Who could sell a GT??

Doctr V

GT Owner
Mar 16, 2010
Sell my GT? Probably not. But if things changed in my life then I would definitely start prioritizing. I can see how the turn of the stocks and other things that affect businesses can make the economy spiral downward. I am fortunate enough that I shouldnt ever be in that position. After 10 years , business is getting bigger everyday for me and I am extremely thankful. As far as college tuition, I have 4 kids ranging from 10 yrs old to 6 months. U bet your bippy Im saving for that already!!!!!! :)

Fast Freddy

Mark II Lifetime
Aug 5, 2005
Avondale, Arizona
For the right $$$$ everything is for sale. The only emotional attachment I have in life is towards my family.

my Freedom is not for sale....


my Freedom is not for sale....

I'll drink to that...:cheers:cheers


Blue/white 06'
Mark II Lifetime
Never in our wildest dreams could many of us foresee the current vilification and full frontal assault upon productive and successful Americans.

Over the last 20 years, I have been asking the Kids I meet that are going off to college what they intend to study and do with their lives. Used to be most of them said medicine, law, engineering and business etc. I have been floored how many now are looking at programs that will pave their way into Government employment. Up here city, state and county government jobs are most sought after.

Talk about the tables being turned. :bored


GT Owner
Nov 2, 2005
SF Bay Area in California
:ack :thumbsdow


Blue/white 06'
Mark II Lifetime
:ack :thumbsdow

They know where the money is.

And the ultimate job security, lots of paid vacations and generous benefit packages and retention bonus's and super lush pensions that allow rehiring after retiring to collect, etc.

Oh, and the big one, no risk taking required.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Apr 12, 2006
Los Angeles
Mine has no price. Won't ever be for sale.


2005 white/blue stripe
Jun 18, 2010
Rye Brook, New York
Lots of sage comments/advice. I'm a relative newbie to ownership, but was lusting after one since the first prototypes were unveiled. When I told my wife I was buying the car, she looked at me funny until I showed her the 7 year old auto magazine I had saved with the car on the cover. She then understood that this was not an impulse buy. I am fortunate enough to have already completed sending our daughter to an expensive undergrad college (Emory) and an expensive Law School (Boston U), for a total cost of 380,000. She now has a 2 year government presidential fellowship that will hopefully lead to a full time job with either the government or other employer. That being said, I now have the GT and another toy that I vowed I wouldn't sell, but if needed in a "heartbeat" to support my family (sisters, mother, etc) one or both toys could go. Health and family come first, if I couldn't fund needs from my savings/investments than the toys are just that, material posessions that give me pleasure, but not what would come before family. We're all proud owners, love our cars, but I'd really be suprised if any of us would put our cars before real needs. I feel for those that are going through hard financial times, I handle money for a living, quite a few of my clients have lost their businesses in the past few years, my client that has grown the most over the past 4 years is a bankruptcy attorney, he's been so busy he hasn't had time to catch his breath. Be thankful for what you have, if you have your health and your loved ones theirs, you're wealthy beyond words. If you have all of that and a Ford GT, you're lucky as well!!!


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Oct 24, 2005
To clarify ,Assuming your life ,family and economic well being are all just fine .
I should have stated that in the beginning!!
How could you ever sell your Ford GT???


2005 white/blue stripe
Jun 18, 2010
Rye Brook, New York
To clarify ,Assuming your life ,family and economic well being are all just fine .
I should have stated that in the beginning!!
How could you ever sell your Ford GT???
Well, if you put it that way, if someone offered me 300 grand for mine, I'd sell it and replace it with 2 of them!!!!


GT Owner
Jul 13, 2006
In the spirit of the post, back in the day Shelby Cobras were hard to sell (even Carroll had trouble as a dealer) and, many an owner shifted theirs

On Education, there is no need to go $100K+ in debt. All 50 states have flagship universities for tuition <$10K/yr if you live at home, that are as good as private; and with subsidized loans many can go with full tuition paid.

On family, opening the checkbook at the drop of the hat is not always the answer. There is something to be said for "tough-love" and giving others the chance to learn tough lessons...that "tuition" is priceless.

See many a post on other forums where a hard-working man gives up his hard-won prizes needlessly.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Jan 19, 2008
Glendale, Arizona
Apparently even those who HATE the GT have separation anxiety at the thought of parting company (Dr. Harms :biggrin).

