First 4 Forum Members Finalize Specs and Sign Contracts for a New Ford GT.


GT Owner
Staff member
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Feb 13, 2006
Scottsdale, Arizona

As a freshman in high school I enjoyed watching an old TV show called the FBI. I’m sure some of you remember it. During one episode the lead agent was trying to arrest some drug dealers who escaped in a Learjet. The FBI agent made his way to a nearby Marine Corps air base and was instantly welcomed into the rear seat of an F-4 Phantom whose pilot, along with two other Marine aviators proceeded to run down that Learjet and force it to land. I know that scenario is preposterous but the sight of those magnificent jets and the aura surrounding the Marines who flew them had a strong effect on me. I resolved then and there that I would fly for the Marines someday. Upon graduation from high school I entered an officer training program called PLC (platoon leaders class) that had me spending half of my summers during college in Quantico, Virginia at Officer Candidate School. During those same college years the war in Vietnam came to a close, the Marines did not need pilots, and I was disqualified from being flight eligible for routine allergies. I never became a Marine aviator nor did I ever fly a Marine Corps jet. Upon graduation from college I was discharged and the first thing I did is learn to fly while running our family’s automobile dealership. Five years later I started aerobatic flight training and immediately entered competition. Four years after that I had progressed through all five categories and won my first of three “Arizona State Unlimited Aerobatic Championships”. Those credentials led to my becoming the airshow demonstration pilot for the Stoddard Hamilton Aircraft Company, and that job soon had me flying in many of the largest airshows in the United States including military shows where performances by the Blue Angels or Thunderbirds were supplemented by civilian performers. I’ll never forget my first airshow at the Marine Corps Air Station in Yuma, Arizona. The United States Marine Corps was paying me $1000 a day to fly for them. I desired it so much that life gave me a second chance to live out that dream.

So what the hell does that have to do with today??? Stay with me. In the mid-1960s my father was the general manager of Chase Morsey’s Paradise Ford in Scottsdale, Arizona. Chase was a former Ford factory executive and a big race car enthusiast. He sold quite a few Shelby Mustangs and Cobras. On one occasion my father brought a brand-new Cobra home and took me for a wild ride when I was eight years old. I spent quite a bit of time at the dealership and during one visit Chase had a Ford GT sitting in the show room. An honest to God original Ford GT, one of only 134 produced. A handful of those cars were built for sale to the general public but that was not the purpose of the GT program back then. It was conceived, designed, and built to do one and only one thing, to win the 24 Hours of Le Mans. Selling a few cars to the general public was incidental to that true purpose. It was the most beautiful car I had ever seen and like many young boys who viewed such cars I vowed that I would own one someday. What would it have been like to have had one built to your personal specs back in 1965? To have your own hand built piece of automotive history? How cool would that have been?

When Ford announced they were building a new GT a decade ago I immediately set about searching for and acquiring my own. I purchased my yellow GT new in Houston, Texas in early 2006 and that car has led to friendships, adventure, travel, endless debauchery, and priceless memories. I have read and studied everything I could get my hands on related to the Ford GT, it’s race history, and the legendary men involved in its manufacture and accomplishments on the track. The pinnacle of all this of course was Le Mans, but my 2006 GT was not built to win at Le Mans like the originals; my GT was built to pay tribute to those 1960s GT’s. The Ford Motor Company never raced the new GT although a few privateers did.

DBK and I were at Le Mans when the Matech GT’s dominated all production cars for the first eight hours back in 2010. We could all taste victory that night. It was something that we intensely desired and it was becoming more real with each passing hour. I was sitting near the Dunlap bridge late that night in the darkness when Ford GT #60’s engine expired and the dream was shattered. We all went to bed thinking, “How cool would it have been to see the Ford GT win again at Le Mans?”

And that brings us to today. The Ford Motor Company has once again laid it all on the line to compete against the world’s best auto manufacturers at the toughest motor race on earth with a new Ford GT whose singular purpose is to win at Le Mans. And again, selling a few of the new GT’s to the public is secondary to the cars reason for being. Like the original GT's produced by Lola in the 1960s, these would be hand built by master craftsmen in very small numbers, this time by Multimatic in Canada. And because these new GT’s exist to race and win at Le Mans, I believe they are the true spiritual successors of those 134 original GT’s. And like the originals, these new GT’s are as rare as unicorns and nearly impossible to acquire by mere mortal owner/enthusiasts like me.

But desire is a powerful force. Ford took their new GT back to Le Mans and hundreds of GT Forum true believers were on hand to witness another epic Ford/Ferrari battle resulting in the GT’s victory. This time all of our desire came to fruition and I believe it is that desire combined with the loyalty and ferocious devotion of our Ford GT community that led the Ford family and Raj Nair to give many current Ford GT owners an opportunity to acquire one of these rare, historic, and very special automobiles.

Today we can announce that 4 Ford GT Forum Members will be among the very first individuals to take delivery of a new Ford GT. Those 4 members have finalized their personal specifications and signed contracts. They are David Bannister, Tomy Hamon, Brian Stormer, and Chip Beck. I am humbled, I am honored, and I am thankful.

I also have trouble believing it. But what I do believe more than ever, is that if you want something badly enough, life will give you a second chance. How cool is that?

I know I speak for every one who has been chosen to own a new Ford GT when I say thank you in the most sincere way to the Ford family, to Raj, and to the entire Ford Team. And for his tireless work on our behalf, our endless gratitude to David Bannister.

All the best.

Chip Beck
Ford GT Forum
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GT Owner
Jul 27, 2016
Austin, Texas


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
May 28, 2011
Fayetteville, Ga.
Good choices, congratulations to all 4:thumbsup


Ford Gt Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Aug 8, 2007
a big congrats to all, very deserving group, I don't about Dave tho :lol


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Apr 25, 2007
Miami, Florida
Well said.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Feb 19, 2013
Congrats Gentlemen!


GT Owner
Jul 26, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
Awesome! Will they be done in time for Santa to pick them up and leave them under the tree by next Sunday?

john gourley

GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Apr 27, 2006
Major Congrats


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Feb 29, 2008
Asbury, NJ

That was great!

Thank you.

It's not too late to take up a career as an author.

Can't think of a more deserving group of initial recipients. Congratulations and best wishes to all!

Any chance of sharing details on individual specification choices?

Any chance any of you will have your car - think about that, YOUR car - at Daytona?


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jul 7, 2008
Lafayette, CO


Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
May 25, 2006
Ft. Lauderdale
I guess " The Cat is out of the bag " !! :biggrin


GT Owner
Marine Aviation missed a great opportunity...glad FORD has you in the cockpit!


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Nov 28, 2005
So its OBVIOUS what chip got for a color, DBK has insinuated, Brian, and Tomy?


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Oct 24, 2005
I am chomping at the bit!
But am so excited for my good friends! (who I know will let me drive them!)


Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
May 25, 2006
Ft. Lauderdale
Mine is going to look exactly like this except for the guy behind the wheel.....:biggrin


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GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Nov 28, 2005


Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
Lemme help you Brian -



Ford Gt Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Aug 8, 2007
nice choice Brain! looks wicked


Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
I think everyone knows what color mine will be American Racing Color, White/ Blue Stripe. Best picture I have sorry.


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GT Owner
Staff member
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Feb 13, 2006
Scottsdale, Arizona
The new #34


My new GT will fly the traditional Team CB yellow and black colors. Special black leather interior. Aluminum gloss black wheels, bright red calipers, gloss exposed carbon fiber, beautiful blonde Kim in the passenger seat, and a very happy driver. Should make quite a pair with the current #34 at Cars & Coffee in a couple months. All the best.



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