Is There Anyone Out There with an Unmodified FGT?


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Apr 12, 2006
Los Angeles
I am starting to feel in the severe minority. My FGT is not modified at all from the day I drove it out of the dealership, with the exception of the addition of the Ford GT Transcooler and the Ford Replacement Bolts for the transaxle issue. Everyone' s FGT I see on these threads has been modified, some to the maximum. Nothing against it, enjoy seeing and hearing about the combinations of mods, but I was just wondering if there was anyone left who has not modified the FGT? I even found the paint supplier to restore the red dots on my F1 Eagles!!!

Guess I am just an original guy at heart.

Feeling kinda isolated, if you haven't modified your GT place a post.



May 10, 2007
STOCK??? Did someone say STOCK???? Never heard of such a thing. This is gonna be a lonely thread. :lol


May 10, 2007
Also better find someone that can put alot of buffing compound residue in all the cracks of your GT if you are trying to be "ALL ORIGINAL!" :rofl

Sorry, could not resist.


Mark IV Lifetime
Feb 9, 2008
I was all original until I dropped it off yesterday. Pic's to come soon. You must have mods


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Apr 12, 2006
Los Angeles
Also better find someone that can put alot of buffing compound residue in all the cracks of your GT if you are trying to be "ALL ORIGINAL!" :rofl

Sorry, could not resist.

Never on any of my cars!!! :thumbsup:banana:cheers


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Apr 12, 2006
Los Angeles
looks like I am going to be the only one unmodified FGT. :cheers

Was driving west on Sunset BLVD past the Original "Deadmanb's Curve" from Jan and Dean west of Bev. Hills yesterday, some 18 yo kid comes out of a driveway in a Tungsten, could hear the guy 3 blocks away, sounded like S..t. Car needed a tune, plus he couldn't shift it, but it was a bumper delete, license plate gone, couldn't figure out the exhaust system as he was all over the road. But to each his own. That Blackbird of Shadowman's was an incredible mod. That would make me think twice, especially the fold up doors.
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GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Sorry, but the transcooler makes you non-stock. Guess I'm the last one! (at least until my warranty runs out, then it's pulley, tune, exhaust time).


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Apr 12, 2006
Los Angeles
Sorry, but the transcooler makes you non-stock. Guess I'm the last one! (at least until my warranty runs out, then it's pulley, tune, exhaust time).

According to the Titus FGT DVD video that came with the car, the transcooler was an option that could be ordered with the FGT. Oh, and it is a Ford part, installed by the dealership and under warranty or at least doesn't effect warranty, so maybe it is not modified, but if it was an option and offered by Ford, guess it comes down to a matter of opinion. Not worth the argument, no mods other than that. PRetty much every FGT is have seen on our runs and C^C in Irvine, are all modified.
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GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Sep 9, 2006
I had heard it said many times, that the car really comes alive, with even just the tune and pulley and short shift kit.

Having done it, I am a believer.

The car should have come this way from the factory.

Responsiveness is enhanced, but not in a brutal or non-stock fashion. Just taking a good thing and making it better.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Apr 12, 2006
Los Angeles
I had heard it said many times, that the car really comes alive, with even just the tune and pulley and short shift kit.

Having done it, I am a believer.

The car should have come this way from the factory.

Responsiveness is enhanced, but not in a brutal or non-stock fashion. Just taking a good thing and making it better.

I am sure you are correct, just getting over that "Mod Hill", is the problem

Stewart W

GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Oct 12, 2007
According to the Titus FGT DVD video that came with the car, the transcooler was an option that could be ordered with the FGT. Oh, and it is a Ford part, installed by the dealership and under warranty or at least doesn't effect warranty, so maybe it is not modified, but if it was an option and offered by Ford, guess it comes down to a matter of opinion. Not worth the argument, no mods other than that. PRetty much every FGT is have seen on our runs and C^C in Irvine, are all modified.
+1 :thumbsup


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2007
I work on a lot of unmodified cars still, but it seems like those "unmoded" car owners are starting to talk about what they have planed for there cars and saying things like, well maybe just exhaust for now :biggrin.I think some just hold out longer then other, but it seems to get most in the end.:thumbsup

Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
Mine was stock as a stove. 'Even had the origional air in the origional tires.

But, IF I get another blue/white (and it WOULD be another blue/ fact I know where there IS one with 25 miles on it) I be thinkin' Shadowman will need to be approached (with hat in hand) about installin' a set of those dangnable butterfly hinges!!! The darn things have just grown on me...


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Apr 12, 2006
Los Angeles
I work on a lot of unmodified cars still, but it seems like those "unmoded" car owners are starting to talk about what they have planed for there cars and saying things like, well maybe just exhaust for now :biggrin.I think some just hold out longer then other, but it seems to get most in the end.:thumbsup

You are probably right as there are fewer and fewer of us around.

EP, Shadowman must be the Devil, as it seems it would be worth giving him your soul to have those mods done! :thumbsup


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Apr 12, 2006
Los Angeles
Okay, looks like there are 3 of us, EPockets, Stewart and Moi, out of 4,238 or so GTs, that pretty rare! :thumbsup


Mark IV Lifetime
Feb 9, 2008
Here is the deal, everything that you do to your GT is reversible that is why you have to love the FGT. The other thing about mods is, it makes it your one of a kind. I have been to C&C's three times and every time the crowds are all over the mod cars. Like I said yesterday Syco GT and Midnight blue got a lot of attention yesterday and the Black Bird, Blue Hennesey and HHGT Red number one car with the moose is always a crowd favorite. The other thing is with the stock exhaust your car sounds like a Honda Civic. LOL


RED GT owner
Mark II Lifetime
Dec 3, 2006
Bremerton, Washington
Mine is all stock - no trans cooler or any other mods. 2 oil changes and axle bolts replaced - with originals from Ford. Still has original air in the tires


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Oct 5, 2005
Wellington, FL
According to the Titus FGT DVD video that came with the car, the transcooler was an option that could be ordered with the FGT. Oh, and it is a Ford part, installed by the dealership and under warranty or at least doesn't effect warranty, so maybe it is not modified, but if it was an option and offered by Ford, guess it comes down to a matter of opinion. Not worth the argument, no mods other than that. PRetty much every FGT is have seen on our runs and C^C in Irvine, are all modified.

I follow your line of thinking here but you can get a pulley and tune from Ford as well. Doesn't a car with a Ford pulley and tune also qualify as a "stock" car?


FlorIdaho Chris

Yeah, I've got one.
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
I've got a couple that haven't gone under the knife yet.

Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
I follow your line of thinking here but you can get a pulley and tune from Ford as well. Doesn't a car with a Ford pulley and tune also qualify as a "stock" car?


I wouldn't THINK so as it voids your engine warranty if I remember correctly.