Hey guys, I normally don't create posts, but his happened to me the other day and it's just to damned funny not to share;
So my life has been a little rough lately through a burgulary followed by a hurricane so I decide to take the Batmobile to work last Friday. I get on to Beltway 8 here in Houston at Westheimer and need to give her a bit of stick to get over to the far right lane to exit onto Westpark Tollway Westbound. I'm doing 90 or so by the time I get to the left lane, and I look into the rearview to see a f*ckin constable on my tail. Slow down, dial up brightness on halo (drive exactly speed limit), etc. 2 miles down the road the guy pulls me over, and so it begins:
officer: is this really a Ford?
me: yup.
officer: really?
me: indeedy it is.
officer: a Ford what?
me: a Ford GT
officer: like a mustang?
me: does it look like a f*ckin mustang to you?
officer: I've never seen one - you're free to go
me: OK, so why did you pull me over?
officer: I ran your plates and it came up a Ford, so I thought it was a Ferrari with stolen plates.
me (laughing hard): This car exists as a result of it's heritage the design intent of which was to destroy ferraris, but she is for sure an American supercar and a Ford.
officer: cool!
me: cut me some slack if you see me hauling ass.
officer: no problem - have a nice day!
me: and you!
So my life has been a little rough lately through a burgulary followed by a hurricane so I decide to take the Batmobile to work last Friday. I get on to Beltway 8 here in Houston at Westheimer and need to give her a bit of stick to get over to the far right lane to exit onto Westpark Tollway Westbound. I'm doing 90 or so by the time I get to the left lane, and I look into the rearview to see a f*ckin constable on my tail. Slow down, dial up brightness on halo (drive exactly speed limit), etc. 2 miles down the road the guy pulls me over, and so it begins:
officer: is this really a Ford?
me: yup.
officer: really?
me: indeedy it is.
officer: a Ford what?
me: a Ford GT
officer: like a mustang?
me: does it look like a f*ckin mustang to you?
officer: I've never seen one - you're free to go
me: OK, so why did you pull me over?
officer: I ran your plates and it came up a Ford, so I thought it was a Ferrari with stolen plates.
me (laughing hard): This car exists as a result of it's heritage the design intent of which was to destroy ferraris, but she is for sure an American supercar and a Ford.
officer: cool!
me: cut me some slack if you see me hauling ass.
officer: no problem - have a nice day!
me: and you!