I still don't have my top

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GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Mar 1, 2006
Has anyone else encountered this?

Mark Gerrish, do you care to comment. How are the tops coming?


Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
May 25, 2006
Ft. Lauderdale
They installed a bunch of tops at the rally. I thought the top issue was resolved ?? Sorry to hear you're still waiting..:frown


GT Owner
Nov 2, 2005
SF Bay Area in California
I could be mistaken, but I believe only one top was bought to the Rally II and was test fitted to a number of GTX1s, but only one owner got to keep it. I know of at least one owner that was mistaken, or mislead, into thinking that the top was his to take home after the Rally II. Others please chime in if I am in error.

:ack :frown


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Mar 1, 2006
^That seems right. I was told, as were other GTX customers, that our tops would be installed at the rally. Instead, all they did was drill some holes here and there and said the the tops would be delivered shortly.

My car is #14. I saw GTX#24 at a car show and it had tops. When I told my friend Jeff(malibu on this forum) who has GTX#16 he called Gerrish and was told it was a "marketing opportunity" that he couldn't pass up. :frown

Kirby Vieira

GT Owner/B.o.D
Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 22, 2005
I haven't received my top and don't expect it anytime soon. It doesn't particularly bother me because my X1 is a fair weather car that only experiences rain that is not forecasted or expected. On those occasions, it was fun to drive through moderate rainstorms on the highway and not get wet :biggrin A soft top will be a welcome completion when it arrives.
The top has always been the achilles heel of the GTX1 project. I don't know how many hardtops were installed at the rally, but witnessed the custom process to be very involved with results that looked very good. Apparently it's not a "one top fits all" process. An exotic top for a hand built exotic car is dangerous territory for a design perfectionist like Mark Gerisch as evidenced by the poor results obtained by Lamborghini on the Murcielago. If Mark had it to do over again, he would probably make no promises for anything other than a simple "car cover" type top. Would of, should of, could of...but didn't. Genaddi's experiences with failed attempts to provide the top that was promised have been very expensive and painful, but when it is finally resolved should make Genaddi the source for impossible tops for roadsters in the future. Mark is presently working on a top for the Murcielago. Jen@genaddi.com is the production manager and today informed me the latest version of the GTX1 top is essentially completed and ready to be installed. If you are waiting on a top or your GTX1, Jen is the person to contact regarding the status. :cheers


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Mar 1, 2006
^I haven't met Jen. I thought she was his secretary.

Genaddi has had a few production managers. One was promoted from his job there as the staff photgrapher. :frown

Considering the sizable problems they're having shouldn't they try hiring somebody with actual production management experience?

Why doesn't Mark chime in? I'd enjoy hearing his take:confused

Kirby Vieira

GT Owner/B.o.D
Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 22, 2005
Jen was Mark's assistant. She has been the production Mgr for a couple months+ and the best Genaddi has had. Call Jen if you want your top. Keep posting here if you want to rant. :cheers


Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 5, 2005
Fresno, Ca.
Gentlemen, only post on this thread if your a GTX owner or involved in the process.
Posts by other folks will be reviewed and may be deleted.


GT Owner
Nov 27, 2006
Metro Detroit
Top Situation

I received GTX1 #6 in September, and being in Detroit that left only a few short rides before winter storage. I took receipt of the car with hard tops installed, and the promise of the soft top following a few weeks later. As Kirby states, the car is incredible. The tops look and fit well with a few "seal" bugs to work out to help with the look and water leaks. Mark and his team certainly care about the product they produce. As for Jen, the communication improved immediately upon her being named in her current capacity. She doesn't always give you the news you want, but gets you a response so you feel informed.
I do think that the team at GD may be missing opportunities because of other "marketing opportunities" and money spent on tops for other styles of vehicles. I would guess that the best marketing for GD is to have GTX1's on the roads with happy owners. Although mine has only been out a few times, each and every time yielded interest. I am certainly not privy to GD's business plan, but i would think that finishing obligations to sold GTX1's would yield the best opportunity to obtain contracts for a lot more GTX1's and ultimately other speciality cars that Mark and GD decide to jump into. I for one would go to bat for GD's design, quality and craftsmanship today, but wouldn't recomend a GTX1 to friend until my personal obligation has been met.

