Impact on Future GT Value by Corvette's "Blue Devil"


Board of Directors/Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Feb 8, 2006
South Florida
California said what I wanted to say, but much better.
That is my point, the GT is distinctive - an exotic.
Blue Devil is just a souped up Vette right?


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Dec 20, 2005
Scottsdale, AZ.
Roger Vincent said:
Naturally, when I hear of a competive car that MAY significantly outperform the GT and sell for 60k less, I have to wonder if it might have an impact on the future value of my car.

I agree with the others, most have bought the GT because IT IS a GT. Obviously they all could have bought something else - Lambo, Ferrari, Viper, Z-06, but they bought the GT. Like one of the other postings said, if you are buying ONLY for performance, hold out for the Blue Devil. If you are buying because you like the GT, you will be in the company of 4000 other guys / gals. The GT, being a "cheaper" and faster car did not stop the sales of the F or L cars - both companies continue to exist.

I had Corvettes, have a Corvette, but the GT is the car for me. Buy it - it has been said numerous times on the foum, you will be smiles ear to ear and no regrets. If you don't buy it, you will always wonder. If you buy and don't like it, then sell and go on to the others (you should still have enough money left to do it :biggrin ). At least you wil realy know and understand. The GT is a Gestalt.


GT Owner
May 21, 2006
Mr. Vincent:

When you have to financially struggle to buy a GT, it may, indeed, take on bigger-than-life importance. If your spouse is less than enthused, then it requires extra justification.

I was not able to find a car that equalled the uniqueness and provenance of the GT.

There are many fine daily drivers (Z06, Shelby 500, Porsche 911, Mercedes SL550, etc ad nauseum). They are fun grocery-getters.

They are not a GT. To my understanding, they do not pretend to be.

You cannot buy the car for its performance since that will always be superceded. You need to consider it for its history, implementation and thrill of driving and ownership.

I cannot see it as a car to trade for next year's model, and thankfully, that is not an issue.

I do not know of a car to which to compare it since I considered just about every car before buying it. On my own journey, I declined a Gallardo and Ferrari.

The GT has a uniqueness that must be experienced to be understood.

If there are those who regret their GT purchase, I have not as yet read about them.

- doc


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jan 4, 2006
Belleville, IL
The guys with regrets are the the guys that wrecked them! I even have nightmares sometimes just seeing the pictures. EShrink, am I abnormal? Do I have an unrealistic fixation? Bony's avatar could make me forget!


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Dec 9, 2005
I don't think the Blue Devil will have any Impact on the GT. The GT is a Exotic Limited production car and Incredible looking. No one is sure the BD will even see production and if it does it will probably look too much like the Z06(GM Will Screw it up). I wonder if they can keep the Roofs from Flying off this one. Its a bad marketing idea from chevy it will hurt Z06 sales which have been very profitable for Chevy dealers. The New 2008 Viper with 650 HP will give the BD a run for its money and cost less. I personally hope Chevy builds the BD the more the better.


GT Owner/B.O.D
Mark IV Lifetime
Dec 13, 2005
Sandpoint Id
When I was younger (and had hair and 32" waist) rice rockets were the thing. I scraped to buy a 79' 750F and the next year it was junk when the Kawa 1000R's came out. Then they were junk when the GPZ's hit the streets then the Ninja's GSXR's and so on and so on.

If the GT were a sports car only, void of classic styling and history then the release of a faster car would be the death of its value.

Having said this I will also take a hard look at the Blue Devil. IMO the vet is a fantastic high performance car. I have own a 67' BB and a 02' zo6 both were great. Neither make me want to sell the GT but I wish I still had the 67'.

The GT will be a classic someday if it's not one already.
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GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Jul 10, 2006
Gardnerville, Nv.
As has been stated their will always be a new car with better performance…The reason I bought a GT is that I still remember Ford’s full page adds in Life magazine from childhood that featured the GT-40’s sweep at LeMans. Growing up I always had a spot in my heart for the Ferrari killer! When Ford built a modern version that is easy to live with and has a worthy performance level I had to have one! Vettes, Vipers, Ferrari’s, Lambo’s…are all nice but the GT just brings out the visceral feelings and memories of the all-conquering GT-40.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Oct 5, 2005
Wellington, FL
eshrink said:
If there are those who regret their GT purchase, I have not as yet read about them.

- doc


As always the good doctor has put into words what, in my view, should go to the heart of your purchase decision. Stretching to buy one of these cars and then being disappointed in the product would be the worst result of all. You should take comfort in knowing that unhappy GT owners seem to be extremely rare. I, like doc, have never seen one on this forum or heard of one via friends in GT circles. If you purchase the car I’m very confident you'll love. I also don’t think saving an extra two grand from the dealer will make a difference in the long run.

Good luck with your decision.


David Browns Ghost

New member
Aug 1, 2006
Los Angeles, CA
The Blue Devil will be "just another f-ing 'vette." (say it with me people). It'll be a car which - if you can't buy a "real-deal" version - will be available to anyone who has sufficient access to the right parts catalogs and sufficient balance on their credit card. Basically - except for the documentation - you'll be able to make a Blue Devil in your garage.

Something you'll never be able to do with a GT.

The GT will always be iconic. The 'vette won't affect the value of the GT a bit. In fact, I think the GT's value will be relatively impervious to outside influences. The GT is a "keeper" - the 'vette (any 'vette) is just another 'vette. The GT has more "special" in it's gas cap than the 'vette has in its entire history.

'Vettes are great cars - no doubt about that. But special? Not if it isn't a '63 split-window!

