Saac Lawsuit


Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 5, 2005
Fresno, Ca.


SAAC Press Release

November 25, 2007 - Sharon, CT.

SAAC is very proud of its numerous accomplishments over the past 33 years and is looking forward to a bright future for the many years ahead.

The strength of the club is its 5,000 loyal members and the dedicated staff of volunteers who share a passion for the exciting cars built by Shelby American. They all understand the value of an independent car club run by enthusiasts for enthusiasts, as opposed to a club managed by a company whose objective is to sell automobiles, parts, automotive services and merchandise to its members. The company- run club is always vulnerable to the inevitable changes in corporate personnel, budgets and marketing strategies. On the other hand, the independent enthusiast club is financed by its members’ dues and is only accountable to them. It always has their best interests in mind.

One of SAAC’s most important missions is to protect the integrity of the marque against the dishonest, the revisionists and the counterfeiters. Over the decades, as a result of tens of thousands of volunteer man- hours, SAAC has amassed a comprehensive data base of information on each Shelby vehicle. SAAC has assisted countless owners verifying the authenticity and history of their cars. The club has protected many Shelby enthusiasts non-members from being victimized by dishonorable and deceitful individuals and will continue to do so. The data is the basis of the club’s registry which is published every ten years and contains information gathered since the previous edition was printed. This ongoing effort is greatly responsible for the high values of the cars because current and future owners have confidence in the integrity of the history and authenticity of the cars.

Regrettably, Carroll Shelby has announced that he will not be renewing SAAC’s licensing agreement to use his name in conjunction with the operation of the club. SAAC has never been given a reason for this termination. Among other things, Shelby has demanded the handing over of all documents regarding the registry of all Shelby vehicles by SAAC since January 1, 1996. Please see the attached letter from Mr. Shelby's lawyers, M. Neil Cummings & Associates:

Initial indications from SAAC’s legal counsel are that Shelby’s many demands are without legal merit. As a result, SAAC has no choice other than to vigorously defend the clubs’ and its members’ proprietary information, property and rights.

In order to properly respond to Mr. Shelby's demands, SAAC has established a legal defense fund. Make no mistake: the body of information on these cars that SAAC members have contributed and its registrars have compiled is all that separates the originals from the fakes. Without tight control of this information, it would be impossible for anyone to ascertain which cars were legitimate and which were not. Rather than causing all cars to continue to increase in desirability and value, they would all plummet. We have not worked for 33 years to suddenly allow this to happen. Likewise, for all SAAC members, this is not a tennis match where you can afford to sit on the sidelines and dispassionately watch the match. The club needs each member to assist in its defense by donating to the defense fund.

We know we are on the right side of this. Unfortunately, it takes more than just knowing you are right. You have to have solid counsel appear with you in court. And in our legal system that has a price. If you believe in what the club is doing SAAC needs your support by way of a donation to the legal defense fund. There is no minimum amount. Donations can be made by check (payable to "SAAC Legal Defense Fund") or by Visa or MasterCard (click here to contribute online):

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is when good men do nothing." - Edmund Burke

SAAC will continue to serve its members through its national award winning publications, regions, member services, on-line forum and national convention. The club is greatly appreciative of the steadfast support and dedication of its members, volunteers and sponsors.

Ken Eber, Rick Kopec, Howard Pardee

SAAC National Directors

Kirby Vieira

GT Owner/B.o.D
Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 22, 2005
Thanks Bony.
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GT Owner
Dec 20, 2005
Beautiful East Texas
That old geezer doesn't show much gratitude for what SAAC has done to make & keep him in the automotive limelight over the past 25 years or so... otherwise, he would have long ago been relegated to the ash-heap of automotive minutia.

As a long time SAAC member, I would vote to move forward without further involvement...

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The Favor Factory™
Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
What a mess. SAAC vs. the man it's named after.

Kirby Vieira

GT Owner/B.o.D
Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 22, 2005
Over the last couple years, under the leadership of Amy Boylan, Shelby's business has grown from a struggling specialty enterprise to a BIG automotive colossus. When this occurs, it's not unusual for some of the little guys to get left in the dust, but it is often very sad. IMO, from a distance, this is one of those sad occasions.


Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 5, 2005
Fresno, Ca.
What Amy has been able to accomplish is a great and powerful launch of the Mustang conversion program which has generated cash. The replica business has always been a very hard go, it is well known that Kirkham had cut off Shelby several times when they got seriously behind on their invoices. The Series 1 was a fiasco, but, again this was building a ground up sports car.
The Mustang business is simply slapping on mods and labels. I think Amy is great, she is approachable and hands on.

However, SAAC kept the Shelby name alive, and has done so very much for us Cobra lovers. What SAAC refused to do was start a forum, publish the magazine and have dialogue with their members. However, that being said, I am a National member of SAAC and a NorCal member as well.


