The FORD GT: Buying and Owning IT and 5 Other Supercars!


GT Owner
Mar 26, 2006
The 2004 Ferrari 575 Maranello!

piccola said:

Thanks for your response! It's good to know that when you have your very own personal car show/open house (note my optimism), you are only a short flight away!!! :biggrin

More stories to come???? :cheers

Of course Dear, all you really had to do was ask!

Here's my review of the first Ferrari in my life, the 2004 Ferrari 575 Maranello. This review may not be as exciting or as long as the others, only because the transaction went through really smooth.

Well as you remember, I had bought the Ford GT in January of 2005 and was in pretty good shape with a Ford GT and a 2003 Porsche GT2 in my garage. But then I got the itches for the Porsche Carrera GT and traded the GT2 on it in April of 2005. Anyhow, I'm happier than ever. As I'm day dreaming one day, all of a sudden I have this brilliant revelation come to me! I don't have a Ferrari! Poor.... poor.... me! What can I do to correct this hardship in my life?

I know..... go out and buy a Ferrari! But wait a minute, there's one big problem! The closest Ferrari dealer is in Columbus, Ohio, Midwestern Auto Group or as their affectionately known, MAG. Dang, that's really far away to have to take a car in for an oil change or anything minor that may pop up. I think it's 120 miles or so and about 2 1/2 hours of driving time in freeway traffic for me. Wait a minute, isn't that where I bought the Porsche Carrera GT, Columbus, Ohio? Oh yeah, OK, well then I guess it must not be that far to have the pleasure of owning a Ferrari!

So now what do I do? Hmmmm, I've heard Ferraris may be a little temperamental. Do I want to possibly go through the hassle of owning a car and having to figure out how to get it back and forth, back and forth if the car's going to act up on me? Hell yeah..... come on.... It's a Ferrari!!

Now it's time to call the dealer and see what's going on. I give MAG a call and reach a salesman by the name of Mike Finneran. Really nice guy to talk to. I tell Mike "I'm interested in a Ferrari F430 mostly because I don't know anything about Ferraris or their various models and that's the only model I've really heard something about." He could of told me he had a 6 door coupe, 10 speed hatchback that had 10,000 HP, did 350 miles and hour and I probably would have believed him! That's how ignorant I was with my lack of knowledge on Ferraris.

I ask Mike if he possibly has any 'sitting around'? Mike? Mike? I'm not sure but I think I hear the sounds of muffled laughter and a chair being picked back up off the floor! As Mike gains his composure, he says, "No Sir, I don't happen to have any F430s laying around" (there's still that mysterious muffled sound in the backround). He then starts to tell me that the F430s are sold out for at least 2 to 3 years and there are 'millions and millions' of people on a 'waiting list'. What waiting list? I've never seen it in a magazine or advertised anywhere. I could just see the ad now.... 'How would you like a new Ferrari F430? Just fill in this form, send it in to us, and we'll call you in a couple years and tell you how many spots you've climbed up the list and let you know when you'll be able to put your deposit down!' Thanks a lot Mike!

Of course, I let Mike know that I've just purchased a 2005 Ford GT and a new 2004 Carrera GT hoping maybe he'll think I'm not pulling his chain and that he might possibly move me up to spot 999 instead of 1000! Then Mike tells me he has a 2004 Ferrari Maranello that has 110 miles on it. Number one, it's used isn't it? Number two, it's a 2004 and we're in the summer of 2005. Why would I buy a year old car? Number three, I don't even know what the heck a Maranello is. Sounds like a brand of Merlot wine or an Italian Pasta Speciality dish! When asked why such low mileage, he tells me it's the owners DEMO and since they have 15 brands or more of cars, the owner takes one here and takes one there. Ahhhh, now I understand the low mileage!

I don't want no Maranello or whatever it is. I want a Ferrari 'SUPERCAR' What's so hard about understanding that?

