is where the strength is needed. The Ford bolts are threaded all the way to the head which removes critical mass and strength.
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GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Sep 9, 2006
PS - Post #7 says the replacement part number should have been a kit, 4G7Z-4B490-A for both axles, and not individual parts.

This is the kit they are using for the fix this time, thanks for the number, it was helpful for verification.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Sep 9, 2006
Thanks everyone! I really appreciate how you each took the time to research and offer timely advice to make sure I have the most current and appropriate fix.

As a general matter, I don't like to dwell on the past, but it is quite helpful in this case to know the history, in determining the best solution for the current problem at hand.

The camaraderie and knowledge makes me very thankful for this forum. When you think about the time it would take to separately track down each member and call and piece together the collective effort.

The forum makes the good things much better, and the bad things much less painful.

Thanks again Gentlemen!


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Sep 9, 2006
If the dealer indeed installed the wrong parts I believe you have a very good case to have the work redone at no cost. However if the dealer the car is at now is the same one that did the original work then it is kind of like have the judge, jury and defense lawyer all on the same team. :ack

I am working with the dealer closely on this one.

It appears that the most current kit may not have been used, as it appears:

1) Individual parts detailed, not the specified package as indicated in the Program (0B749)

2) One Washer, not six used

3) Failure part of an identified problem

My main concern is first and foremost, to get the fix done properly with the latest parts. And also, maintain a good dealer relationship, and allow them the opportunity to do the right thing. (Dealer to cover cost if Ford does not cover cost)
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Well-known member
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Nov 3, 2005
Renton, Washington
Suggest you contact Jamal. Immediately.

He more than likley has the answers to all of your questions.

And should be VERY interested in your troubles, and the soulutions to them.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Sep 9, 2006
Thank you Jeff.

I will talk with Jamal.

I have documented my requests to the dealer, essentially to summarize:

"In reviewing prior work history, it appears only one washer was replaced and older individual bolts were used"

Dealer Service Adviser ("SA") researched computer and found that BA washer package is currently not orderable through system, it supercedes to current package. Dealer position that they used the proper package available at the time.

Dealer SA indicated that it is his belief that the 7B368 BA Washer Part Quantity 1 is actually a package of washers. But I do not have access to the parts computer to verify, and the SA is just using the service computer as well (which does not provide parts detail).

Dealer position is that Ford has denied coverage as out of warranty, and that the specified hardware they used on 1/08 was correct at that point in time.

"I want to be sure that the current package 4G7Z-4B490 is used and that both sides have new bolts and washers installed. Please confirm"

I have received confirmation that both sides and all bolts and washers are being replaced.

Today, they extracted 3 bolts on one side, 1 bolt on the other side, and are using the 4G7Z-4B490-A for both axles and removing and replacing all bolts and all washers.

Current estimate from Ken Grody Ford is now $170 parts, $475 tap and drill extraction, $400 tech labor, and possibly tow.
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GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Aug 11, 2006
Surf City, USA
Randy, I recommend that you just purchase the AccuFab solution and do the work yourself.

It is actually quite easy. It will take you about 2 hours if you have all the correct tools.

I recently replaced a seal on the tranny which required the disassembly of the axle bolts. Shadowman was kind enough to allow me 'sanity check' calls when I had questions during the process. I will be more than happy to do the same for you.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jan 4, 2006
Belleville, IL
Randy, talk to DBK about contacting Jamal. He can get a hold of him.
Aug 25, 2006

The kit consists of;

12 torque to yield perimeter half shaft bolts
4 torque to yield cup retaining bolts
2 thick case hardened washers with a counter bore in them; the earlier versions did "not" have the counter bore in the washers.

Lastly; the perimeter bolts go through reusable plates that are there to allow for proper torque and clamping force distribution without CV shell distortion.

The final version is 4G7Z-4B490-A

However I only install the AccuFab/ARP ............... they are not torque to yield bolts as such will allow for future service without replacement needed.

Takes care
