What have you learned about your NGT today??


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
May 28, 2011
Fayetteville, Ga.
Way to go Tomy sharing those special GT moments as it may save us from having to tell on ourself. :wink


Farm GT
Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
May 21, 2008
You would think that car wouldn't go into gear and keep running without the key being in the car. I thought there was a fail safe for that.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
May 20, 2012
Austin TX
I can unlock, lock and start my F-150 with my smartphone using Ford Pass. Doesn’t the new GT have the same features? At Rowan’s delivery they were setting up his GT with Ford Pass.

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Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
It does and I don’t want my GT to be set up on Ford Pass. No reason for me to start the GT from outside the car under any condition! This can be a problem delivery specialists need to discuss with new owners. Just discussed this with Bernardo and he’s going to look into what happened. This car never honked the horn, blinked the headlights or made any audible noise for me to hear as I walked out of my building, got into the GT, released it from park, put in into gear (in normal mode) and drove off my property! Absolutely no indication that I did not have the keys with me in the car whatsoever. I just want others to know what happened and can happen to them.... Very Easily! I’m just hoping all others see and read this post! PS- I’m not an alarmist just a realist.

I would try to do exactly what I did. Start your GT in your garage or driveway, get out of the car closing the door and take the keys and put them in your garage or house then without the keys get into the GT and try to drive around the block and see what happens! Don’t turn the GT off or you’ll be walking home! ha see for yourself!
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Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jun 28, 2006
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
I can start my NFGT, let it run and walk at least 60 feet to my mailbox with my key in my pocket and it keeps running nicely. Never tried walking away any further or driving to Houston :)
On my other Fords (F-150/ Edge ) as long as I do not fully close / latch the door , I can walk away and it keeps running...no beep
If I close AND latch the door , the horn beeps when I get 2-feet away from the vehicle.
andy (ajb)


Farm GT
Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
May 21, 2008
GT beeps also, I'm going to see if mine will drive with out the key in the car also.
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Farm GT
Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
May 21, 2008
The Ford pass is nice to have cuz it'll let you know if the car is locked or not and if the alarm goes off and you're not close enough to hear it. Also let you know if your hatches are open as well.

texas mongrel

GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
May 3, 2009
Houston Texas
Don’t worry Tomy, there was enough dumb-ass for everyone at that show: I kept trying to put the wing up, Tomy tried, his buddy tried, but no success. Turns out the steering wheel was 180 degrees turned and we were all pressing the cruise control button instead of the OK button!
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GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
May 20, 2012
Austin TX
Don’t worry Tomy, there was enough dumb-ass for everyone at that show: I kept trying to put the wing up, Tomy tried, his buddy tried, but no success. Turns out the steering wheel was 180 degrees turned and we were all pressing the cruise control button instead of the OK button!

That’s awesome.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Nov 28, 2005
Well I didnt necessarily "learn" but was reminded, that its really hard to remember after many months of not driving the car (winter), how to use the turn signals. You have to think about it, vs the instinctual flick of a stalk.


Farm GT
Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
May 21, 2008
you shouldn't drink and drive!


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jan 4, 2006
Belleville, IL
Good one.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Nov 28, 2005
The usual tough crowd!


Ford Gt Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Aug 8, 2007
The usual tough crowd!
if you think theyre tough now just wait til you misspell something
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GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jul 9, 2012
Myakka City, Florida
If you think they're tough now, just wait until you misspell something.
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Ford GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jul 4, 2007
Niceville FL
Agree Xcentric, it's not just spelling, it's also punctuation and capitalization. Will they never learn?


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 22, 2005
As many of you have heard me say “Everytime I drive my New GT I learn something new”. Well yesterday was no different as I traveled to The Car Culture Christmas Show in Houston. As everyone knows the GT is very close especially when your carrying Christmas presents with your wife to a show as you get her situated in the GT then start packing around her packages, I pad, cell phones, remote charger and camera. I backed out of my building and pulled up in front then had to go back in the man cave, pull the rear door down, turn off the lights,set the alarm and lock the door and off we went to Houston. Stay with me now! Upon arriving at the we were placed as posted pictures shown in another post “Center Stage” with David Rowan’s new Carbon Fiber lightweight GT.
When I got out of the GT after parking in a very difficult spot I helped Sue out with all the packages and gear and turned the engine off. When I started looking for the GT keys in my pocket, in both seats and in front of themI realized I DID HAVE THEM ON ME OR IN THE GT!!!!! I got back in the GT and hit the starter and NOTHING HAPPENED! OH Shit! How did I get there without the keys crossed my mind! Now What? Where were they? Where did I leave them and again how did the GT let me drive 31 miles without having the keys?
At that moment I realized I had to go back to my building and find the keys and return to Houston as I nor anyone else could move my GT from its position. A close friend showed up and said “here’s my keys, you can use my car to go back and find them”. When I go to my Building 40 minutes later there they were next to my front door on a display case glowing in the dark and asking “Why Did You Leave Me, You Dumb Ass”. Back to the show in 40 minutes and everything was fine and I learned another fact about the New GT! As I arrived back at the show David and Roz met me and Roz, in her English accent said “Tomy you are a TWIT” , must be an English expression! I’ve been called worse, even by my wife Sue!
If this has happened to you never admit it and remember it CAN HAPPEN and did with no warning, buzzer or read out appearing! Hope this helps my friends out in future ownership adventures ahead. As I approach another trip around the Sun this next I’m preparing for my next adventure in my Girl #H045.

Welcome to the world of key fob's!

I've driven about every Ford and that has happened to me several times around the dealership. The horn should have sounded and or the display should say "Key not Detected". But you can still drive off. Other brands handle this in varied ways. Don't know why Tommy didn't get a warning or missed it on display.

I watched a poor lady drop a friend at a busy train terminal, BMW SUV, She opened rear hatch, and motor shuts off. No key, no start, no drift out of mega busy drop zone. For 60 minutes people screamed and honked for her to move the car. Same as Tommy keys were hanging near her car so it started and drove. She waited for pissed off husband with keys to arrive.

My wife dropped me off twice and then drove off while I had the fob. She saw the warning.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jan 4, 2011
What a strange and scary experience! I have a 2017 Focus RS and the display immediately tells me when the key is not detected in the car. It delivers a tone and the display lights up with a red message. I'm certain it's not a deficiency with every Ford but maybe it is with certain vehicles?


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Aug 5, 2006
Pahrump, NV
The NFGT has a global open feature for the windows. Press and hold unlock on the keyfob and the windows will both roll down to cool the car off as you walk up. I have not been able to get it to global close so it may have that disabled.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Feb 19, 2013

Plate warmer