Mike calms me down and proceeds to tell me that he has an outrageous Saleen S7 'Supercar' with 500 or so horsepower that might fit my desires. Oh yeah, I've heard of that car. Wasn't it in a movie with..... who was it? Of course, Jim Carey in 'Bruce Almighty'. Hey, didn't he get to play God for a while doing all kinds of unreal stuff like enlarging his girlfriend's breasts and beating up punks all over the place? And he's gets to go cruising around in that rocket ship of a car. OK I tell Mike..... "That's for me. How much is the car?" HUH? WHAT? Did you just say $450K large ones or so? Jeez..... I just did that on the Carrera GT. Hey Mike...... I'm really not looking to see if I can jump into Chapter 11 over here or anything!

As I start to simmer down from hearing that number, my mind swings back to the Ferrari Maranello. After all, it is a FERRARI! "OK Mike, give me the details on the car." As Mike begins to explain the car's dynamics to me, he states that the real goal of any 'real' Ferrari owner is to have a twelve cylinder engine Ferrari someday because that's the true engine of what Ferrari history is made of. OK, I'll buy into that. "What else Mike?" Well he says, "It has the F1 transmission which is a real pleasure to drive." "F1 transmission? Isn't that just a fancy word for an automatic trans?" "No says Mike. You have an Auto mode and you have a Manual mode. It's just like the one they use in Formula One racing. You know, Michael Schumaker, Kimi and Jacques and those other guys." "Uh, yeah I say. We'll if it's good enough for those guys, who am I to say otherwise!

Mike continues with his spiel on how this is a GT Touring car, a real 'gentleman's ride'. It's very comfortable and luxurious inside and the outside is truly a work of art.

"OK Mike, you've sold me. How much? Hey, I can live with that. And you'll even give me a slight discount because it's an 04? WOW!" When was the last time you ever heard of anyone getting a discount on a brand new Ferrari?

Mike meanwhile sends me pictures of the Maranello parked next to a Bently Continental GT on their dealership entrance ramp. Damn, that IS a really sharp car after all! We work on a deal where I'm putting down some cash and I'm trading in my 2001 BMW Z8. Beautiful and fantastic car the Z8 is but give me a break....... I'm getting a new Ferrari! He checks my credit out and bingo, we set a delivery date and time. Mike says he going to be delivering the Maranello personally with the transport truck driver. Whoa..... how's that for personal service?

My lucky day comes and I waiting in the drive of the house I purchased next door to me. I kinda had to buy it protect the land running along my main drive which is 2500 feet long and almost like a drive in a park lined with trees. If I didn't buy it, someone could have bought that house and land and started cutting trees down to sell for cash. Other neighbors have done just that. Sick bastards! I love nature and animals. We call the house and property our 'Vacation Villa'. Since I don't fly, we pretend to take vacations there. Real ball of fire, aren't I?

The magic day is here and down the street comes Mike and the truck and my new Ferrari! Let me tell you, the pictures didn't do it justice. It's beautiful! Sleek, small, sexy, fantastic, outrageous and much more all in one! They unload it and Mike goes over the car with me. Then we jump in the car and go down to the main house because Mike says he would like to see the Ford GT and the Carrera GT. (I hope not because he thinks I was bullshitting him!)

I open the garage doors and Mike is ecstatic. Tells me how nice it is to see both those cars next to each other. He then wants to take pictures of my two BMWs outside in my drive. One is a 04 645 convertible and the other is a 04 M3 SMG convertible. Don't know why I buy convertibles, I hardly ever put the top down! He especially likes my license plates: 'DPRIVD' on the 645 and 'DMENTD' on the M3. 'DPRIVD' is a little pompous (don't have it anymore because of that!) but it was fun for a while. I once had the same spelled plate on a 1991 Mercedes 420 and a photographer from the local newspaper came up behind me on the freeway one day and started laughing his ass off and took a couple of pictures of the car. Sure enough, a couple days later, it wound up on the front page of the 'local' section of our newspaper with the headline reading 'WONDER WHAT THOSE NOT DEPRIVED DRIVE?' and the caption "Sometimes DPRIVD is the eyes of the beholder as the owner of this Mercedes demonstrates". Sorry if I ever offended anybody. It was only meant to be a joke son..... just a joke!