In the spirit of the post, back in the day Shelby Cobras were hard to sell (even Carroll had trouble as a dealer) and, many an owner shifted theirs

Carroll Shelby had a hard time getting rid of the Daytona Coupes when their racing careers were over - twisted the arms of guys like Bob Bondaurant to by them. I think that Bob paid something like $10K for one, and then sold it to someone else. Bet he wished he'd kept it!!


GT Owner
Mar 4, 2006
We all make compromises.

Could you imagine eating the same food for the rest of your life. Think of all the experiences you would miss out on.
Having 1 woman for the rest of your life the same thing could be said.
But with the gt who needs food or a wife?

I guess it depends on what taste buds you were dealt.


GT Owner
May 14, 2010
San Diego
On Education, there is no need to go $100K+ in debt. All 50 states have flagship universities for tuition <$10K/yr if you live at home, that are as good as private; and with subsidized loans many can go with full tuition paid.

Well said on state schools.


GT Owner
May 14, 2010
San Diego
We all make compromises.
Having 1 woman for the rest of your life the same thing could be said.

Im going to guess you are not married? :biggrin


Blue/white 06'
Mark II Lifetime
Well said on state schools.


Im going to guess you are not married? :biggrin

Or if he is, she doesn't check his posts on this site. :wink


GT Owner
Nov 2, 2005
SF Bay Area in California
The state schools in CA (UC system) used to be a really bargain, but now, with the CA's budget problems, the in state tuition is going through the roof and the schools are tempted to reduce instate enrollment while increasing out of state student ratio to increase the bottom line. It is getting to the point where an good private school is only costing 2 to 3x if only counting tuition and the ratio is much smaller if you compare total costs.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Sep 9, 2006
I graduated college from a UC and law school from a private. Both experiences were different and had strong pluses and minuses. I always felt strongly that my children would be UC graduates (for undergrad) and go to public school up to that point. As for graduate schools, I've saved regularly since birth (their births, not mine, haha) for both of them with investment funds. My wish for them is to have the option of the finest educations available, and to select the choices with them, hopefully, by then, without finances being a consideration. My mother did not attend college, and my dad did not attend a four year college.

My kids current preschool tuition is equal to, if not slightly more than my private accredited law school tuition was.

I've worked throughout high school, college, and all years of law school, and believe that work experience is equally important. But I would not want tuition to be a limitation should they get into a school of their choosing. I would sell the GT to fund their education without hesitation, although I hope I would not have to. Even if I were to lose this cherished prize, the memories already created would be everlasting. Plus the chance to change or improve a life would be a great trade. Don't get me wrong, I am thankful every day to own this Ford GT, for so many reasons.

Also, it's been an extreme shock as to what my wife and I are experiencing in our involvement and volunteer work with our local California public schools, which are in a historically top ranked geographic area.

At times as a volunteer, I am solely responsible for 12-14 kids for reading instruction. I am not a professional educator, although I have worked in curriculum development (motorcycle rider coaching). Staffing limitations seem to force schools to rely heavily on parent volunteers that may or may not be specifically trained or adequate. I am doing my best, but I am not specifically trained either.

I am personally concerned about the current state of California public schools, and I am doing (along with other parents) what I can financially contributing and with volunteering, but when the class sizes for the elementary schools are 30+ kids with one full time teacher, it's pretty rough no matter how qualified or dedicated those teachers are.

I'm worried by the trend I see in California locally, and I have decided to consider and investigate private school options, although we love our public school and community, I am simply not confident of the level of education, but have not yet made a decision to switch.

As for college, it's difficult to get into the University of California system these days, and the competition is increasing each year.

According to WIKI: Berkeley received 48,461 applications for admission to the undergraduate program in 2008; 4,261 enrolled. The average unweighted GPA of admitted freshmen in 2008 was 3.87 (4.35 weighted).
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GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Aug 31, 2006

Well said.

Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State

I have had no choice but to consider and investigate private school options.

IMO public schools should be avoided like the plague...and I mean from PRE SCHOOL right on up. 'Too much "p.c.", "touchy-feely", "blame America first, "green is 'rad' - not your dad" stuff going on in public schools...not to mention a lack of discipline.