GT Owner
Nov 16, 2005
Long Island, NY

Perfect... The snake oil salesman versus the Saac clowns. Its amazing how money brings the worst out in people. I guess Kopec and Eber don't like there license to print money pulled out from under them. It's hillarious, time to make some popcorn, standback and watch the fireworks!


GT Owner
Jul 13, 2006
Hope it doesnt end like DeTomaso


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Aug 18, 2005
Frisco, Tx
Good lord how many ways can Shelby be in lawsuits.

Saac, Unique and Eleanor...I really think the Eleanor lawsuit is the one that will be the most problematic.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jun 24, 2006
Metro Detroit
Putting Affairs in Order?

I'm not as close to the SAAC/Shelby politics as you guys, but perhaps the effort to recover the property is intended as a means to fund his Children's charity on a longer term basis - read: endowment. As Carroll has mentioned, he can't sign autographs forever.


Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 5, 2005
Fresno, Ca.
It only about the:


Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 5, 2005
Fresno, Ca.
and today we finally get a SACC forum... like Henry Ford asking what color Model T you want...


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jun 24, 2006
Metro Detroit
Yes, of course - always the $$.

Seems very interesting - that is, the timing of the launch of the SAAC forum and the legal positioning. I'd say there's a bit more to this than the press release and letter that we see. Perhaps some broken promises, maybe some broken bones over time. As I get older, my perspective of what's important has changed too.

Over time I'd think cooler heads will prevail. Prediction: Sorted out by BJ in January.

Yes, Black w/brass rad (no Mac)


The Favor Factory™
Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
I'm not as close to the SAAC/Shelby politics as you guys, but perhaps the effort to recover the property is intended as a means to fund his Children's charity on a longer term basis - read: endowment. As Carroll has mentioned, he can't sign autographs forever.

Nah, that ain't it. It all boils down to what escman pointed out above.

All I can say is I offered Carroll a split for his Children's fund when we raised money for Iraq Vets, and he declined and said the Vets needed it more. Signed away in spite of the loss of his eyesight and a taxing schedule most 30 year olds, let alone 85 year olds, can't adhere to. Did it all for free without a peep.

"SAAC has never been given a reason for this termination." :rolleyes Kopec knows the reason, and all this bitter posturing does nobody any good at this late stage in Carroll's life. Especially because nobody hears his side.


Le Mans 2010 Sponsor * Moderator
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jan 22, 2006
N.E. OH & Naples, FL
Mr. Shelby pulls plug on SAAC

For those of you who are members of the Shelby American Automobile Club, you may have received a copy of the organization's press release and copy of the letter from Shelby's attorney. After highlighting the organization's achievements over the past 33 years, it ends with...

..."Regrettably, Carroll Shelby has announced that he will not be renewing SAAC's licensing agreement to use his name in conjunction with the operation of the club. SAAC has never been given a reason for this termination. Among other things, Shelby has demanded the handling over of all documents regarding the registry of all Shelby vehicles by SAAC since January 1, 1996."

Tomy...Any surprises here?

Jeff? What about our Ford GT Registry through SAAC?

Interesting stuff for this group.


Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Tim, No surprises for me. I hope our GT registry is included in the publication if printed. I'm sure there have been many sold and paid for at this point. As I, Daniel and others have stated "it's a sad affair". Carroll and I have talked about this breakup in strict confidence. Tomy Hamon


Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 5, 2005
Fresno, Ca.
Hello Tim,
We have a couple of threads going on this already... Tomy and Jeff have commented.
In the interest of order, I will be moving your post over to one the the threads tomorrow.
For now, I will be closing it.
Happy Holidays!


Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 5, 2005
Fresno, Ca.
Hello Tim,
We have a couple of threads going on this already... Tomy and Jeff have commented.
In the interest of order, I will be moving your post over to one the the threads tomorrow.
For now, I will be closing it.
Happy Holidays!


Ed Sims

GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Apr 7, 2006

I am a member of the SAAC & the NorCal Region of the SAAC. Aren't they all non-profit groups?



GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Feb 5, 2006
Daytona Beach
Shelby vs. SAAC

Ed -
Most of the local regions of SAAC are non-profit clubs. The National SAAC club is a "for-profit" organization - some people have made a big deal out of that. I have belonged to the club since the beginning, and I did not notice any significant change when the national club changed their non-profit status. Over the years, the newsletters and bulletins have slowed down - but, think about it - how many more original stories can you come up with about a car that was built 40 years ago?

Tim -
The Regsitry is safe, and the compilation of data is continuing. The Cobra edition (with both old and new Ford GT's) should be out this summer. Those of us who have dedicated hundreds and hundreds of hours preparing this book do not intend to let it die or fall into the wrong hands.

This is a terrible situation, but we are going to try to make the best of it. Unfortunately, the enthusiasts are the ones who stand to lose the most out of this. It has sure dampened MY spirits.