Now about driving the car. She wonderful. Easy to start, easy to back up (I can finally see out of this one) and the Daytona leather interior is 'classy as hell' and smells so sweet! I do wish the seating offered a little more leg stretch out room. The other little gripe is the rear view mirror. I can't adjust it up high enough (tilt it back) to please me. The wheels are the two piece ones and as you'll see in the pics are just amazing looking. Reverse gear is obtained by pulling a little lever on the console up and back and then you hear beeps. You have to hold your foot on the brake to start the car, just like the F430. The headlights are excellent offering all kinds of light for you to see. The F1 shifts nice and smooth and I just leave this one in Auto mode and cruise around pretending to be 'James, James Bond'!

One thing I do notice on this car and the Lambos is that the tires seem like they're scrubbing or chattering when you back them up. I dunno... someone said that's normal. OK, I believe him. Every once in a while, I'll get a little brake squeal now and then, but it's nothing to write home about.

I went down the street to the local service station just to fill the car up with gas one day and bumped into a couple of my friends at the gas station. One of them said to me, "You're unreal! You may have been the only person in the United States to have filled his Ferrari up while wearing his Carhart work jacket!" What's did he mean by that? Hey wait a minute.... was he calling me a Bum?

Cruising around in her is wonderful. She's quiet, rides nice and smooth and oh my God, does it get the looks..... from everybody. Hey what's going on here? I know it's a Ferrari but from far away, nobody (OK, maybe a few people know) really can tell what it is. That's what's so surprising! I'm getting tons of looks and gawkers from far down the street! And I'm talking from people of all ages especially young (16-20s)! I never realized they knew what the heck it is. I guess it's the styling that draws their attention. Kudos to Ferrari! Unreal! I can understand when I'm in one of the others because they're 'SUPERCARS' so that makes sense. But the Maranello?

One incident really freaked me out. We went to the local Ice Cream stand and we're eating cones in the car. Three young teenage boys were driving out of the stand in a small, older pickup. As they drove past, I saw one kid look out the window and then I hear the screech of tires. What the heck is that all about? They jump out of the car with their mouths wide open and they're eyes all glassy. "A Ferrari?" Yep I say. "I don't believe it says another" I told them since they were all so excited about the car, I would pop the hood open and show them the 12 cylinder engine.

After 20-30 minutes of talking and my girlfriend laughing her ass off from their amazement, I tell them since they're such extreme motorheads, I'm gonna give them a real experience. I give them my telephone number, ask them to give me a call in a couple of days, and I'm will take each one of them for a ride in the Porsche Carrera GT! Think they were happy? I got called several times before we could make a day and time. After taking the two of them for rides and having them almost crying with joy, I tell the 3rd kid let's go. He's hesitant.... Why? I finally realize after talking to him, he's afraid I'm a suicidal maniac on the road. I tell him, "Don't worry, I'll go down the street at a certain speed, increase it slowly and if you're OK with that or if it's too fast, just let me know and I'll slow down." He agrees to that and when we come back, he's smiling and they're all saying I'm their new hero. They even offer to wash all my cars for me, anytime, for FREE, just call! Damn did I feel good!! But in reality, I know that if I was a kid many years ago and someone had done that for me, I guess I would have felt the same way.

Back to the car. It's just amazing how many people smile with approval to the looks of the Maranello. Wherever I park, some even come up and strike up a conversation about her.

The engine sound is unreal. It has this deep and rich sound when you get on it a little. A lot of Ferrari owners like to put Tubi or some type of exhaust on their Ferraris but this particular model to me just doesn't make sense to jazz it all up like a hot rod. It isn't one! It's a GT touring car. It's meant to be classy but sporty looking and fast but certainly not in the category of the Enzo! I love her the way she is. How can you adulterate a lady? You don't! You love her the way she is and take good care of her. And that's exactly what I'm going to do!!

Obviously, after enjoying the pleasure of my first ever Ferrari, I then become a rabid fan of the 'Prancing Horse' and all it stands for! I've got t-shirts, windbreakers and all kinds of other Ferrari paraphernalia up the wazoo! I guess now you understand why I had to find myself a F430 before I had a conniption fit. Don't worry..... I know..... I'm sick. But I'm taking my medicine religiously!!!! Michael

p.s. At the beginning of this review, I stated the following, "This review may not be as exciting or as long as the others..." I guess I don't know the strength of my mind or my ability to fantasize about cars!


