Guy's Herb sent me a email about this thread today. He saw a couple items I had been working on. Boy do we have some great detectives around here.
Here is the story....
This Ford GT Parts site is something I have been playing with off and on for over a year. The site is NOT active and no payments will be processed through it at this time. So please do not order through it as it will go into a black hole.
Someone found a way to go in the backdoor as the servlet extension has been there for over a year now and has kept this off most every search engine I tried. And today, I guess we have our first hits. The idea behind the site was to link a lot of stuff together to make it easier for GT owners to find items from a variety of respected mfg, vendors.
It started as a better way to automate the sale for Harness bars and other items I have been working on rather than load up the forum with PM's etc. But it sure looked empty that way, so I started to take it another direction. But the real job demands have put it on the sidelines.
Some of the items I have agreements to sell that are someone elses creations, but they may not have a site, want more exposure, or have a fantastic item that maybe needs more exposure as it's just that cool. And, of course it is a way to sell my own items in a much more automated way. I have inventory on most of the items shown. But in general it is supposed to be more of a public service for the GT community and new GT owners. Think of it as a GT parts /acessories catalog categorized.
It could actually be live with a another few days of work, but I do not have the time at the moment to do it justice, and to be honest was not sure if this is how I wanted to do it so what you are seeing is one of 3 versions.
I have not worked on it for a couple months now as my father has taken ill, and the last 6 weeks have been very demanding on top of a demanding real job. He has a surgery scheduled for Tuesday Morning, so we will see how it goes , then he has another shortly after, but at 90 years old you can only take so much.
I am sorry if this started something it should not have, without being active. There are many more cool product links to activate, organize and I still need to write lots of files to get it where it should be. I can be a bit of a perfectionist, so it will take some more time. If you have suggestions, well now that the barn door is open, feel free to PM me with them.
And yes, I would enjoy being part of the forum at some time, but had no intentions of even approaching that until all 3 versions were done. It has been more of a hobby and a way to get away from the real job when on the road. I have gotten some help but also have been learning how to build a site/store front, etc. It has been quite and experience and I have a new found respect for the guys that do this.
Hoping for better days, I replaced what should have been my Hawaiian vacation this week doing home care for my dad and today was an especially bad day. He said he not felt this awful since being wounded in action in 1945.
If you need help finding one of the items I would be glad to help, refer, etc but for the next week or so the response will be slow, depending on the outcome of my dads surgery.