Sunday Morning in the new GT

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GT Owner
May 21, 2006

Well, this saga continues, and there is now another dealer in the fray who has a GT mechanic and will pick up the vehicle, transport it, do the installation(s) and transport it back the same day.

However, it is still unknown as to all the parts that may be missing since these integrate with other parts. It would be essential to know for which parts the assembler was responsible. My concern would be, obviously, is that it would be picked up only for them to discover more parts are needed.

Complication #27: The parts must go to the selling dealership which acknowledges that it has no knowledge of the GT whatsoever.

Interestingly, we had investigated a 4-post lift with the goal of putting the GT above my grocery-getter. Never happened.\


- doc


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2006
eshrink said:
However, it is still unknown as to all the parts that may be missing since these integrate with other parts. It would be essential to know for which parts the assembler was responsible. My concern would be, obviously, is that it would be picked up only for them to discover more parts are needed.

Complication #27: The parts must go to the selling dealership which acknowledges that it has no knowledge of the GT whatsoever.

- doc

Legitimate concerns for sure.
When you say that is has no knowledge, do you mean recollection or knowledge of being able to look things up or get things correctly?


GT Owner
Oct 9, 2005
Venice, CA
When I was shopping for my GT I saw two brand new GTs parked side by side in a Los Angeles dealership and noticed that one didn't have the front diffuser. I thought it looked much better without it. The sales guy couldn't furnish any info as to why one had the diffuser and the other one didn't - I left assuming that it was an option. I didn't notice if it was also missing the rear diffuser.

So there is at least one other out there sans diffuser - (this one was red).


GT Owner
May 21, 2006
Yes, this is the crux of the matter.

Due to assistance of this forum, the missing diffuser and spoiler were noted.

92NSX - Do your your assistance, we are in receipt of the FAX'd pages of the shop manual.

Comparing the underside of the car with the FAX (not truly an easy task), it seems that at least two other large pieces are missing.

Essentially, the assembler must have been responsible for the final underside bolt-ons. None of them are there. Everything is exposed. Bolt holes are all open.

The dealer lacks even a cursory knowledge of the GT, had never seen on before. They are wholly reliant upon what they can learn on the fly, and they are not doing particularly well on that task.

Well-intentioned or not, we are forced to be the ones that educate them. Unacceptable.

And, as stated, there is a compounding variable. All must go through this selling dealer before it can then be shipped to a second dealer whose service technician comes from Ferrari and has formal training on the GT (they have serviced a dozen of them).

(heavy sigh)
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GT Owner
Dec 11, 2005
eshrink said:
Comparing the underside of the car with the FAX (not truly an easy task), it seems that at least two other large pieces are missing.

The large panels with dimples ?


GT Owner
May 21, 2006
No, Petunia, just posterior to the diffuser panel is a half-sized plastic panel 115A74 and just posterior to it is a narrow and long plastic panel 9A039. Together these form a T.

This is my speculation based upon my certification as a GT-Missing-Parts-Certified-Buyer is that the assembler puts all of this on as a final prep perhaps after the car is driven. (dunno) But virtually all plastic that is under your car is not under mine.



Well-known member
Mar 22, 2006
I am so amazed at how this problem got by the quality controls that should be in place at the assembly plant.
If you need any other pics just let me know. I'm gone for the day but can do it tomorrow.


GT Owner
May 21, 2006
I appreciate all of your help, and it does call into question quality control. If you have ever been up close and personal with a can you eyeball a completed car and not notice that diffuser and spoiler are missing. The car looks quite different without them with the back decidedly unfinished.

- doc


GT Owner
May 21, 2006
Forum Member Assistance Needed

Yesterday a Forum member wrote to me with the online name of another member who had connections at high levels within FoMoCo. I need such an individual to assist with my GT dilemma. In cleaning out my PMs, I deleted the message.

Would that (or any) Member kindly recontact me with the name of the individual who has these contacts so that I may ask for his assistance.

Thank you

- doc


GT Owner
May 21, 2006
Just an update

Going into the weekend, we have no resolution on the missing parts of our incomplete GT.