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GT Owner
Mar 26, 2006
5 more pics of the 575 Maranello

Here's some more pics.


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GT Owner
Mar 26, 2006
The last 4 pics of the 575 Maranello.

Here's the last 4! Enjoy! Michael :cheers


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GT Owner
Feb 3, 2006
so. ca.
We call the house and property our 'Vacation Villa'. Since I don't fly, we pretend to take vacations there. Real ball of fire, aren't I?

I think someone is just afraid to leave their cars for very long :party
What you did for those kids was really cool i know they found a new super hero.


GT aficionado
Mark IV Lifetime
Feb 17, 2006
Grand Junction, CO
It wasn't THAT long. Only took me 1/2 hr!!!! :lol Without seeing the Ferrari symbol on your car, I don't think I would have known she was a Ferrari, especially being silver! She is a beauty though.

When you were a kid, did you put a tent in your backyard & call that "camping"? :rofl

I saw a crazy exotic car this weekend & followed it 20 miles hoping the owner would pull over so I could ask what type it was. I then drove back home & searched the Internet, but found nothing... Maybe it really was a small spaceship???

"I love her the way she is. How can you adulterate a lady? You don't! You love her the way she is and take good care of her. And that's exactly what I'm going to do!!" Now... If all men had this attitude towards their real ladies (& not just cars), this world would be a wonderful place!! :wink



GT Owner
Mar 26, 2006
Lamborghini's flagship, the Murcielago

Now it's time for the 'Raging Bull', Lamborghini's flagship, the Murcielago. First let me tell you, back in I think July of 05, after I got the Red F430 and was enthralled by with the Ferrari, I became irrational and started thinking about how nice it would be to own another coupe but this time with a 6-speed and in a different color. I found a beautiful Burgundy 6-speed Coupe with ceramic brakes in Nevada or California on eBay and called the guy to chat.

Really nice guy and he happened to mention he also had a Gallardo for sale. When he asked if I was interested, I told him that I had heard Lambos were not as reliable as a Ferrari. He immediately responded that a Gallardo was an excellent car especially since Audi became the owner of Lamborghini but the Murcie was just OK in his opinion. Probably said that because he had the Gallardo for sale. Well his price on the F430 was pretty high and when buying from an individual, it's tough to arrange financing with a bank so I took a pass on the idea and told him thanks for the time he shared with me.

Anyhow, after talking to that guy and his positive remarks about the Gallardo, I start going into heat for a Lambo. At that time, my budget would only let me consider purchasing the Gallardo. So after calling all around, I find the car I want in Columbus, Ohio at the Nelson Auto Group (Lamborghini, Ohio). Made the deal, got the car, loved it. But then that's when the trouble started! What trouble you ask? Waddya think.... SUPERCARITIS! Never heard of it you say? It happens when you buy a supercar of a certain Marquee and then you get this sickness where you've got to have more and more of that brand of car. It happened here! Bought the Gallardo, loved the lines of the car, loved the performance, loved the sound, loved the interior and ...... well I could go on and on! Then I started breaking out with twitches and itches, foaming at the mouth and inexplainable stuttering of LAMBO..... LAMBO..... MURCIE.... MURCIE!

I finally figure out there is only one cure for this potentially harmful disorder! I need a shot from the Lamborghini flagship..... the low slung, angular, mysterious and mind blowing MURCIELAGO! I figure this was possibly the only thing that could save my life from untold years of misery and tears from not having the 'Big Kahuna' itself, the Murcielago!

I have in mind to try and get the Murcie just before my birthday in February hoping it will return me to a normal 'state of mind' so I can celebrate my birthday in peace! Well, my financial situation changes in early January and I have to hurry if 'm going to get the Murcie before or on my birthday. I call Nelson Auto Group where I bought my Gallardo, and talk to Harvey Ford (excellent salesman). "Yo Harvey, I need a Murcielago coupe..... bad.... real bad!" I like the Roadster but with the top on, it just makes the car look unfinished. And I don't want just any Murcielago coupe..... Oh nooooo..... I'm desperate for a 'LIME GREEN' Murcielago. I want to be seen on the road through the heaviest fog, the whitest white-out and even when there is zero visibility at the local airport weather station. Yeah..... that's the ticket!