Anyway, my specific answer to the question posted is that i have my hard tops and am nervously awaiting my soft tops with no promise date as of this post. Being in Detroit and this car being my first major purchase like this will keep me from fully enjoying the car by taking it out with no top unless i have the soft top folded behind the seat.


Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 5, 2005
Fresno, Ca.
I have to agree with every word you wrote. Must kill you to have to put your baby to sleep during the winter... Thanks for your constructive comments. I hope Mark replies here.
Happy New Year,

Mr. Genaddi

Permanent Vacation
May 9, 2007
"Our goal has been, is, and always will be 100% satisfied customers. Post production modification of exotic cars to provide owners with desirable alternatives not offered by the factory will always present unique challenges and opportunities. The challenges usually unveil the reasons the factory didn't attempt to do what we do. When things don't come together as planned, it tests the patience of our customers and our fortitude for perfection. The top for the GTX1 has been the biggest challeng in my 25 years as a coach builder. I believe it has been resolved and tops will be provided to those customers who have been so patiently waiting. My goal has been for the owners to be as pleased with the top as they are with the GTX1.
At this point the process is in the hands of our Production Manager, Jen Sadorf, who is available to answer your questions. you may contact Jen at 920-242-4563 during business hours.

Mr. Genaddi


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Mar 1, 2006
"Our goal has been, is, and always will be 100% satisfied customers. Post production modification of exotic cars to provide owners with desirable alternatives not offered by the factory will always present unique challenges and opportunities. The challenges usually unveil the reasons the factory didn't attempt to do what we do. When things don't come together as planned, it tests the patience of our customers and our fortitude for perfection. The top for the GTX1 has been the biggest challeng in my 25 years as a coach builder. I believe it has been resolved and tops will be provided to those customers who have been so patiently waiting. My goal has been for the owners to be as pleased with the top as they are with the GTX1.
At this point the process is in the hands of our Production Manager, Jen Sadorf, who is available to answer your questions. you may contact Jen at 920-242-4563 during business hours.

Mr. Genaddi

My shop manager asked that I thank you for the above press release.

I still don't know when I will get my tops.

Getting my tops is of secondary concern. I'm more concerned about you staying in business long enough to finish the other cars.

I've been told by other forum members, as well as topless GTX owners, that you have told them that the "wolves were at the gates" and that you had fired all your staff but Jen and two part time employees.

I've also been told that you have been soliciting investments in your company.

Are any of these things true? I ask because, if true, it calls into question your ability stay in the game. What are your finances like. You clearly still are marketing the cars, and I assume, taking deposits. Is this deposit money being set aside for their builds. Or are you using that money, and past monies, to keep things afloat.

I just read your other press release, about the cessation of GTX production. So I learn that you've completed "about 100" GTX's. How many of the "about 100" cars "completed" have received their roofs. I'm assuming not more than, what 15 cars, I'm number #14 and still awaiting mine. Mr TGX1, who is car #6 just received his top this September and I know you, "jumped out of sequence" to give car #24 his top around the same time. This has me confused.:frown

If I assume 85 cars are left to supply tops(that's a big assumption) and that all 85 are complete and need only tops(an even bigger assumption) and that you need, say 10k each(an even bigger assumption yet) than you need 850k just to service your current GTX obligations.

Frankly, I don't THINK you got it. I hope I'm wrong but your failure to be candid, even in your last post, convinces me further.

Please help and explain in sufficient detail so I can stop being concerned that you're not "taking from Peter to pay Paul".

-Mr. Kent


Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 5, 2005
Fresno, Ca.
A post by a GTX owner has been deleted. Clearly there are some owners that need to address their concerns with their supplier. This forum is not the place to resolve issues.
The are best handled on a one on one basis. As the moderator, I am closing this thread, and will leave it to the decision of the forum owner to reopen it or not. From my perspective these negative posts will not resolve the current owners dilemia.


Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 5, 2005
Fresno, Ca.


Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
I restored kjs post with the understanding that until this issue is resolved, we can't get everyone else involved...
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Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 5, 2005
Fresno, Ca.
This message was sent to me via a PM. Dave is out of town, I am posting this in Mark's behalf and closing the thread again.

