Thanks Mr. and Mrs. DBK


Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
You both ROCK!!! After day one you exceeded my expectations so everything after that was just a bonus for me. I can't thank you enough for the last 10 years of bringing all of these friendships together from across the globe. This GT community is second to none and you both deserve all the credit :bow Now take a couple of days off and get your ASS working on our next event! :rofl I can't wait

Mike Mosing

GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Aug 9, 2009
My wife said on the drive up that it's become bigger than the car. The friends we have acquired because of Bony and the Bannisters putting all the blood, sweat and tears into these events have special places in our hearts today. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Mike and Jovette.


GT Owner
Staff member
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Feb 13, 2006
Scottsdale, Arizona
Another 5-Star event. Thank you so much.

Chip, Renea, and Charley


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Oct 24, 2005
Tough to describe how this forum and especially the rallies have created so many special friends!
Its like Ford GT car camp for adults!
I am still basking in the fun we all had !
The fact that our spouses have as much fun as us is a BIG plus!
David knocked this one out of the park!
The admiration and respect from Raj Nair for our forum and DBK was nothing less than impressive!
David you are a class act and a wonderful friend!


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Nov 17, 2013
Thanks, Dave & Francesca! What a GREAT event! Y'all did a wonderful job putting this together! Am still processing everything & probably will for a while! Thanks again for everything y'all do! God Bless you & yours!


GT Owner
Dec 8, 2013
Atlanta, GA
Awesome event. I cant imagine all the hard work to put this together. A million thanks.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Apr 3, 2007
Northern California
Like Rocketman said it's hard to express thanks on a public forum, but thanks!

I know Gabrielle enjoyed the "bonding" and friendship generated in the cooking class.

We are still trying to digest the significance of all the fun events we had the privilege of attending!


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
May 9, 2006
Hutchinson, Kansas
Pattie & I just got home, what a week! Every year we think it can't be any better next year, but as everyone has seen, it always is. Thank you, thank you, I don't know how you do it?


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Mar 29, 2008
kilgore tx
Dave and Francesca - A HUGE THANK YOU from Omera and I too and all the others who helped too as it was another fantastic rally

Thank you so much

Steve and Omera


GTX1 Owner/Moderator
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Dec 15, 2006
Nev./So. Cal./Minn.
One of the most enjoyable rallies yet! Thank you Dave, and Francesca.


GT Owner
May 30, 2007
Central Calif.
Dave and Franchesca, the Ford family and all the Ford executives that help make such a wonderful event happen. Sue and I feel like we have been gone a month because of all the fun filled adventures we had with all the wonderful GT enthusiasts. Thanks Dave and Franchesca(and baby) for all your efforts to make this event the best one yet! Looking forward to seeing everyone again when we pick up our new Ford GTs. God bless you all, Richard and Sue.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Apr 5, 2009
Southern California
From me and my dad....a million thanks for putting this together, you and Mrs DBK are the greatest.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jan 4, 2011

Jen and I can't thank you and Francesca enough. What an incredibly special 3 days in Detroit. We're in again next year!



GT Owner
Jun 12, 2009
Dave thanks so much for a great time. This was my first rally and wasn't sure what to expect. you blew me away with the event! thanks so much. I've put on 1 day events WHQ and other places and know what that takes to make it all come together. can't imagine putting together almost a week's worth of good times as you have done with your crew. Thanks to you and all the Ford people who made this happen!


GT Owner
Nov 29, 2006
Beaumont, TX

Cost of tank of gas for GT $45
Cost for Rally admission $750
Cost of fuel to truck to Detroit and back $1300

Getting to spend 4 days with Great people, Great cars, Great venue........clearly Priceless.

As so many others have said, Thanks Dave, Francesca, all the Folks at Ford and everyone else who had a part in making this happen. Looking forward to the next 10.

Thanks again,



Ed Sims

GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Apr 7, 2006
Thanks DBK, Francesca & Team!

Heidi & I had a fantastic time. The Rally is always one of my favorite things I get to do all year.


Biginch Blake

GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Nov 4, 2008
Rockville, Indiana
Thanks Dave and Francesca, great job with all the activities you set up. Only problem was that we were so occupied and busy that the time flew by too fast.
Seemed like we just got started and the rally was over.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Oct 11, 2012
Central Mitten
Yes, a huge "thanks" to the Bannisters!

Also, This was our first rally and when we arrived at the hotel lounge on the first evening we felt like lost puppy dogs. it took about 5 minutes for Chip to come over and make us feel welcome. Then it was Alex and Terry's turn. What great people!

Here is an interesting story: 5 years ago, our family (Amy and two boys 4 and 6) were on a very small island in the Little Exumas, Bahamas for vacation. Extremely secluded area where you may see 100 people during a week long trip. Our family was on a beach with just a handful of others and struck a conversation with a couple from Chicago. A few cocktails later, somehow our family found our way on to their beautiful Hatteras for more fun. We were there for a few hours but had to leave because we had to fly home the next day. Our kids had the time of their lives and still talk about "that ship" to this day. We exchanged phone numbers and emails but nothing ever came of it.

Fast forward to the opening cocktail party at the rally on Tuesday evening. Amy and I were at a table with Terry when a couple (Russ and Jacquelyn) from Chicago came over to introduce themselves to us. After 10-15 minutes of conversation, Jacquelyn asked Amy if she was an engineer and she said, "yes I am". Jacquelyn then said, "I remember you! You were on our boat in the Bahamas years ago with your kids!"....what a small world.

Brian and Amy


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Apr 3, 2007
Northern California
Great story BAT!


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Apr 28, 2006
Dave and Francesca,

Thank you for a truly classy event. The Ford executive teams and panels, the viewing of the concept drawings, the clay models, and finished (well almost finished) product was something I suspect on only a few Ford folks have been able to experience. Your contacts and clout in the Ford GT world make these events truly awesome. Not to mention our group being given the method for which someone like me might even have a small chance of getting a 2017 GT was very exciting. It was even better to read about the sales process in a Forbes article the next day ... after we were given that information.

The road rally was a great time also. Great stops and fun route.

Again, from Karen and me ... Thanks!