Lamborghinis are unique. Their bodies have wild angles and scoops and vents and wings and stuff all over the place. Plus, you just can't have a normal paint color on a Lamborgini. No way.... it would be like putting a white wedding dress on a porn star...... it would be ridiculous. Lamborghinis crave the wildest paint colors ever dreamed of. That's why I got the Pearl Orange on the Gallardo and precisely why my Murciealgo needed to be Lime Green!

Telling Harvey I want a Lime Green Murcie is the easy part. The hard part is finding one! Harvey's looking all over the U.S. for my Green Murcie and meanwhile, I start searching on my own at every dealer possible all over America too.

After a day or two or web browsing, guess what I find in Dallas, Texas. Yep, a Green Murcielago Coupe is there and waiting for my butt at Lamborghini of Dallas. I start working on a deal with Scott (their salesman-also excellent) and over here in Ohio, Harvey and the gang are busting their rear to try and sell me a Yellow 06 Murcie they have in stock. Scott tells me his car is the only Lime Green coupe in the U.S. at the present time! Oh yeah....... hang that carrot in front of my nose!

Anyhow, I like the Pearl Lime Green more than the Yellow so I finally make a deal at surprisingly an even slightly better price in Texas than the one in Columbus, Ohio. I'm a very, very, happy camper. My Murcie is delivered February 9th, one day after a new 2 car heated garage I had being built is finished. How's that for timing?

The Murcie is absolutely beautiful and that Pearl Lime Green color is just unreal! Scott convinces me to get the E-gear because he said there's too much going on in the interior and I thing he's right. The black interior with the green stitching is magnificent. One nice thing about both my Lambos is the ability to push a button on the console and the nose of the car raises about 1 1/2 inches. Nice when you have to drive over speed bumps or mildly angled driveway entrances.

Another nice feature is the electric folding side view mirrors. Especially agreeable if you build a garage that's not wide enough for Plan (A) The Murcie and the Carrera GT in the same garage. What a dumb ass I am! The dang garage is about 4 foot too narrow to be comfortable for the two cars. It's built at 20' x 20' and should have been 24' wide by 20' deep! Plan (B) The Murcie and the Gallardo in the same garage. It works! Now I have a dedicated Lambo Garage! Thank God for the Murcie's scissor doors or I'd have to lose 150-200 lbs. to be able to squeeze out the driver's window to exit the car!

The E-gear really shifts nice and smooth BUT.... you have to manually shift her when going up in gears. It will downshift by itself when gradually coming to stop but if you want to downshift in a performance rpm range, you'll have to do it manually. A minor hassle, since both my F1 Ferraris shift by themselves in their automatic modes. Full Auto-Mode is nice when you eating a burger or playing with you wife or girlfriend or..... both!!

The dash is laid out nice and the heating system will blow you out of the car..... I'm not kiddn! The radio doesn't have the normal preset button arrangement but it's easy to operate. You choose the band you want, preset your channels via the manual's instructions and then just rotate the right knob left or right to find your station. I'm just so use to preset buttons that it was a little confusing at first.

Rear view visibility is a little better than in the Carrera GT or Ford GT because they suck in that category. There's plenty of decent seating room and leg room for me. The one seating hassle is the deep dish buckets. When I park the car and try and release my Valentine One from its mount, I keep sliding back into the seat! The fact that the windshield is so drastically raked doesn't help either! Nor does my age (58) and not being as agile as most of you. No problem..... it only takes 4-5 tries and a few swear words before the mission is accomplished.

The exterior lines of the Murcie are fabulous! Like I said earlier, there's angles everywhere. Most 'supercars' have smooth curves all over the place....... not Lambos! They have some edges like cliffs on a mountain! You get to an edge and it drops right off. Really futuristic! These lines make the Lambos unique in the 'supercar' world.

And then there are these engine side scoop vents at the rear downslope of the roof. When open, they look like the mouth of JAWS when they're up but they depend on engine temperature to raise and lower. One bummer is that you can't manually raise these two side scoops and keep them UP all the time! Somebody on said if I raise them manually with the car running and then shut the car off, they will stay up.... ALL THE TIME!!! You have to take the car back to a dealer to reset them to go back down! Yeah, that really sounds like a great idea! I think I'll try it..... NOT!!

