Looking for silver or tungsten no-stripe GT


ex-GT owner x2
Mark II Lifetime
Sep 16, 2005
Merry Christmas to me!

WANTED: Silver or Tungsten stripe-delete GT (without roof stripe option)
* Side stripes are ok, since they are vinyl and thus easily removable
* Prefer stock or near-stock, under 20K miles.
* Not interested in wrecked or rebuilt cars or or gajillion-horsepower standing-mile top speed or track cars

I know there aren't a lot of cars with this spec, but hey, I've kinda waited 13 years already, so a few more weeks/months/years is not a problem. There were actually three silver no-stripe ones for sale in 2019, but by the time I got my mental facilities aligned, they were gone.

There's one at BJ Scottsdale in January, but it's serial number 3, and 5 years ago it sold at the same auction for a huge price (I think it hammered for $550, so buyer paid $605, seller probably got $506 (if seller fee was 8%), and BJ probably got $99K (whoa!). I think the car has over 5K miles, so it's not "new." To me that's more than a 100% premium compared to a car with a different serial number, and I personally don't place a premium on a low serial number. But who knows, it's a no reserve auction so I'll be registered to bid in case the bids stay non-crazy.

I'll be watching all the normal channels, but if you see one pop up (or if you want to sell one), please let me know. Thanks!

Paul Allen in Cincinnati
PM me or email me at my forum name at gmail.com

P.S. The backstory

Extreme old-timers will remember me as the guy who did the website/blog FordGTprices.com back in the day, posting info that saved probably hundreds of guys tens of thousands of dollars each. (You're welcome.)



In 2006 I bought a new blue no-stripe GT for MSRP, but for various reasons, didn't keep it very long.

As you guys know, the GT is as impractical as it is expensive (primarily due to the authentically-inconvenient doors and the luggage non-capacity), and as such over the years I have considered various less expensive and (possibly) more practical three-pedal alternatives, from 360 to 430, R8 to Gallardo, and even briefly considered the new two-pedal C8, due to its very livable design (well, except the appearance) and inexpensive price. But as you know, there really is no substitute for a GT.
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GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Dec 21, 2005
Location, Location
I certainly remember you Paul aka Centerpunch.

I was a big fan of your research and website and say thank you of course.

I'm glad you're back around here more often lately and pulling for you to get the car you want ASAP.

Yessir, Merry Christmas to you!
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GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Nov 28, 2005
This old timer remembers buying some of your surplus parts, after you sold your ZERO stripe blue, a wheel or 2 for sure. Don't exactly remember, what, as its been what a decade?.....

Welcome back (well you have sort of never truly left), hope you find what your looking for!! Sort of interesting how many have sold their original car(s), and then have come back. A testament to a special car.

Extreme old-timers will remember me
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GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jul 18, 2006
Largo, Florida
The GT scratches an itch nothing else can touch. Good luck with your hunt.


Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Dec 10, 2005
Fort Worth, TX
I definitely followed your website for most of 2005, and then bought a FGT new for 4K under sticker. Still have the car. Your data convinced me to wait out the frenzy patiently. Thanks and good luck in your search!
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