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  • I'm sorry we missed the event. We made it last year, however, my wife and I are at our home in Arizona right now. Garrett called me this morning to tell me that he met you. I told him that we have spoken and corresponded. Hope to meet you in person soon. I'm glad you were able to meet all three of my boys. I'm proud of them all!
    I attended a fund raiser last night to benifit Akron Childrens Hospital. My daughter and her husband along friends Kevan and Megan put this on. During the evening I got to meet 3 of your sons! Fine young men you have there. We got to talk Ford GT stuff. Learned some pretty good things. A good time was had by all, and they raised $2100 for the hospital.
    I have a few muscle cars and want to buy an 06 GT do you know of anyone selling? Martin Herman 410 967 0084
    It was a pleasure to talk with you yesterday.
    On another topic, I have a friend here looking at a new Lambo 12 cyl. '09 starting @ roughly $360K BEFORE THE OPTIONS! What are these people (Lamborghini) thinking? I've had so called luxury cars for years (MB, BMW, Porsche, etc), but the GT is my only real supercar experience (especially as far as price). However, I know you're a real car guy, and obviously well to do. That being said, in this climate where Ferrari USA literally sells 1/10 the cars in Dec '08 that they sold in Dec '07, how on earth does Lambo USA justify a price of $360 large? They have to be nuts!
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