Droid vs. Blackberry?


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 21, 2006
State of Confusion
I NOW need a phone with on the go internet and email capabilities. My plan has run out, so I'm up for a new phone. The Droid seems like an awesome phone with some really cool features. However I exclusively use the Hotmail feature and I understand that there is a problem with the interface between the droid and Hotmail which does not exist between Hotmail and the Blackberry. Which one should I choose?

Does any one have any experience with either of these two phones or input that can help me make a decision?

Thanks in advance


Well-known member
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Nov 3, 2005
Renton, Washington
Have a Droid for the last 7 months.

Takes two hands and three finger movements to answer a call. No green to go button with out unlocking the screen.

I've no use for Hotmail or texting , so no help there. Works goood with
G-mail,Verison, Comcast emails but our Company Exchange email system is can not be set up on the Droid system.

Originally very few advertisements. More now, but I ingnore them.

A battrey hog. Can go from 1/2 charge to almost empty, sitting still overnight. But pretty quick re-charge rate.

Screen, Sound and reception are just fine, at least where I travel.

As with their competitors, way too many things to use - if you just want a phone with email.

You might take a look at your options on Cnet or other review sites. There is one exclusively for cell phones, but don't recall it's name.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jan 4, 2006
Belleville, IL
I've been extremely please with my Blackbery Tour. Almost everything can be done one handed with the trackball. I've had it 10 months now with absolutely no problems. Battery life is excellent. It will hold a charge for several days and has 4 hours of continous talk time. Verizon service signal has been excellent nationwide. The only person it doesn't want to call is Gordon Wolf (it balks at StormCat also). Can be used in Europe with simple card addition. Blackberry network available for half the price of usual internet. Definetly look at it. Check out cnet.com.


Mark II Lifetime
Jun 23, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta
I've got a BB 9700 (Bold 2). AWESOME phone, just love it. Trackpad instead of a trackball. BB data rates are better (because it compresses data) and it's fast. I like the BB messenger feature, and the secure mail. Try them all, and read the reviews on each one. They all have lovers and haters. But me, I'm a crackberry addict, I don't think I could use another phone (well, not right now anyway), as neither the droid or the iphone are doing it for me right now.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Mar 17, 2006
Las Vegas
I've had the HTC Evo 4G Android for a month now. Only 1 touch to answer calls. Fast as Sheat! Battery life blows, but managable. 8 meg camera. Does everything, and faster.


GT Owner/Operator
Sep 27, 2007
I had a Blackberry and really disliked it for several reasons. I left it at a restaurant and never found it... I was happy! I now have a Droid and like it much more. A liitle secret if your battery is losing power too fast... go to your Market and under Top Free Apps you can download "Task Killer". Your battery will continually run your phone only, and only come alive to run your other "goodies" when demanded.


I had a BlackBerry world edition. I literally threw it away. The worst keyboard and interface in the world. At least in my opinionated opinion. Hopefully Opinionated Pockets will not mock me..


Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Feb 20, 2006
Washington Michigan
Well now you just hit a nerve.

I have a bunch of geeks working for me (software and electrical engineering dpt).

I needed a new phone to replace my hunk of junk LG Dare
Main features I asked for:
Phone photos Blue tooth e-mail

My staff ordered me a DROID See Jeff's comments above...This thing IMO would be better as a cheap laptop.
In May I owned 8 Droids, With 8 engineers using it as a excuse why they did not answer my call...trying to walk with hand holding prints and the other trying to reach around to the slide unlock bar to precise location then answer. Must have great dexterity and a need to use it as a cheap laptop.

