Well, I went to a Lamborgini dealership today.


Permanent Vacation
Oct 14, 2005
new jersey
i treat people the way i want and expect to be treated !!!!
and as for her daughter, she did okay for herself, she now has card boardbox in an alleyway, right down the block from her mothers card board box.

be well my friend



GT Owner/B.O.D
Mark IV Lifetime
Dec 13, 2005
Sandpoint Id
Same type of story but with a different twist.

Many years back I worked for a fire protection Co and was working at very large sized chemical plant in Carson Ca. A older black man with a very heavy sothern twang, dressed in old and worn clothes asked if I could certify his plastic "POS" fire extinguisher he used on his fish'n boat. My first thought was bud I'm swamped here and who the hell are you anyway? Instead I looked it over and told him it wasn't worth fixing and gave him a good quality used replacement and hung a certified tag on it. He was very happy, ask to pay. I figured I didn't need 10 bucks from this guy and jokingly told him to bring me a fish next time I see him.:lol
Well, three years later I have my own business and I run into him at a local burger stand. I didn't recognize him until he came up and reminded me of our encounter. He said he appreciated the way I gave him the time of day even though he was just the janitor. He also stated he was now incharge of frie safety for that same plant and if I wanted the account all I needed to do was stop by. That account helped me stay in business the first few years!


GT Owner
Dec 20, 2005
Beautiful East Texas
Love those kinda' stories.


Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
Same type of story but with a different twist.

Many years back I worked for a fire protection Co and was working at very large sized chemical plant in Carson Ca. A older black man with a very heavy sothern twang, dressed in old and worn clothes asked if I could certify his plastic "POS" fire extinguisher he used on his fish'n boat. My first thought was bud I'm swamped here and who the hell are you anyway? Instead I looked it over and told him it wasn't worth fixing and gave him a good quality used replacement and hung a certified tag on it. He was very happy, ask to pay. I figured I didn't need 10 bucks from this guy and jokingly told him to bring me a fish next time I see him.:lol
Well, three years later I have my own business and I run into him at a local burger stand. I didn't recognize him until he came up and reminded me of our encounter. He said he appreciated the way I gave him the time of day even though he was just the janitor. He also stated he was now incharge of frie safety for that same plant and if I wanted the account all I needed to do was stop by. That account helped me stay in business the first few years!

That's what so often happens when you treat someone like YOU'D want to be treated if you were in their place (instead of trying to figure out if they are any use to you FIRST).:thumbsup

Nobody's "just a" anything. Think about what the world would be like w/o someone willing to be a janitor or garbage man for instance. Not a pretty thought, gentlemen (and ladies)!:thumbsdow
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GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Sep 9, 2006
i told him i would buy both within the hour if the sales women was fired on the spot.
he called her in with us, and she confirmed what she said to me. at that point he told her to clean out her desk, and i bought both cars.
motto--never judge a book by its cover !!!!!

Great story!

About 11 years ago, I sold cars for Nissan, and a month later I was promoted to Infiniti. I sold a car my first day, and I never made judgments about whether or not a person could buy a car or not. It is a good practice to try not to judge a book by its cover, whether in car sales or just life in general.

I always tried my best to treat people the way I would like to be treated, and people have helped me in so many ways, in various careers, even when they could have easily done absolutely nothing. The world is a better place when people pay it forward once in a while...
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Well-known member
Sep 7, 2006
Houston, TX
Great stories guys, save for Chip's poor experience.:frown

It's true though, treating people the way you want to be treated, in the very least, makes the air around you a happier one. That's one thing that makes my day at work (dealing with a lot people) much easier.

Blackstorm, I enjoyed your story very much as an owner we all have that "warm & fuzzy feeling" about our favorite miss the Ford GT. Since you live in Houston, come to the Keels & Wheels car show this weekend at the Lakewood Yacht Club on Nassau Rd. 1 and I'll let you sit in my GT (in full race dress) and you can see Carroll Shelby and Sir Sterling Moss who are honored guests. I think this will keep your head on straight about GT's. This will be our only chance to have Carroll in the Houston area. Sat & Sunday
I will also have my AC Mark IV Cobra (in race dress) in the show. Tomy Hamon

:eek , PM sent.

Good stories above!! I've had similar experiences in certain dealerships down here in Houston as well. It's the ones you don't always expect to have the money that actually have the money!!!!

And Blackstorm, let me know when you and your "friend" are driving around in the Lambo so I can come get a up close look at her. I see them all the time, but it's always nice to see yet another!!

I wish I saw them everywhere! What part of town are you on? Are you an owner?

Good thread BlackStorm! I bought my GT from Lamborghini Houston in February. Gary Seale runs the dealership, and used to run Lambo Dallas, and is a great guy who has been in the industry a long time. One of his salesmen, Raj, is a cool guy too, and knows his stuff. They are not one of those stuffed shirt dealers who won't give you the time of day. Glad you stopped by there.

I think I saw Mr. Seale, didn't talk to him but, he did talk to my friend. He seems like a very professional gentleman, basically exactly the kind of person I would want to deal with if I were in the market for a Lamborghini.

a few years back, went into a chevy dealership to look at the "new" zo6.
a women salesperson finally came over and looked me up and down(i was in jeans and my "holy" t shirt). and said, please don't open the door, we reserve that right for "serious buyers".
i asked her to speak with the owner, who came out after 5 minutes.
i went into his office and told him i wanted the zo6 on the floor and an automatic c5 that was in their other showroom for my wife. i told him i would buy both within the hour if the sales women was fired on the spot.
he called her in with us, and she confirmed what she said to me. at that point he told her to clean out her desk, and i bought both cars.
motto--never judge a book by its cover !!!!!


