A Little Praise For Kip


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Sep 11, 2005
Phoenix, AZ
I have been trying to figure out how to replace my binnacle with something not so glossy as Kip's CF binnacle. I thought about leather and some other composites. However, the "one-off" nature made them too expensive. Kip was quick to agree to create a CF binnacle with a matte finish. It arrived and I have now installed it. It is perfect!! If any of you are looking for a little more subtle CF look to your binnacle (a la Audi's R8 dash)
, consider working with Kip. His customer service and willingness to please is second to none.

In addition to Kip, I need to thank Shadowman, Evan and Kendall. Together, they improved my confidence to tackle such a project, and provided some very helpful advice. Thank you all.
Aug 25, 2006
I have been trying to figure out how to replace my binnacle with something not so glossy as Kip's CF binnacle. I thought about leather and some other composites. However, the "one-off" nature made them too expensive. Kip was quick to agree to create a CF binnacle with a matte finish. It arrived and I have now installed it. It is perfect!! If any of you are looking for a little more subtle CF look to your binnacle (a la Audi's R8 dash)
, consider working with Kip. His customer service and willingness to please is second to none.

In addition to Kip, I need to thank Shadowman, Evan and Kendall. Together, they improved my confidence to tackle such a project, and provided some very helpful advice. Thank you all.

As always; it remains my true pleasure.

Now as for Kip; he is a wonderful person and a friend that cares; in fact far more about making certain that to a person they are happy with what he creates when compared to simply selling that which he does.

A unique quality in today's world.

Takes care



Farm GT
Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
May 21, 2008
can you post a pic. would like to see the difference. going to do Kips dash real soon. thanks CJ


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Sep 11, 2005
Phoenix, AZ
I have tried to take some pictures. Unfortunately, with a flash, it looks the same as the gloss finish. Without a flash, picture quality is very poor. I'll keep trying in some different lighting conditions.


GT Owner
Aug 21, 2006
South of Sydney, AUS
I've just started with Kips storage bin. I had the handbrake bezel, but that threw up a natural shaping issue with my right hand drive remade tunnel so its gone back. We also hit a bump in the road trying to get the installed storage bin back in the car with the tunnel as the linkage and cable also run opposite in my car. So I've had to have part of the bottom section cut out and re-attached unfort, losing a bit of depth in the process. Kip was most willing to assist in sketching the fix after I sent him some photos. I'm no stranger to the pitfall of using products designed for LHD cars over here, but sometimes even the parts like the storage bin which seem to be straightforward don't always fit right off the bat.

Fortunately the next series of parts I've ordered aren't effected by the RHD setup in my car. I must say Kip has been great and more than willing to suggest ways to alter the finish to suit my car i.e. using Texalium for silver CF look in places that might make the interior too dark in a black car.

Indy GT

Yea, I got one...too
Mark IV Lifetime
Jan 14, 2006
Greenwood, IN
For Kip

Kip is an exceptional asset to us and this Forum.

I met Kip for the first time at the Ford Centennial celebration when Ford rolled out Jobs 1, 2 and 3 to the public. Red, White (Bill Ford's personal car) and Blue. This was the first (as far as I know) public unveiling of the FGT finished product to the public and was a cornerstone for the 100 year celebration for Ford. (Check out our headlights.) I went to this event to see in person the car I was determined to buy.

The three cars were in the "round", front-and-center, roped off with a gaggle of red-shirted, Ford GT logoed engineers swarming around the cars answering questions for the crowd which grew by the minute. After talking at length to one of the suspension engineers I asked the bold statement if I could HEAR one of the cars fire up. "OHhhhh, we can't touch these cars!", was the response. "You must make that request of the chief over there", pointing to Kip who was busy with another crowd of gawkers. I can't honestly remember but he may even have been his signature light blue/orange Gulf GT shirt.

I made my way over to "his" crowd, waited my turn for his attention and then asked, "Kip, could you fire one up so we can hear this magnificent machine?" He studied me for a brief period, wondering I am sure if I was a real prospective owner or a tire kicker. I must have passed, for he walked over to the middle car (as I made my way through the crowd to the rear of the car) opened the door (that was cool too) got in and fired the car up. The crowd quickly grew to the rear of the car as others wanted to hear the car also...I just got to ask the question.

Kip was responsible for those cars, they were his babies and the team knew and respected his protective custody. But he was obviously very proud of our cars as he is today. And his service to us all exemplifies in spades his continuing love for this car. Thanks Kip for the fire-up (I do now own one) and all that you do for us and our cars!

Kirby Vieira

GT Owner/B.o.D
Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 22, 2005
Great story and most deserving salute to Kip :cheers


Well-known member
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Nov 3, 2005
Renton, Washington
Indyman- you look like a tire kicker to me! :thumbsup

p.s.Remember to wear you steel toed boots!:lol

Seriously Bill, I'm sure that all those present were glad you asked for the fire to be lit.
THAT will not be forgotten for those lucky ones that were there.

As beautiful as the car the Mr. Pardo designed is, the piece d'resistance is the wonderful sounds coming from the business end of the GT.

Thanks for asking Kip. I'll bet a large amount that the GT perm-a-grin Kip must have had that day was huge.


Le Mans 2010 Sponsor * Moderator
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jan 22, 2006
N.E. OH & Naples, FL
You can always get the help you need from the members and sponsors of this forum. Thanks to Kip and all involved, you guys are a great reflection on this fine group.

Ed Sims

GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Apr 7, 2006

Kip - You rock!
