Single blade Accufab - worth the investment?


GT Owner
Sep 30, 2006

Can anyone with the single blade chime in? I have the 4.0L Whipple running 21lb pulley - and Ford Racing headers into a Heffner -running a twin blade Accufab.

So next time it goes in the shop I'm trying to decide whether to go for the single blade?........what sort of HP gains might I expect and how will it affect driveability?...interested to please get feedback from any owners who have doen a similar swap??? :thumbsup



Totally ****** Up
Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Aug 2, 2006
Dallas, TX
minimal returns but it will likely be more noticeable with the GT Guys air intake system. Currently you bottleneck is the air box, with the new air intake, your restriction will be the TB.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Aug 17, 2006
Washington Crossing, PA
A stumble coming off idle is one possibility. Aftermarket manufacturers tend to be liberal in their claims but stingy in producing validation data. I'm from Missouri .....


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Jan 5, 2007
Surrey, UK
Your car will run lean with the Single Blade....

The guys at Mountune tried it on mine but had to revert to the old twin blade....

paul b

GT Owner
Nov 2, 2006
Your car will run lean with the Single Blade....

The guys at Mountune tried it on mine but had to revert to the old twin blade....

Would the computer learn to live with it after time or does it outrun the stock fuel system?


GT Owner
Sep 28, 2006
Edmonton Alberta
I have 4/0 L whipple package with monoblade full borla exhaust headers and muffler 770 RWHP 665 FTLBS on 91 octane fuel torque up from 572 and 565 Have an issue with throtttle sticking off idle tried everything Love the power but sometimes drivability is an issue just off idle. Maybe twin blade will cure it Was Dyno tuned SCT Running out of fuel at 5700 rpm 100% fuel cycle 45000 miles on car as of today. 19 lb pulley is giving 20.33 lbs boost Love the upgrade and can live with the 1970's big block throttle feel if I have to. Car runs real strong


GT Owner
Dec 21, 2009
I did not have a good experience. Installed it for the Texas Mile. ran OK for a while, but after the second pass it would not idle below 4000rpm. Put the stock TB back on and it idled perfectly and I picked up 3mph on all my following runs. I am still running the stock blower, but at 18psi.


Totally ****** Up
Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Aug 2, 2006
Dallas, TX
My Mono-blade ran great but I had it disassembled and anodized, then reassembled before I installed it. I expected a more dramatic "tip-in" feel to the car but it wasn't the case. So far, it drives just like the twin-blade. There is a set screw that can interfere with the TB coming to a complete rest... it might be worth removing altogether.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Nov 13, 2011
Stillwater, MN
Anyone else with more real world information on the single blade? I am having an accufab throttle body installed and was wondering what the experience was with the mono versus the dual.



GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jan 4, 2011
Houston, TX
Anyone else with more real world information on the single blade? I am having an accufab throttle body installed and was wondering what the experience was with the mono versus the dual.

Running the monblade with Whipple and Borla muffler + cat delete, no drivability issues or complaints. I cannot comment on power since I put it on with the Whipple.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Nov 13, 2011
Stillwater, MN
Seems like it will give more air flow. With stock air box is that the area of constriction? Can the fuel system handle the extra air flow or will I be lean?




GT Owner/Vendor
Mark IV Lifetime
Apr 24, 2006
St Augustine, Florida
Stock fuel system is good to about 800WHP SC 1000WHP TT