

GT Owner
Jun 26, 2007
San Mateo, CA
seems the bottom has fallen out of the [modern] ferrari market. fgt prices seem steady!


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Jan 5, 2007
Surrey, UK
I think the FGT will start coming down a bit as well.

Most assets have gone down 30-40% in the last year. I would expect the FGT to follow the trend, even if with a less steep curve.


Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 5, 2005
Fresno, Ca.
There are about 400 F Cars on Ebay compared to about 300 F cars which seems to be normal.

Where our friend from Denmark stated he wanted to buy a FGT at $150k he was slammed with offers.

The market is what it is, I would think that 911 is correct.


GT Owner
Oct 19, 2005
London, UK
The trouble, I guess, is that anyone selling their Ford GT would be doing so because of some kind of financial squeeze - chances are, that everyone would be feeling the same squeeze and that the price realised would be disappointing. This would double the pain of selling.

I took mine out for a spin at the weekend - and, because it doesn't see too much action, I was amused and reminded just how much courtesy is shown to the GT on the road. In fact after a while it gets darned irritating if some lesser vehicle (i.e. 100% of all traffic) doesn't get out of the way immediately! :lol

But I do look at the GT sometimes - the way that Tom used to look at Jerry and see a chicken leg walking around - and see $$ instead of car. However, I don't need the cash - yet!

Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
... However, I don't need the cash - yet!

Well, if you ever DO...Bony has contact info for a guy in Nigeria who can provide you with a quick infusion of several million $$$...


GT Owner
Oct 19, 2005
London, UK

Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State

Oh, okay, okay. Then I PERSONALLY know of a U.S. serviceman in Iraq who found MILLIONS of $$$ in a warehouse in Baghdad who is looking for somebody to help him get that $$$ outta the country. HE'S PAYIN' BIG BUX for that help. PM me for the confidential details...


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Jun 7, 2007
Look, I don't profess to know all things financial re FGT vs F car prices, primarily because their is no listed, active market place for real time, transparent pricing. I did, however, see some eye opening prices on a couple of Lambos over the weekend; an '05 silver, AWD Gallardo, 7200 miles, $129,000. On the other end of the spectrum the dealer had a new '09 LP640 Murci, in the Ithaca color scheme, for (get ready for this) $399,810.

My point is, you won't find any '05 FGT that isn't a salvage title car for >$130,000. (And you sure as $h!t won't find one for $400,000 unless it is the aforementioned Sonic Blue car, but what will that Murci be going for in 2 years, sixty cents on the MSRP dollar?). But what we FGT faithful ought to take solace in, is how well relatively FGT prices have held up compared to the other supercars that are out there. I'm not trying to knock the Lambos or Ferraris either. Fact is, the Ford has held up fairly (and maybe very) well compared to the others that are in the supercar marketplace (and don't even mention Aston or Maserati).


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Aug 11, 2006
Surf City, USA
Price of Admission

+ Performance

+ Intangibles (how they make you feel)

= Makes for a sound investment in a GT

Show of hands for who thinks that we will see the SuperCar market continue to deliever the variety of options (makes and models) we enjoy today?

Case in point - '70's oil embargo
'Those who do not learn from history are bound to repeat it'


GT Owner
Jan 31, 2008
Chicago, IL
Yup, I agree - they are all correlated and when the entire exotic market is in the dumps the FGT will suffer as well, but it has suffered much less than the F or L cars. To add some data points - Brand new 08 Gallardos can be had for 60-65k off MSRP (PM me if you want details) $170k or so.

THe other thing to keep in mind is who the marginal buyer of these exotics are, seems to me that alot of FGT owners are true enthusiasts. Seems like more of (NOT ALL, just a higher %) of the lambo and F car owners were guys who had made quick money in the markets, real estate, mortgages,etc and wanted a flashy car and are now feeling the pain. They also likely used alot of leverage or home equity to buy their cars. FGT owners seem very different in my view, they care about the provenance of the car, the history, the performance and alot less about the attention it gets. Just look at this forum versus other exotic forums. Not trying to bash F car or Lambo owners, but seems like the FGT never had the "marginal" buyer (and now seller) those guys did.

In this market - there is no financing, stock indices are down 30% and when you have forced sellers and few cash buyers it makes for a dramatic fall in clearing prices. I am considering a 430 but wont get it unless i STEAL a cash buyer and eventually someone (dealer or individual) will hit my bid.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Dec 3, 2006
Prices on the Fgt are so dependent on colors and miles. Red and white cars are almost always 10-20k less than Blue/black and Heritages are always about 10k above that. With tungsten being somewhere between the first and second.... the fliers seem to be yellow and silver... have seen them low and high.

As for Fcars .... would not know ... can't seem to get mentally past the cost of service after doing my own basic maint. on the GT.


Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 5, 2005
Fresno, Ca.
First a small percentage of FGT owners are truly active participants on this board. On a regular basis we hear about FGT owners who never even lurk on this board. Clearly the vast majority of the FGT owners are pleased with their purchases.

Second, at this point most FGTs have been long paid for. We are aware that more than 25% of FGTs where bought on installments. What we are seeing with luxury cars is that are being sold today would effect the same percentage of the FGT market today if the car would now be on the market.

Third, the prices are holding on the FGT because there is no replacement from Ford on the horizon.


GT Owner
Jun 26, 2007
San Mateo, CA
As for Fcars .... would not know ... can't seem to get mentally past the cost of service after doing my own basic maint. on the GT.

why wouldn't you do your own basic service on an Fcar?


GT Owner
Nov 2, 2005
SF Bay Area in California
why wouldn't you do your own basic service on an Fcar?

I have never owned, or worked on an F car , but it would be a consideration. I have heard that F car parts make even FGT parts seem cheap. (e.g. $800 for a radiator hose) and lead times for F cars parts also poorer. As for routine maintaining the FGT is very easy to work on provided you have access to a 4 post lift to remove the belly pans.
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GT Owner
Staff member
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Feb 13, 2006
Scottsdale, Arizona
CCELA retirement account.


After three decades of saving for retirement I contemplated over one year ago how much better off I would be if I could transfer my money from the stock market to Ford GTs. I have room for four lifts in my garage and I believed that 4 relatively new GTs stashed above my normal garage inhabitants would be a more reliable store of value than my retirement stock mutual funds. Buying collector cars for one's retirement account is not allowed by law of course so it was nothing more than an intellectual exercise. Today, my IRA can no longer purchase four GTs, it could purchase only one. What a wipeout. :ack Even if the Ford GT declined significantly in value it would still have been a more reliable store of purchasing power than the stock market. It's not an IRA, it's a CCELA (Chip's Complete Equity Loss Account).



Le Mans 2010 Sponsor * Moderator
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jan 22, 2006
N.E. OH & Naples, FL
With the global financial markets the way they are, Ferrari and other exotic cars ALWAYS follow closely. I think that there will be some real buys out there. I am watching the Porsche Carrera GT market closely right now, as I believe that their short-lived run-up will come back down as margin calls, etc. make some owners liquidate. I have watched the correlation between the financial markets and the used exotic market closely over the past 10 years. Hang on to those FGT's!!! When the market comes back, pent-up demand will drive the prices way up, trust me!


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Sep 9, 2006
My point is, you won't find any '05 FGT that isn't a salvage title car for >$130,000.

You do mean less than $130K right? Just want to make sure the noobs don't get confused or excited.


GT Owner
Jul 13, 2006
08 Gallardo's for 60K off MSRP?

Isnt '08 base coupe MSRP like $186,900?

I'll take one for $120K
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GT Owner
Jan 31, 2008
Chicago, IL
08 Gallardo's for 60K off MSRP?

Isnt '08 base coupe MSRP like $186,900?

I'll take one for $120K

Well i was referring to one dealer i know who has 60k off new coupes, MSRP on those was around 220-230k i think. he can do 65k off a supperleggera. Its on cars in stock so think they are just pushing them out the door.


Active member
Oct 10, 2006
The only reason that parts for F or L cars is so expensive is because the Dealers can charge what they do, and the uneducated don't think twice about it.

I'm one of thos poor L car owners, and cannot afford to pay $ 2000 for a tune up on my Diablo. (Plugs, Plug wires, dist cap and rotor). So I do my homework, and was able to to do the same, myself for around $ 300. Most F / L car owners don't want to do that. A lot of the parts come from someone else, so it's just a matter of figuring out where they got th eparts from. For F Cars, they raidied a lot of parts bind from Fiat, while L cars robbed parts from everyone. The steering rack from Rover, Washer bottle from Nissan, brakes from BMW, ignition from Jaguar, etc. You get the picture. Ford is not much different, the lifter adjuster/followers on my Cobra R are from the Dodge Neon( SVT could not find anything in Ford inventory at the time to work for the Cobra Rs unique heads) as well as parts from the early 96-98 Cobras, Mauraders, Probe, etc.

I was glad to see the GT some to life, since now, I've got engine parts for my Cobra R (Being the little brother and the test mule to the GT500 and GT) at reasonable prices. Previous to 2005, SVT wanted $7000 per head for cylinder heads, the intake, exhaust were made of unobtainum.

The GT owner seems to be a different breed, and nowhere near as uptight as an F Car owner. Ironically, L car owners seem to be of similar mindset to the GT owners. Maybe its just me.

One day, I'll have a GT, but being in my early 40s, other things are on the radar right now.

Best Regards.
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