The most expensive new Honda coming soon, makes a Bugatti look cheap!


GT Owner
Dec 18, 2010
I am an avid model airplane nut and pilot. My Dad is an awesome model builder. He built this plane from a 8-1/2 x 11" 3-view. Here I am doing the test flight. The plane is unfinished because we wanted to make sure it would actually fly. Twin turbine powered using jet-A. Plane is fairly heavy at about 50lbs. I kept the speed up on this first landing for safety. We have a few more test flights to do then we will do the finishing work. Enjoy!!

Man thats awesome!

Vince H

GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jul 23, 2012
Southern California
That model plan clip was awesome. Tremendous skill and craftsmanship for sure.

Vince H


GT Owner
Nov 28, 2012
Cape Coral, FL
That is amazing! How close if the size/weight ratio match the real plane?

The model is about 1/4 scale. He spent the good part of a year building it.