:lol :rofl :lol :rofl :lol :rofl Oh my gosh, that's too funny!

I'll make this short (Ya. Amazing!).
1964 went in to a local Chev dealer & looked at a '64 Chevelle ...for about 2 weeks ...didn't buy one.
1968 'go back to SAME dealer to order a 427, tri-power, 4-spd, "T-top" 'Vette...cash in hand. SAME salesman happened to be the guy I approached to order the car. He said, "Oh, I remember YOU. You didn't even buy that Chevelle you looked at a couple years ago. You DARN sure arn't going to buy a 'vette!!!!" And he walked away. (I'm serious as a heart attack.)
I left.
Three days later I drove BACK to that dealership in EXACTLY the car I just described and parked right in front of the showroom where this gentleman's desk was. He was all big eyed when the car pulled in (because THAT dealer hadn't even SEEN one yet... I had the 1st and ONLY one in the area for 9 months) and he headed for the door to come out and have a look-see. THEN he saw who was getting out of the thing!!!!!!. He spun around on his heels & HIGH TAILED IT for the back room 'cause I'm sure he KNEW why I was there. I went in, and had him paged. HE DIDN'T ANSWER IT! So, I left a verbal message for that all knowing gutless wonder with ALL the staff who happened to be in the showroom at the time. You can all imagine for yourselves what that was.
Vengance is sweet when served three days old...
'Haven't bought a thing from that dealer in all the years since.

Oh the smile on your face, through the whole event, had to be HUGE!

Same type of story but with a different twist.

Many years back I worked for a fire protection Co and was working at very large sized chemical plant in Carson Ca. A older black man with a very heavy sothern twang, dressed in old and worn clothes asked if I could certify his plastic "POS" fire extinguisher he used on his fish'n boat. My first thought was bud I'm swamped here and who the hell are you anyway? Instead I looked it over and told him it wasn't worth fixing and gave him a good quality used replacement and hung a certified tag on it. He was very happy, ask to pay. I figured I didn't need 10 bucks from this guy and jokingly told him to bring me a fish next time I see him.:lol
Well, three years later I have my own business and I run into him at a local burger stand. I didn't recognize him until he came up and reminded me of our encounter. He said he appreciated the way I gave him the time of day even though he was just the janitor. He also stated he was now incharge of frie safety for that same plant and if I wanted the account all I needed to do was stop by. That account helped me stay in business the first few years!

:eek , wow! That's quite a story!
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Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
That's right, Motorsports of Scottsdale was where we had that lovely experience. At 3:30 PM last Monday (4-29-07).


I've been there a dozen times and I've NEVER seen a sign anywhere saying "no pics". It's not surprising you two didn't see one either. I have to think THAT is a new wrinkle for them.

But, my question is: WHAT'S THE BIG DEAL? THEY POST THEIR OWN PICS OF THEIR CARS ON THE NET, FOR PETE'S SAKE! So, why would someone's own personal pics of those same cars be a "no-no"??? Are all their staff members hired from the witness protection plan now and they fear being included in the shot, or what?

'Anybody have a clue?:shrug


GT Owner
Staff member
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Feb 13, 2006
Scottsdale, Arizona
The rare exception.

motto--never judge a book by its cover !!!!!
Sam #1451--------red/white

When I was 17 I started dating a "model" that dressed and acted in a matter that ensured she would be noticed. My father took one look at her, pulled me aside and said, "Dump her". (I ignored his advice of course and had a miserable experience as a result). :ack When I finally extracted myself from that mess he said, "I told you". Still not willing to admit he was right I replied, "You can't always judge a book by it's cover". True enough my dad replied, BUT, "The books cover will ALWAYS tell you how much it's going to cost".



GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 21, 2006
State of Confusion
When I was 17 I started dating a "model" that dressed and acted in a matter that ensured she would be noticed. My father took one look at her, pulled me aside and said, "Dump her". (I ignored his advice of course and had a miserable experience as a result). :ack When I finally extracted myself from that mess he said, "I told you". Still not willing to admit he was right I replied, "You can't always judge a book by it's cover". True enough my dad replied, BUT, "The books cover will ALWAYS tell you how much it's going to cost".

I Love that story............your Dad sounds like a wise man.

It's now after my Dad has passed, I think about his good advice.
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Mad Max

Well-known member
Apr 7, 2006
SE Michigan
sam.... lighten up buddy,... she was a single mom, told me all about how mean you were to her as she gave me a massage. she was working in a parlor near the Triborough Bridge.... no happy ending for her... be kind to people:banana :willy :banana

Allright, since nobody asked, "I gots to know, I gots to know" Was there a "Happy Ending" for you Bony?:banana


Well-known member
Sep 7, 2006
Houston, TX
Allright, since nobody asked, "I gots to know, I gots to know" Was there a "Happy Ending" for you Bony?:banana


How did I know this is where this thread would end up?:rofl


Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 5, 2005
Fresno, Ca.
Allright, since nobody asked, "I gots to know, I gots to know" Was there a "Happy Ending" for you Bony?:banana

leave my short comings out of this thread... it is all about customer service:banana :lol :lol :rofl :lol :lol :banana