Found On Road Dead...


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jan 11, 2006
Coral Gables
If you guys only knew what car I passed on to buy the GT! In retrospect it looks like I made a HUGE MISTAKE!


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Really, really sorry man !

I can't believe this ! I guess it would be important to find out why the bolts broke in the first place. Was that properly investigated ? Maybe there is a very different problem, and no matter how many bolts they will replace it will break again and again. Interesting to see is also that you are the only person on the planet thast we know has had this issue with the tranny. At this point in time I think that Ford SVT needs to come out in writing with a well researched analysis of the problem and cause to you. Apart from something special, I'd say.

Is there any way we can find out what Ford thinks about this ?


GT Owner
Oct 19, 2005
London, UK
Abolfaz, that's terrible news- I can really understand your frustration. One catastrophic failure would be enough to test the patience of Jobe, two identical is enough to put you off the car for life, sounds like it has.

We all want to know what's caused this and, of course, if we can, as a group of owners, collectively put any pressure on Ford to sort this out for you, we will.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Oct 18, 2005
Northern California

It’s troubling to read what has happened again. Ford has specifically setup a GT Hotline for owners. Have you contacted them? If not, here’s the # 1-866-742-3673. I’m sure they would like to speak to you right away.

Hope this helps.


One lucky SOB to own a GT
Mark IV Lifetime
Jan 4, 2006
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Albofaz, We really feel for you man :ack and I'm sure we all will do whatever we can to help. This does seem to have a "component" feel to it - not a simple assembly problem. Perhaps something is amiss in the Ricardo transaxel - not even Ford's fault! At any rate, lets hope they get it resolved ASAP!


GT Owner
Oct 9, 2005
Venice, CA
Ditto the above - that really sucks! I hope this gets resolved quickly in the best possible way for you.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jan 11, 2006
Coral Gables
I really doubt there is anything that ford or the dealer can do to make me happy with this car again. The more I hear people say "We've never seen anything like this before..." the more pissed off I get.

Can somebody please explain how these bolts are breaking? They have no pressure from the drivetrain on them whatsoever, all they do is keep the shafts from falling out, the torque is on the splines not the bolts.


GT Owner
Nov 2, 2005
SF Bay Area in California
I am just taking a guess here since I haven't seen the parts. One explaination is that the flange that bolts the the transaxle has a hole in it that the half shaft turns in. I presume that the hole has a bearing that the shaft turns on. If the bearing is seized than torque will be transmitted to the flange and the bolt will be subject to shear force.



GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jan 11, 2006
Coral Gables
Roadside assistance sent a tow truck just now and the driver tells me he doesn't want to be responsible for the car and he'd rather not tow it, not to mention that they will only tow it 35 miles and not the 40 miles it needs to go to maroone!



GT Owner
Nov 2, 2005
SF Bay Area in California
Is this Ford's roadside assitance that is included with a new car? They should take it as far as it needs to go. Of course if there is a Ford dealer closer than the one you want to go too, I guess they can chose the closer one.



GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jan 11, 2006
Coral Gables
Thats just it, they will tow it to the closest dealer...


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jan 4, 2006
Belleville, IL
Call Maroone?

Can't you call Maroone and have them pick it up since they fixed it last? Where's Jose when you need him.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jan 11, 2006
Coral Gables
fjpikul said:
Can't you call Maroone and have them pick it up since they fixed it last? Where's Jose when you need him.

I tried telling the service advisor to send a truck ASAP but I was told to deal with roadside assistance instead...


Proud Owner/ BOD blah bla
Mark IV Lifetime
Feb 14, 2006
North Carolina
TSB - Transaxle Output to Half Shafts Leaking Oil

dbtgt said:
Albofaz, We really feel for you man :ack and I'm sure we all will do whatever we can to help. This does seem to have a "component" feel to it - not a simple assembly problem. Perhaps something is amiss in the Ricardo transaxel - not even Ford's fault! At any rate, lets hope they get it resolved ASAP!

Try going to Look for TSB 05-10-13 (page 1 - attached). My GT had an "Oil" leak that the dealer thought originally was this issue only to be further defined as a rear seal once they put dye in the oil.

Those six bolts are called stretch bolts unique to connect the Steel Output Flange to the Aluminum Shafts. They can only be tightened once to initial torque. If over tightened, under tightened or if removed and re-inserted they fail. Don't know if this is the problem - just a thought.

I feel for ya - if you can't trust the car It's never fun chancing the drive :confused


  • Ford_GT_TSBs_4[1].pdf
    188 KB · Views: 78


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jan 11, 2006
Coral Gables
Those aren't the bolts your thinking of, they are inside the halfshaft and there are only two. But now you made me think, did they re-use the bolts(the ones that your are talking about) that connect the CV joint to the output shaft?


Gt Owner
Jan 11, 2006
doesn't FLA have a 'lemon law' on the books to deal with this kind of crap? We have it here in CAL


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jan 11, 2006
Coral Gables
doesn't FLA have a 'lemon law' on the books to deal with this kind of crap? We have it here in CAL

Yep, thats what I meant when I said "we have ways of dealing with this in florida", since the car was already out of service for more than 15 consecutive days it already qualifies as a "lemon". What sucks is that in 03 I had to lemon law my wifes Maserati and in 04 we did it again with a 360 that we had, I honestly thought that by buying a Ford we wouldn't have these issues...


The Favor Factory™
Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
abolfaz said:
What sucks is that in 03 I had to lemon law my wifes Maserati and in 04 we did it again with a 360 that we had

You've had to lemon law a new Maserati, a new Ferrari, and now possibly a GT inside three years? :eek That is what I call seriously bad luck.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jan 11, 2006
Coral Gables
Well I just sent the car off again for the third time on a flatbed. And yes I hated to lemon law the maserati, both my wife and I loved that car but 71 days out of service in 9 months of ownership? Once for over 30 days straight?

The 360 had funky F1 programing, two clutches latter, several F1 software updates and they still couldn't get the car right. Not to mention leather on the dash that was bubling in the first month, a rear view mirror that fell off no less than SEVEN times and an alignment issue where the car would constantly cup its tires.

I just can't believe the ford experience to date...


Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 5, 2005
Fresno, Ca.
wow, I feel for you, Jose and Maroone seem very stand up to me,consider giving them and Ford another chance.