Here is Mark Gerish...

There seems to be a great deal of concern with regards to the Genaddi business and how our company is treating its customers. Clearly the main concern which has been monopolizing the GT Forum is concerned with the GTX1 tops. The individuals who seem to voice the biggest complaints clearly forget about the exceptional quality of the vehicle that was customized. The Ford GT was brought to a whole new level when it was made into an X1. The NADA recognizes this by providing a new pricing guide for a Ford GT customized into a GTX1. The plain simple truth is that Genaddi will not produce and provide it’s customers with tops for the GTX1 that does not meet the high quality standards that was exhibited when the car was originally produced. Owners of the GTX1 have simple forgotten the type of car they purchased. The GTX1 is not a year round vehicle, the GTX1 with or without a top is a high performance roadster.

The promises for hard tops and soft tops seems to have created great strife with owners of GTX1s on how Genaddi conducts its business. Genaddi has always had an open door policy for purchasers to visit the shop and review the progress. Kirby Vieira put it best when he indicated that the top has always been the achilles heel of the GTX1 project. The custom process it takes to achieve the high quality results is very involved. It is only when the top is custom fit to a particular GTX1 will the results be worthy enough to bare the Genaddi name.

Mr. Kent has made a post that seems not to focus on the real issue at hand. The individuals who have purchased a GT and had it transformed into a GTX1 have been completely satisfied with the quality and craftsmanship. Kirby Vieira and TGX1 both say it all, “The car is incredible!” Mr. Kent has never visited nor inquired about viewing the Genaddi facilities. He makes grand speculations and accusations without finding out the truth from the source. Mr. Kent has never stated that his car is an inferior product. Mr. Kent has clearly stated that getting his tops is of secondary concern. He is more concerned about Genaddi staying in business long enough to finish the other cars. What other cars is he referring to in this post. The only finishing item that seems to be on everybody’s mind is this top for the GTX1. Genaddi reiterates its’ statement each owner received when they requested the GT be customized into a GTX1, "Our goal has been, is, and always will be 100% satisfied customers.” How then can the owner’s of GTX1’s request tops for their cars when it will not meet the high quality standards that the GTX1 signifies. Genaddi will not produce a top that receives the poor results obtained by Lamborghini on the Murcielago.

If Mr. Kent wishes to continue to bad mouth Genaddi, my simple request is that he take these issues up with me in person. It is one thing to post items on the web and hide behind a keyboard, and another to stand face to face with an individual and take ownership of your words. I request of Mr. Kent and any other GTX1 owner that if they have concerns about Genaddi or its facilities that they make an appointment and we would be happy to provide them with a tour. However, if Mr. Kent or anybody else would like to continue to make outlandish statements and blatant lies about Genaddi or its ownership, Genaddi will be left with no other option but to seek legal recourse for tarnishing our company’s name.

Mark Gerisch
CEO/Master CoachBuilder
Genaddi Design Group
835 Potts Av.
Green Bay WI 54304
920-242-4563 Direct
920-405-0973 Fax

ok and hopefully this will be the last one... I am feeling like in ping pong ball,... however, THIS IS AN OWNERS FORUM, so here finally is Kent, a gentleman that I personally have had the joy of sharing our FGT's with.

Bony, I'm sorry your time is being tied up with this. I'm very appreciative.

Please forward this response to Kirby and Dave. You may distribute as you see fit.

I'm satisfied with your and the forum actions. I've had a chance to ask specific questions on our forum and Mark has had an opportunity to address them. Your leaving that on the forum after closing the thread now allows anyone in the market, either active GTX owners or prospective ones, to know what my concerns are.

Kirby, Thank you much for all your efforts. Although not 100% accurate(we covered alot of ground on the phone during our hour long conversation) you generally picked up the jist of my position. Again, thank you.

In the end Mark decided not to address any of my questions directly. His apparent inabilty to provide a simple yes or no further raises my concerns. I believe others who read it will feel the same way.

This topic is put to bed(for a long rest I hope) on my end.

Regards, Kent
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