New owner - my story


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Dec 9, 2012
Sioux Falls, South Dakota
What a fun introduction. Welcome!

Indy GT

Yea, I got one...too
Mark IV Lifetime
Jan 14, 2006
Greenwood, IN

What a great introductory post! Your passion for the quest is shared by a number of owners here on the Forum. I too fell in love with the silhouette of the GT back in the 60’s and shared the burning desire to someday have one of these beauties in the garage. After seeing the prototype in the 2002 Detroit Auto Show I wrote Bill to say if Ford would build it I would buy it. The stars aligned and I took delivery in April 2006 of my ordered GT. Eight years later it was the second best day in my life, behind marrying my wife. The car is still amazing. (as is my wife)

But as you will find the friends here on Dave’s Forum are pretty special. You have already met a contingent of them at the Barn get together. GT owners are just different than other supercar owners. It’s all about the car. Glad you are now an owner with us and can begin to understand how this car brings owners together.

If you enjoyed the get together at the Barn, you simply must join us in October for Rally 9. You will find attendance is like the Barn outing on steroids. It is pretty amazing to see 80 – 120 GT’s all together with owners waxing, polishing, talking to others, admiring various options, etc. There are others shipping their cars out of the Northeast and we can easily get your car transported out to the rally. It will be a great event (they always are) and I highly encourage you and your wifes attendance for emersion into the GT owners experience!

Welcome to the Forum!:biggrin


GT Owner
Mar 21, 2012
Knoxville, TN
Cool story, welcome aboard.


GT Owner
Jul 4, 2013
Ashburn, VA
Thanks so much for the kind words everyone! No promises on the rally this year unfortunately, I've got a handful of trips throughout the rest of the year that will make it tricky but I'll see what I can do :) looking forward to getting home from vacation and putting some miles on the car!


GT Owner
Dec 10, 2013
Huge congrats and Great intro!


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Nov 26, 2006
Carlisle, PA
Great story, thank you for sharing! You're not far from Carlisle - try to make the event coming up next weekend (June 6-8). It would be fun meeting you!

Congrats! I'm also lucky to know the feeling you're having (much like everyone on this forum!).

Life is good (and becomes better in the seat of a GT),



Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Feb 20, 2006
Washington Michigan
Ron...Very nicely said! I'm going to save that. :thumbsup :thumbsup

(Ron and I see eye to eye)


I have met Ron and seen him drive....Can't imagine him in a FOCUS driving in a straight LINE and well SMOOTHNESS wasn't what would come to mind first....Now.... Crazy speed freak whipping a wheel to the left and right while hunched over the shifter getting ready to mash the throttle and gnawing on a Juicy Steak...Yah that's my VISION of Ron

Welcome Chris!! And your story has a common thread of what set's GT owners apart from the crowd
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Nov 1, 2018
Endwell, NY
Chris as a future owner of a Ford GT, your story was wonderful to read! I am getting there now myself, I talked with Rick and now know the value of a PPI, which I cannot wait for that day! I feel that I am in the same boat as you with my wife, who when I told her I wanted one, she never laughed or said, "Yeah right." She was totally behind me! Wonderful gal!

My story is different in the fact how we started even talking about buying a GT.

We were talking to our financial advisor, who was trying to sell us both a long term care policy, to which my wife is very healthy, and passed the application process hands down. Myself on the other hand, having diabetes, and just having 3 stents, (although everything is good and under control) could not pass the application for long term care, thus after some weeks of thought, I said to her, with the money for the policy, 100K each, how about we buy a car, a Ford GT? I feel these cars are a nice investment that I can also drive and have fun with, and it helps that ever since that Super Bowl commercial, I had wanted one! I thought, NOW IS OUR TIME, I know I am on the verge of getting "The One'! My problem is that I am now a kid in a candy store and when I started looking they were all over the place for 200K and I had a hard time picking the color, NOW I know, it either red of white, and I know the car will have to have McIntosh, because I am from Binghamton where that stereo was made! I have several Mac pieces at home, why would I not want it in a Ford GT? LOL. I even saw a prototype Ford GT at the McIntosh factory when it was being fitted into the car! Anyway, I loved your story. Thank you! Please excuse my "write-man-ship" as when you write from your thoughts, sometimes it comes out strange. LOL


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jan 4, 2011
It appears you are determined to get one..nice to see the passion. Let us know what you get.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Oct 24, 2005
Like they said in 05,06 marketing,


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Apr 18, 2014
Kalama, Free part of WA State
There are no bad colors. Don't be quick to rule them out. Then buy a car with some miles on it, so that you want to drive it and you don't end up with a garage ornament.