Some parts have been ordered, others have not, and assistance has been offered from at least one Ford official, but we are uncertain as to where that will lead.

While I am certain that this may eventually be resolved, I am equally certain that I shall have by then owned the car at least 2+ weeks before anything substantial is done.

While the preponderance of leg work to chase this down has been by my wife, I am equally certain that no offer will be made of compensation other than finally completing the car for which we paid greater than a week ago.

I am relatively certain that the Ford GT is a fine car. It is not an inexpensive car. It is not a Mustang, yet I feel that the responsiveness of the dealer and factory was no more than that which would be offered for a standard production four door sedan. It is exotic car priced but Sunday sales car supported in our case.

I am somewhat certain that this is a rare event. I am equally certain that my dealer did not notice the mistakes and was not conversant enough with the car or the manufacturer to facilitate resolution.

Finally, as many have noted, it is unclear as to when we can be certain that everything that is missing has been discovered, ordered and installed. While we can assume that it was just the undercarriage of the care, there is no guarantee of that unless someone of official capacity examines and certifies the car.

Do I like the car? Yes, somewhat, but it is difficult to separate my experiences thus far from the car itself.

Would I buy the car again? Certainly not if this was a known risk factor.

Would I buy any vehicle again from this particular dealer? No, not at this stage. While it may have been naivete that allowed the car to be sold to me with missing parts, it appears that other lackings have resulted in this not being "made right" in a timely fashion.

A missing, and likely unimportant, aspect of this purchase was that I was offered two cars by two different dealers at the identical price. I chose arbitrarily chose this one. It was not the right choice.


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2006
I just don't understand why the dealer has jumped thru hoops to make this right. :frown
It sounds like you have been very patient and understanding beyond belief with what has been discovered and the way it's been handled thus far. I feel like I wouldn't done the same but my wife wouldn't went off the handle.
Hopefully the 'higher' up from FMC will get the ball rolling and get this situation taken car of.
I know this might sound kinda far fetched but I got a brainstorm.
Would it be possible for them to just get you a replacement car? I don't even know if that is something that can be done but you might want to ask if you haven't.
You've got grounds to question just how many other items might've been left off the car during the assembly process. These items may not be discovered for a long time to come.
Just a thought.


GT Owner
May 21, 2006
A higher up for another car company had suggested the same as you. He said, in effect, that if it were one of their cars, they would have simply replaced it and done so very quickly since it is a flagship car, and they would have no desire for this situation to continue to be a public discussion.

Since our car is essentially unused, the swap would not entail more than the expense of a transport to pick up ours and deliver another. Maybe they could offer a Heritage as a goodwill gesture. If I was holding my breath for good outcome, I would have been blue long ago.

I do not believe that Ford assesses the situation as important, and they certainly do they it as grave. To them it has been "we deny that this could have occurred." This evolved into "well, it certainly is rare" and then to "we'll help the dealer out when we can get back to him with any questions or orders he has....if our schedule permits.

Eventually, there has been become silence. My wife continues (against my better judgment) to carry the torch and ask for daily updates. There is little to report. Some parts received...some ordered...the true extent of the problem actually unknown.

But, in effect, little is actually being done.

If this is how Ferrari and Lamborghini would handle matters, then it is no big deal. It is merely status quo for the automotive industry. If, however, this is a Ford problem, then it is very tragic since American cars appear down-for-the-count.

I have never owned a Ford before. Currently, it is not an experience that I would repeat.


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2006
Where is the car currently at? I trust it is in your possession.
I would hope that if they have parts on order for it then they have looked at the car and are in the clear of what needs to be done? If so, why would'nt they order ALL the parts? Seems like a waste of time to me not doing it the first time. They have the spot light shining right down on them and have a golden opportunity to look really good to you and whomever you tell this ordeal to. So far, it doesn't sound like they care that much.
I know it is a little sneaky, but ask them when you can expect them to have the parts in. If they don't come out and tell you, then get the #'s and pass them along to me and I'll check to see where they are located. Provided they aren't on b/o or anything.
I've had very good luck with getting these parts in so far. It has been only taking a few days on regular order.
I would think that they would be ordering everything overnight for you to minimize your down time.
The more I think about it the more I think you should pursue the replacement car route.