This car is wide.... kinda like the fat lady at the circus.... but in a good way! Makes you feel like the car is super stable! You have to be careful with the lower rear brake side scoops because if you go through drive-thrus, you could nail them on curbs. The engine.... the sound of those twelve cylinders will give you goose bumps all all over your little body. She doesn't seem as loud as the Gallardo but very, very healthy, indeed! I'm not into aftermarket stuff like exhausts, wheels, wings etc., so she'll stay unadulterated till it's time to get a new one.

The Murcie is sneaky fast. You'll be out on the freeway, look down at the speedo and DAMN.... I'm really doing 85 or 90? You better have a Valentine One or you're going to be 'up the creek' real quick. I'll tell you this, cruise around in a Murcie and people look at it like it's a Flying Saucer! What's especially nice is the color... it can be seen from miles away! People see this 'LIME' thing coming down the road and they're looking at you even before they know what it is! And as you pass them or overtake them on the highway, their mouths are open in amazement! Really puts a smile on your face.

One problem though..... with that subtle Pearl Green color, the 'HULKSTR' could get me into trouble real fast. It's tough to keep a low profile from the police or even young, voluptuous women wanting a ride. Oh the pains of owning a Pearl Lime Green Murcielago nicknamed the 'HULKSTR'! Woe is me... woe is me! Michael

p.s. I'm adding a little anecdote story that happened to me in late March of this year. I think you'll enjoy it!

I was in my Pearl Green 06 Murcielago because it was finally beautiful outside for once here in northeastern Ohio. I had to go to our local post office to pick up my McLaren F1...... unfortunately it was a Maistro 1:18 scale die cast that I bought off eBay!

As I'm coming out of the building and heading for my car, I hear "Hey Sir.... Hey Sir!" I turn around and it's this older gentleman walking briskly towards me. As he approaches me, he says, "I saw your car and I wanted to come over and get a better look." He then asks me if I mind some questions and I say absolutely not. We started talking about the car and he tells me he is a car lover too and shows me his windbreaker with a 'Corvair' patch on the chest and says he belongs to the 'National Corvair Club of America.'

He's freaking out over the car and asking me all kinds of questions. He says, "How much does it cost... $175.000?" No I tell him, a little bit more to which his eyebrows raise. He drops that subject of price for a while and asks me about the engine, how many cylinders and what's the horsepower?

He then starts on the paint and says how much he really loves the color and how he bets I can be seen for miles away. I laugh at all the excitement the Lambo is giving him. It's wonderful to see him so amazed!

We then begin talking about Corvairs and I mention to him my parents had a 1964 Corvair station wagon that we all loved but I ran it into a bridge one snowy day cause of heavy snow (slow speed - 15-20 mph) on my way home from some girls house after making out with her for about an hour or so. I guess she really got me excited..... gimme a break......I was only 16 you know!

He was really great to talk to and very appreciative of my spending some time with him. He told me so.... several times! We must have talked for at least 20-30 minutes. A few other people came over too while we were talking and checked the Murcie out.

Well, it finally seemed like he was ready to go but not without a few more questions and some pictures from every angle with his instamatic camera. He must have taken 8 - 10. I asked him if he wanted to sit inside the car but he declined because IMO, I think he was afraid he couldn't get back out! I offered to help him get inside but he declined again. Although, he did bend over and look all around the interior and out the back window to which he said "you got to be kidding!"

He gets back on the price of the car.... "$225K.. no?.. how about 275K?... no?....How about $300K?" I tell him almost but the actual sticker was $308K. Phew! he says and then asks whether I own any others and I tell him what I have. He then pulls out a pen and a little scrap of paper and starts asking me to repeat all the specs to him, $308K, E-gear 6 speed, 580 HP, the name of the company and the name of the model of the car, etc. He's writing this down with the enthusiasm of a man writing down the number of a beautiful blonde giving him her telephone number.

When he finishes his questions, I have one for him. I figure him to be around 70. I ask..."I hope you don't mind but could you please tell me how old you are?" "Sure he says, I'm 80!" He's 80 years old and he's excited about the car as much as I am! Unbelieveable!

