First Modification


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Dec 9, 2012
Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Even if some paint "chips" occur under the film and are removed/become visible when the film is removed, I assume those are spots that would have chipped off if the area wasn't covered in film. At least with film, any damage would remain invisible for the life of the film, which is usually many years, and you can go without having to constantly touch areas up. But like people here have already said, when the film is removed correctly, it shouldn't be an issue anyway.


GT Owner
Staff member
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Feb 13, 2006
Scottsdale, Arizona
My concern too. that is why I have never put in on any of my cars ...including the 2006 Ford Gt.
I picture it coming off with round ''impact dislodged'' pieces of paint and primer attached leaving a 'divot' that now requires full fill, sand , primer , repaint , clear.
Or , once you put it on you pray you never have to take it off since the film itself is now holding the pieces of impact severed paint to the car ?
Andy (ajb)


Clear bra was installed on the front of my '06 GT and this is exactly what happened. A few places where rocks hit the front of my yellow GT's factory paint it looked fine till the clear bra was removed. In a couple impact areas the fractured paint came off with the clear bra. It's not the clear bra's problem though as the paint would have obviously sustained damage that needed to be repaired without the clear bra. Bottom line is that these new GT's are going to get nicked up if you take them out and drive them. Get over that mental hurdle or you'll go nuts.

Every one who took their GT to Europe last summer sustained some damage, large or small. DBK said "That's just the cost of doing business" having a remarkable time. So protect your car as best you can, enjoy it on the road, and accept the dings as the marks of good times. Let's roll.



GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Jul 12, 2006
I had a small dime size piece of paint come off a fender when changed some clear bra. Not aware of a stone hit there.
We touched it up, let it dry, and replaced clear bra. Far better off having it IMHO as saved me lots of other times.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jul 18, 2006
Largo, Florida
Thanks for the explanations. Makes sense.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Nov 28, 2005
I pulled all my film off the GT last week. No paint came off at all. The new film will be the 3rd round. I'm very happy I have had the film on it since day one.


Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jun 28, 2006
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
How often do you have to "change films" ?

andy (ajb)


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 11, 2005
Southern California
I've never put film on a car for the same fears (paint damage, adhesive residue, uneven fading, etc.). But I've been told by too many (first-hand) folks in the last 10 years that those problems are minimal or non-existent, at least with experienced installers/removers.

Add in the the design of this car, which is about effective air-maangment at all costs (including the paint) and there's no way I'm not going to film it. Seems impossible that will end worse than not filming it.

BTW, my 2005 has only the factory film, and at 29,000 miles you can tell. Still looks great at 10 feet but close inspection shows a lot of hits to the front end. Like Chip says, they are a badge of honor.

Of course, that same badge will be really expensive on the new car...


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Nov 28, 2005
My 1st was not great, had an orange peel look to it. The second, which I just peeled, was fine. I pulled it because I'm going to do the whole car. I think the service life is subjective. When does it look too beat up?

How often do you have to "change films" ?

andy (ajb)


Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jun 28, 2006
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
Thanks . I understand
Ajb (andy)

Ed Sims

GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Apr 7, 2006
I replaced my clear film as it became more scuffed & pot marked. The paint under was looking new. Only a very few of the big time dings when through the film. I can't say enough of how it saves your paint.



Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
May 25, 2006
Ft. Lauderdale
How often do you have to "change films" ?

andy (ajb)

My 1st and only film has been on for 11 plus years, it is starting to develop a slight yellowing color but it's not that noticeable on the Tungsten metallic,,


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jun 24, 2006
Metro Detroit
Is this common Rex? This concern has prevented me from using the film on my cars.

As you can see the numerous different experiences here, opinions and experiences vary. To be clear, I am speaking directly to the leading edge areas that get high impact, as being most susceptible to the paint being removed with the film. If you think of it as repeated high exposure/prone areas you'll get the idea. This would be in contrast to general bodywork that gets minimal hits/light abrasion. The first few new GT's that are driven, even having PPF only, will yield paint in the areas like the bottom of the rear fender for example.

The PPF films are getting better and better, so general bodywork should be fine. But for the heck if it, ask the PPF manufacturer for validation/certification data that it meets/exceeds OEM specs. Or, ask them for whatever data they do have. One of them in the past,, Ventureshiield, met an OEM spec (their Ventureshield 2nd gen) and was killing the market, was subsequently acquired by 3M who couldn't duplicate Ventureshield's performance.
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Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
May 25, 2006
Ft. Lauderdale
Ford the record. The red car at Sebring had clear film installed in various locations. rear fenders, Splitter area. I'm not sure if the red car was a final production trim car because it didn't have the cup holders. Dave, is there some factory installed film on the GT's that have come thru your place.. ?