Lift - 4 Post or other - Megathread


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Mar 13, 2006
Southern CA
My garage ceiling is 9'6" and there's the sectional garage door that opens into the ceiling, any chance that a GT can sit on top of a Viper?


Well-known member
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Nov 3, 2005
Renton, Washington
My garage ceiling is 9'6" and there's the sectional garage door that opens into the ceiling, any chance that a GT can sit on top of a Viper?

Let the air out of the tires for needed additional clearance, if needed.


Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Feb 20, 2006
Washington Michigan
When the Association Nazi's of where I live give me grief (planting wo permit etc.) I pull mine out, put a ~70 pick up on it, move the couch from the screened porch to the driveway and say "I can be much worse :rofl"

Luckily my garage is deep enough I don;t have to mess with the ramps........

I get the best ideas on this site:thumbsup


Proud Owner/ BOD blah bla
Mark IV Lifetime
Feb 14, 2006
North Carolina
My garage ceiling is 9'6" and there's the sectional garage door that opens into the ceiling, any chance that a GT can sit on top of a Viper?

Bruce, in the Pic's earlier I show the Mustang and the FGT together on the lift all in a 9'6" garage due to the beam height in the middle of the garage. If your ceiling height is today a total of 9'6", the biggest concern would be the garage door itself with opener and how tight it can be mounted to the ceiling.


Le Mans 2010 Sponsor * Moderator
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jan 22, 2006
N.E. OH & Naples, FL
My garage ceiling is 9'6" and there's the sectional garage door that opens into the ceiling, any chance that a GT can sit on top of a Viper?

That would be no problem at all. I have a Viper and GT stacked with room to spare.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Sep 9, 2006
Bruce, you are long overdue for a lift, the solution to your storage issues.

paul b

GT Owner
Nov 2, 2006
does anyone have experience with the Danmar lift?

K-P Garage

GT Owner
Sep 12, 2005
Longwood, Florida

I Have two BBs, one that will pick up the F250 if needed and a regular. Oddly enough, more neighbors comment on the lifts than the cars. I love the couch in the driveway idea big time. Thanks!


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GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Mar 14, 2006
San Diego
does anyone have experience with the Danmar lift?
I installed one in a friends garage and it is vircually identical to my bendpak with the exception of the locking mechanism. The bendpaks locking stops are adjustable to allow you to get the car level, the danmar are fixed to the upright and use a mechanical linkage rather than the air cylinder to operate the latches.


Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
I pull mine out, put a ~70 pick up on it, move the couch from the screened porch to the driveway and say "I can be much worse :rofl"

And remember, ya could always set an old refrigerator or freezer out front thar too...even if ya had to go out & borrow one.

(If yer werkin' TV is settin' on top of yer NON werkin' TV...)


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Mar 13, 2006
Southern CA
Been using mine for over a year. Have had 4 transmission and clutches in/out, 12+ oil changes, 5+ brake jobs, 1 set of Heffner pipes, 1 Whipple

930man, Doc John just put two of these type of lifts in at his new place.... Check your e-mail

What is your ceiling height?


GT Owner
Dec 3, 2006
Naples, FL
I Have two BBs, one that will pick up the F250 if needed and a regular. Oddly enough, more neighbors comment on the lifts than the cars. I love the couch in the driveway idea big time. Thanks!

I though you had some kind of mirror setup there!

Nice garage.

I've had an Eagle and just installed a Greg Smith equipment with the sliding jacks. Those jacks are great. Both lifts served me well, both I'm sure are chinese. Standardish garage ceilings are not a problem as long as you can get the garage door up and have an wayne dalton idrive or jacksrew operator. I have about 119" - working under the car is doable but I can't stand straight up everywhere when working on a Mustang. It's easier with the GT because it can go up another 6 or 8".

Watch the width between cables - there are some available that will take the paint off of your mirrors.

If they aren't made in the US, I think they all come out of the same sweatshop in China.:wink



Mark IV Lifetime
Apr 23, 2007
Guys, a few things I have done to resolve ceiling height issues and garage door tracks, is to install a high lift track system and mount the garage door opener on the wall. As long as the door has torsion springs and a screw drive door opener it can be done.


Proud Owner/ BOD blah bla
Mark IV Lifetime
Feb 14, 2006
North Carolina
What is your ceiling height?

Bruce, I have a beam in the middle of the garage perpendicular to the lift with a usable 9' 6" on the bottom of it. The beam is 16+" to the celling of 11'

What I had done is have the garage door tracks "extended" on the door so that the door basically rolls up on the ceiling within 6" of the 11". The garage door motor head also has been raised and fits in the 14" of the beam height. It cost ~$400 to have the door reworked.

Between the FGT and the roof of the car below/ above there is ~ 6-8" to spare!

Net Net - I have the lift, the Ford GT and another full size car that can be placed in a 9'6" garage! :thumbsup


Keep Smiling - GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Oct 14, 2005
4 post lift for the barn!!!

Guys ,finally looking for the 4 post. THERE ARE 5 MILLION LIFTS ALL CLAIMING BUILT IN AMERICA AND THE OTHER GUYS IS GOING TO FALL ON MY HEAD?Any help please want to install as more toys are coming.ANOTHER GT? MAYBE? NEED A LIFT. THANKS GUYS GTJOEY 1314/0004:thumbsup


Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jun 28, 2006
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
Joey - there were a lot of posts on this in the past, but when I was interested, I was dealing with a company called ARESCO in Pontiac Mich. They were American made, did a lot of work for the 3 Autos in Assembly plants etc and in my case, would do the deliver and the installation.
Budget constraints (ie no recent toys added) negated the near term need so I have not purchased.
their phone 1-877-227-3726


Mark IV Lifetime
Apr 23, 2007
Joey, love my bendpak!!!! I have an old Autolifter lift, which is a identical design to the back yard buddy,but IMO the Bendpak is as well built , has a greater lifting capacity(9000lb) and is less costly. If you ever want to check them out in person let me know.


PS- As far as assembly goes the Back Yard buddy is probably easier, but I have assembled both my lifts by by self without to much difficulty.

Blue Moose

Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Apr 12, 2006
Bendpack here also. American made and available in wide widths perfect for your GT's.:thumbsup

Dr Robert Harms

GT Owner
Nov 24, 2005
Lifts, like virtually all shop equipment, are a glut on the market. I routinely see lifts sold for scrap prices circa 25 bucks. These are professional quality items from failed dealerships.

Dr Harms,
Please post a link, past or present, or scan an ad. It would be the first positive post you have ever made on this board.
Thank you,


Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 21, 2008
Houston Texas
Lifts, like virtually all shop equipment, are a glut on the market. I routinely see lifts sold for scrap prices circa 25 bucks. These are professional quality items from failed dealerships.

got any links to places that are selling cheap?