He finally thanks me for the last time and starts on his way but not without asking me if I could do him one more favor..... come down the street in front of him getting on the gas a little bit! How could I refuse this wonderful 'old man'.... could you? He didn't know it, but he had just made my day as much as I apparently made his. Thank you Ferruccio Lamborghini!! Michael


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GT Owner
Mar 26, 2006
5 More pics of the Murcielago

Murcielago pics


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GT Owner
Mar 26, 2006
More pics of the murcielago

The last 5 pics of the Murcielago. :biggrin


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GT Owner
Oct 19, 2005
London, UK
Very enjoyable!

A quick Murcielago story for you.... I'd had mine for a couple of weeks and I took a friend out for a drive - we hit this country road, a nice long straight section and you could see for about a mile and a half. All clear apart from a 4x4 in our way. I dropped into 3rd and rocketed past... all good so far.

As I get alongside the 4x4 I realise there isn't enough room - the Murcielago is so wide and I'm fairly uncertain of it's exact dimensions.. I don't want to put my wheels on the grass at 100 mph, but there's probably no option - and then I notice I'm bouncing off a raised kerb on my driver side. :ack :ack :ack

So, after this dreadful driving from me, I park up and survey the damage. Fortunately the bodywork had not been touched but the two wheels on the
driver side were very badly marked. Terribly actually. Because the rosso corso speedline logo was marked (removed!) and the tyres damaged I had brand new wheels and tyres fitted the next week. I now have the rear wheel and tyre cleaned up and sitting in my recording studio as a memento of the car and my dreadful driving!! It's a cool looking object.

Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
comparing supercars

Okay. I'm posting on a thread that's been here since the Mayflower landed... and you guys will pbly never see it ... but the following is submitted anyway.
Re: the Ford GT vs. "whatever";
There's one article I read ( on I think) wherein a Murcielago, an SLR, a Carrera GT, and, coarse, A FORD GT were all taken out for a putt-putt around the countryside somewhere. All on the same day...all stopping at the same places, etc. A ,"group road test", if you will.
After a day of driving, annalizing, and whatever these press boys do during such assignments, this particular journalist sumed up the day with the following comments ( in no particular order HERE) about the Ford GT after the almost "obligatory" "Rah, Rah, Rah" over the other cars (deserved to be sure - but, come on! It's soooo over done!):

"In sum:The Italian car looks German, the German cars look Italian, and the Ford makes the dead rise up & walk the earth."
"The real Night of the Living Dead machine, the car that brings everyone from a passerby at a local mall to half the paddock at a V.I.R. race meet directly to it's side, the car that brings workers from a dealership running across a busy highway to the gas station where it's being refueled, the one that nearly knocks over the guy with the "GT I WISH" vanity plate on his Mustang, is the Ford GT."
"Good Lord, When we try to hid behind a barn at V.I.R. for a peaceful photo session, racing drivers, security people, corner workers, and just plain bystanders make a pilgrimage up the drive like a line of ants to a picnic, mindlessly walking into our photo shoot, just to look in the GT's window."
"Could you live with that kind of attention?"