Kirby Vieira

GT Owner/B.o.D
Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 22, 2005
If everyone wanted the same car there would be only one to choose. The GT will always be somnething special. Production is practically finished and you rarely see a GT anywhere. I believe this will not change.
I have a '07 Z06 which is an incredible car, but it will be gone long before I'm ever without a GT, as will the Blue Devil. The Blue Devil is planned to be a modestly lighter Z06 with a blower. The basic Z06 with its 427 motor has lots of HP upside with or without a blower. If the Blue Devil is produced, there will be a big market for a supercharger for the Z06, and as Z06 owners make the performance upgrade, there will be less separation between the top 2 Vettes. Meanwhile people will still be excited on the rare occasions they see a Ford GT anywhere.

Dr Robert Harms

GT Owner
Nov 24, 2005
Blue Thingy (Blue Limpy)

At least as far as the spy pics , Im not impressed. Except for the 66-7 Corvette big block (and it wasn't earth shatteringly different) Chevy has almost always managed to fail to distinguish their better Vettes. Look at the 57 fuelie (looks same as a regular 57), the 63 Z06 (looks like any 63 Coupe), the ZR1 (big diff--larger tires --woopy) and the new watever it is (cant tell any diffs by me). For Corvette to actually sell what may be a good car, they need to make something that looks like a good car. Something that will make people stop and look . Thats the only was they are going to get sales and the collateral showroom traffic GM despirately needs . Like Cord said about the Auburn -"you gotta sell the sizzle with the steak" or words to that effect. Thats also why all of the new hi-po Mustangs do nada for me.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Dec 9, 2005
David Browns Ghost said:
The Blue Devil will be "just another f-ing 'vette." (say it with me people). It'll be a car which - if you can't buy a "real-deal" version - will be available to anyone who has sufficient access to the right parts catalogs and sufficient balance on their credit card. Basically - except for the documentation - you'll be able to make a Blue Devil in your garage.

Something you'll never be able to do with a GT.

The GT will always be iconic. The 'vette won't affect the value of the GT a bit. In fact, I think the GT's value will be relatively impervious to outside influences. The GT is a "keeper" - the 'vette (any 'vette) is just another 'vette. The GT has more "special" in it's gas cap than the 'vette has in its entire history.

'Vettes are great cars - no doubt about that. But special? Not if it isn't a '63 split-window!
Way to Candy Coat your First post on here Ghostman. I think your your Correct. If you want the fastest Vette buy a 07Z and send it to Lingenfelter for the TT 800 HP package which will blow the BD in the Weeds and cost less.

Dr Robert Harms

GT Owner
Nov 24, 2005
"Blue Devil" ---btw....

Can't GM do anything right ?? Great contemporaneous name !! and this is from the company that also sells the Buick LACROSSE Thats Precious (intended pun). Maybe Mike Nifong can be the "celebrity spokesperson"

David Browns Ghost

New member
Aug 1, 2006
Los Angeles, CA
D'oh! ...didn't mean to offend (if I did)...

...I've posted so much on another forum that I forgot this was my first post out here...

I guess I AM pretty opinionated on the matter. Care to hear what I think about Shelby Mustangs (the new ones)?!


The Favor Factory™
Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
David Browns Ghost said:
Care to hear what I think about Shelby Mustangs (the new ones)?!

I can guess...:lol


The Favor Factory™
Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
I refuse to dog the Vette because they are in fact great cars. I've had two and they were both tons of fun. You can't deny how well they perform statistically and how they are very practical, if that's your goal. I just don't think people legitimately cross shop the Corvette and an exotic. Perhaps as a 2nd or 3rd car, but it's a tough sell to believe anyone would sell something like the GT, F430, Gallardo, etc for one regardless of whether or not it's faster.. On the C6 Z front, I really love the performance and practicality of the car, I was just terribly disappointed with the way it looks. Had my deposit refunded shortly after the car was shown...

David Browns Ghost

New member
Aug 1, 2006
Los Angeles, CA
Quite agree - 'vettes are great cars. Even greater when you consider the value. But I think you're right - no one was cross-shopping GTs and vettes. Anyone seriously considering (and able to buy) a GT wouldn't consider a 'vette.


The Favor Factory™
Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
David Browns Ghost said:
Quite agree - 'vettes are great cars. Even greater when you consider the value. But I think you're right - no one was cross-shopping GTs and vettes.

Good, glad to see you realize they can be called great cars! Anything that raises the performance bar for my next car (not that I'd EVER sell the GT) is fine by me...


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jul 18, 2006
Largo, Florida
My humble perspective

Unlike many others on this forum, I have never owned an exotic vehicle (Corvettes included) nor did I ever want one even though I had/have the funds to purchase one. You might say I am a miser. Nevertheless, the GT has caused me to open my moth-ridden wallet and part with actual money to acquire one because it is the most inspiring car I have even seen.

I equate its significance and beauty to my 1964 Lincoln convertible, produced 42 years earlier. Both represent the best America had/has to offer and IMO, are the finest looking vehicles ever produced in this country. Quite frankly, I couldn't care less if the GT goes from 0-60 in 5, 4 or 3 seconds, whether its top speed is 150, 175 or 200mph, whether it will be worth $10,000.00 in 5 years, or whether others care to give it a passing glance. The fact is the GT, like the Lincoln, stimulates that particular part of my brain that causes me to make what, in reality, is a silly, irrational decision to spend lots of money on a car. That is why you buy a vehicle like this. Others may be so affected by a Corvette-it is all a matter of personal taste.

So when I pick up my midnight blue GT later this month, I will drive it home secure in my knowledge that I have bought a car I love. Who knows, maybe in another 42 years Detroit will make something else that will make me get off my wallet.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Oct 21, 2005
A most impressive vehicle, especially for the $.