GT Owner
May 21, 2006
The car is, and has been, in the driveway or garage since it was delivered and the first GT Forum individual noticed that the venturi (diffuser) was missing.

They cannot order the parts because the selling dealer does not have enough of a knowledge base to know what parts should be there...and, therefore, what is missing.

As my wife points out to them what is missing, they order parts. But as you know, there are dozens of fasteners, etc. They truly are in the dark.

The service manager appears highly motivated (just inexperienced with the GT).

The dealership leaves the impression that "well, I sold the job here is done." date has not shown any interest.

I believe it is time for (at a minimum) the drop off of a new and inspected car in my color choice or (my preference) a buy-back, and I am out of the whole ordeal.

For the past week, the GT has been what I do for a living. Time is money, and this is taking up a great deal of time.

Wish Ford had, indeed, acquired Ferrari...they could give me one of those.

Wait. That's not a good may come without a transmission.


Permanent Vacation
Jan 26, 2006
atlanta, ga & charleston, sc
You need to drop whatever dealership in Cedertown you are dealing with and call my friend's at Akins Ford in Winder (316 on the way to Athens). The sold me my GT and they have had six of them and I will tell you that I am 110% happy - as - heck with their service department. They have gone over-the-top for me and made sure that I was (and still am) happy with my car.

Call Brad Akins (the owner) at (770) 867 9136 - Tell him that I referred you off of the Ford GT board and he will hook you up with his cousin who is the service department manager and who knows EVERYTHING there is about the Ford GT.

Enough is enough and I would not give the selling Ford dealer anymore of your time because time is money and they took your time (and your money) and you have a half built, unsafe at speed car to show for it!

Feel free to call me if I can help out - let me know what happens

Stephen Becker
(770) 932 0257

2005 White Ford GT


GT Owner
May 21, 2006

I appreciate the data, and I wish that were an option. However, Ford is currently requiring that if replacement of the parts occur, they must be ordered from the selling dealer.



GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Aug 18, 2005
Frisco, Tx
This is strange....the diffuser is just part of the rear engine pan...its one part and about 12 or so screws....I am sure 92NSX can find it for takes some digging to find the pans..I had a couple of the screwes get messed up with my oil change so I had to order new ones..Let me know if I can help.



Well-known member
Mar 22, 2006
I have already looked and found both items that he is talking about. Now I haven't looked in FMC inventory to find where they are in the warehouse system though.
I faxed pics of both of them already so they have a good idea of what to order. However like he stated already that apparently some of the parts that the missing ones attach to appear to be missing as well.


GT Owner
May 21, 2006
92NSX is recounting accurately. It was initially believed to be just the diffuser but with further inspection became the entire underside panels. At this point, we do not know, but assume, there are other parts missing.

We were never given the option of using an alternate dealer, and while our dealer should be faulted for a passive response to this deeply troubling situation, this is an even more grave statement about the manufacturer.

Many, many Forum members have been helpful with inside contacts and what all had hoped would be high level contacts.

However, and in brief summary, each of the contacts has forwarded the information to the appropriate people, and nothing more has, as yet, come of the situation.

The car was delivered to us on May 25, 2006.

This has, indeed, cost us a great deal of time, and it appears probable that it will require expenditures of our funds to eventually bring this to resolution.

I believe that all (members of the Forums) have (or should have) grown weary of this tired old story.

WIth respect to your probable fatigue level, I shall henceforth respond to questions, public and private, but I'll not independently initiate a new post unless it is a statement of resolution or some major way or the other.
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GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Feb 15, 2006

As frustrating as this experience is right now, within a week or so all should be resolved to your satisfaction. A year from now it will just be a fun story. At the end of the day, these missing items are very easy and straightforward to install. Simple attachment points with traditional connectors (screws) and no rivets. Hang in there. Sorry that you have to experience this, but it won't be a big deal at all in a few weeks. It can/should be a point of embarassment for Ford for a long time!
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