In June only one left.
All BB Tour and happy and one BB-9700

Oh and playing on the droid will reduce your personal time with the GT now that's got to be from the devil.:willy


GT Owner
Oct 19, 2005
London, UK


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 21, 2006
State of Confusion
O.K. Now I think I'm even more confused ..... but that's not to difficult to do. Hey Mr. Pockets .... what you say?
Aug 25, 2006
I use and have others now using the Imagio and it is an easy phone full of features by HTC through Verizon; great battery life as well



GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Feb 19, 2007
Frankfort Ill
I'm in the same spot. I need a phone. First and formost, a phone. It has to have good reception, no dropped calls. I know the tech is out there because my old flip motorola worked everywhere this one fails. I need to recieve hotmail and text occasionaly and also be able to text out. I have a b-berry model #POS so it will be a hard sell to get me into another one of those. Is there something out there that no techy would want but the common man needs?



on d bit

Well-known member
Jul 20, 2008
maricopa az
I had a blackberry curve worked well but had an issue with sprint so I switched. Purchased a nokia n900 tablet that also makes phone calls. It has full flash support and is literally a pocket computer. No it does not show emails as fast as the blackberry but it works, plus I can always go online to check email straight from hotmail.com! The thing that really impressed me is that call quality is better/clearer than the blackberry. The best part was I went from unlimited everything sprint($100 a month) 2 year contract to unlimited everything tmobile($80 a month) no contract. The nokia n900 is a personal computer that you can put in your pocket and makes phone calls too! I also just heard today it will be compatible to 4g when the other providers upgrade as well.
wifi, tv out, voip wifi calling with skype intalled, skype vid calling, 5.0 dual led flash, kickstand, 32g mem upgradable to 48g, etc

remote desktop
n900 vs iphone 3gs


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Feb 5, 2006
Daytona Beach
I have a Blackberry Storm and hate it. Although it works fairly well as a phone (hardly ever drops a call) and for e-mail (as long as there are no sizable attachments), it is useless for Internet surfing. Cannot log into any sites that I regularly visit, and the layout is always scrambled into an unreadable mess. I believe I'll be looking for an Android phone in December when my contract is up.



GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
iPhone in january at Verizon:biggrin

on d bit

Well-known member
Jul 20, 2008
maricopa az
I have a Blackberry Storm and hate it. Although it works fairly well as a phone (hardly ever drops a call) and for e-mail (as long as there are no sizable attachments), it is useless for Internet surfing. Cannot log into any sites that I regularly visit, and the layout is always scrambled into an unreadable mess. I believe I'll be looking for an Android phone in December when my contract is up.


Unless it has full flash support any phone internet will be simalar to your experience with the blackberry. The Andriod should be getting it with 2.2 system upgrade but nobody knows when that will get here. Seeing the internet exactly the way one would on a computer is the exact reason I picked up the n900! Its awesome!

texas mongrel

GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
May 3, 2009
Houston Texas
I've got the BB Bold - this has a track pad; my previous crackberry had a track ball and I went through 2 phones in a year due to sticky balls (have you ever had sticky balls - not nice?!) The balckberry has a proper key pad, great camera, works everywhere (even in Korea these days), super resolution on the screen - I'm sold. Had it for about 8 months with no issues.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Sep 9, 2006
I had an Apple 3G iPhone with (of course) AT&T. Due to perhaps the service provider, phone, or likely a combination of both, the phone service was awful. I had to break the contract eventually it was so bad, and customer service with AT&T was very poor also. Overall interface and functionality was good for everything other than phonecalls (the main point of a phone)

I have been using a BlackBerry Tour for about a year. I don't like it either. The email and texting is good. The phone is decent and speakerphone decent. Camera actually not too bad (3.2mp). But I don't like the trackball and I don't care for the interface, and internet browsing is poor. Verizon is good as a provider.

So, I'm torn. I want the new iPhone, but I've read about the reception bar issue and the questionable internal antenna design. A new AT&T cell tower was constructed in an area I frequent, so that would be a plus, but I am quite hesitant to go back to AT&T.

Currently open to considering other smart phones, on the Verizon network.


Android Might "Captivate" Disgruntled iPhone 4 Users....


Awsum GT

GT Owner '18
Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 17, 2005
Carmel & Cntrl Ca
iPhone4 is my choice... don't want another paper weight