Amen my friends. Amen. Finally - truth in journalism!!!!! ('Kinda brings a tear tuh yur eye, don't it?) We ALL know 'zactly what the dude ment too, don't we!
And, the attention STARTS the minute the transporter's door drops to the pavement in front of your house!
The neighbor across the street - who hadn't mowed his front lawn since "D-Day" - cranked up his mower & was out there a-goin' at it within 10 seconds of the afore mentioned door drop! And, I would assume the whole neighborhood was informed of my "new arrival" within 2 seconds of his return to his house!
The last time my wife & I took the GT to a particular restaurant we always "haunt" (it has a real SAFE parking place were I can park the car and keep an eye on it from where we usually sit), it took me 7 minutes to get from the car to our table answering the same questions all of us get... over & over! But, it's all good! :thumbsup
My GT is the only "exotic" around this area I'm aware of... and the only GT privately owned - period (there ARE a couple dealers who have one in their showrooms a ways away). So, it's a circus whenever the car leaves the garage. I can't count the number of drivers who've dang near driven off the road or hit a curb "goosenecking" over their shoulder as the GT goes buy... or the ones who come "this close" to rear ending the car in front of them for the same reason. ...And then there's those who wanna look ...really WANNA look ...I mean REALLY, REALLY WANNA LOOK, but, they don't want YOU TO KNOW THAT! :biggrin ( I caught one guy on the sidewalk in my rearview mirror who waited as looooong as he possibly could ....I KNEW he was gunna look, so I already had rolled down the window - and when he turned around - I GAVE HIM A WAVE! 'Ticked him off bigtime gettin' caught! 'FUN-NEEEEEEEE!
But, what I really get a kick out of is: nobody, and I DO mean NOBODY, challenges that car at a light or when I signal for a lane change! Nobuddy!
Weeeeeell... there was this ONE refugee from the shallow end of the "gene pool" in - of all things - a Chevy "duelie" pickup(!) who was "shadowing me" (you all KNOW what I mean) a few 'lengths back off my left rear qtr out in the left lane on I-5. As I came up on snails in the right lane, I signaled for a lane change to pass the bozos - AND TO MY AMAZEMENT, THIS IDIOT IN THE "DUELIE" HITS THE GAS ('front end "lifted" ... so what else was he doing?) AND TRIED TO CUT ME OFF SO I COULDN'T CHANGE LANES!!!!! I COULDN'T BELIEVE IT! Well, "instant red butt" on my part ... I hit second gear in less time than it takes a liberal to change political postions - and "bye-bye, you stupid moron." Ohhhhhhhhh! Does that feel good! Oh, yeah! YES! YES! YES!
So far, 'not one "negative" comment from anybody about the car. Just "thumbs up", necks snapping around, "shadowing", and that sort of stuff.
Yup. I haven't regreted buying that car for a nanosecond.
Thank you, God! :banana


Red Rocket

GT Owner
Aug 31, 2006
Pacific North West
Empty, thanks for picking up this thread - I would not have seen it otherwise. This website is enormous!

That fellow Michael has a nice gift for writing yarns. Wonder what ever happened to him - have not seen any posts lately.

BTW EP, my experiences are very similar to yours. The only trouble I've had is with guys driving trucks (jealousy?) who tailgate. Some are just tyring to see into the engine compartment, but I don't like the tail-gating too much. Others just seem to have a chip on their shoulder. But this is far out-weighed by the positive enthusiasm from most people. By far the most positive response I've ever had for a special car.


Permanent Vacation
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 16, 2005
Harrisburg, PA
Please also post pictures of your garage.


Le Mans 2010 Sponsor * Moderator
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jan 22, 2006
N.E. OH & Naples, FL
Magwheel, Where in Ohio are you located? I am in Hudson, OH. I am trying to pull together the Ohio guys and nearby bordering states for some get togethers in the time to come. I plan to post a picture of my collection as soon as the final lighting, etc. is done in my new 5500 Sq. Ft. clubhouse (The Batcave). Watch for the pics.

Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
for Red rocket

No. The guy in the "duelie" was just being a stupid JERK. Period. He was gunna show ME just who was boss of the highway( or whuddever 'twuz he thought he was suppose to be a-showin' me :rofl ). I mean, challenging a GT with a "dulie" in a "go fast" situation??? The guy HAD TO BE a complete "idjut".... or suffering a MASSIVE case of "delusions of grandure". Mebbe BOTH?
There was just NO excuse for him - or anybuddy else - pulling that kinda stuff. How lame can one guy get????
But, like I mentioned, it took just an INSTANT to put him in his place ... BEHIND me! 'Just took one quick "sneeze" on the accelerator...


Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
question for frankbarba

...Pics of WHO'S garage???



GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
May 8, 2006
Seminole Florida
I wish I had all the time you have. :lol

Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
beach Gt

Retire and you WILL !!!!!! :banana

Oh! By the way. 'Got my license plate & spacers. Thankee! They be on the GT now. (I THINK I got those from you? :confused )


Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State

Ooops! That was Suntech! :eek

You be the magnets 'n' trickle chgr guy... which I "no gots" yet ... so, a hearty "pppppppht!" to you until I DO! :rofl

I'm OLD! 'Can't keep nuthin' straight. :frown

So, sue me!
