If there are forum problems...


The Favor Factory™
Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
please report them in here. I apologize in advance for any errors/dead links/wierd happenings that occur. I'm learning this stuff on the fly, so I may not be aware of potential issues.

If you find em, I'll work to fix them as quickly as possible. :cheers


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GT Owner
Aug 14, 2005
? TN
I got the picture error fixed.....Anything over the size of 800px is not recommended for popup window picture loading....So I resized my pictures in the vBGarage and they work fine now lol....


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GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Giant Issues !

I tried all day to post various posts with valuable pictures re installs, comments based on experiences known and so on. I write it all neat, and the the freaking post wont go and all effort s get lost - i don't habe that muc time to dedicate, it's not that I' m jobless, you know...!

I am about to abandon the site, what the hell is going bad lately -I love the crowd here, but the site just sucks lately ! :mad


The Favor Factory™
Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
What are the errors when you try to post? If there is a database error it automatically kicks an email to me, and I haven't received any at all? :confused

What's an example of something that happened? Sometimes if you type an ultra-long post it'll automatically time out, so if you're posting something over a long period of time and that's what's happening, just copy the text of your message before you post in case...

Don't leave us wild man, I promise, you tell me the problem, I'll take the time to find the solution... :biggrin


The Favor Factory™
Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
BTW, anybody else having issues?


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
my issues


first of all, thanks man. I write the text, and when I put an icon to the post headline, or when I put pictures as attachment (but not only then), and click on submit, the explorer hangs and everything freezes. Then, I can't even copy the text anymore, and all was in vain. It happened at the very beginning of my participation, and then all was without issues, until recently this phenomenon returned, to just drive me crazy yesterday.

What could this be ? Is the bulletin getting to heavy in size, or what ?


GT Owner
Oct 19, 2005
London, UK
Don't leave us SLF.... it would be like Clarkson handing his GT back because of a technical.

We need you!



GT Owner
Sep 12, 2005
If I may suggest a possible workaround... Dump internet explorer and get firefox: http://www.getfirefox.com
Better, cleaner, etc...
I haven't had a problem with the site yet (except that it says I can't used the "advanced" features for editing a post, which I don't care about).


The Favor Factory™
Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
Hmm...SLF, sounds like it's browser related. You know, I've encountered the exact same problem on SVTperformance when using Internet Explorer on a certain PC at my parent's house (though never on this site). I know how infuriating it can be. My own home PC running Firefox and the Mac Powerbook running Safari I primarily use have never encountered the problem on any site.

Probably a software version conflict. My suggestion would be to upgrade to Firefox, which I would suggest anyways, but I will certainly look into a fix with the vBulletin people. There is a new version of the forum software out, but I've been reticent to upgrade as it was only jutst now declared stable. I will see if the new version addresses this problem!

Don't say ciao just yet :biggrin


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
DBK, you are the man !

DBK said:
Hmm...SLF, sounds like it's browser related. You know, I've encountered the exact same problem on SVTperformance when using Internet Explorer on a certain PC at my parent's house (though never on this site). I know how infuriating it can be. My own home PC running Firefox and the Mac Powerbook running Safari I primarily use have never encountered the problem on any site.

Probably a software version conflict. My suggestion would be to upgrade to Firefox, which I would suggest anyways, but I will certainly look into a fix with the vBulletin people. There is a new version of the forum software out, but I've been reticent to upgrade as it was only jutst now declared stable. I will see if the new version addresses this problem!

Don't say ciao just yet :biggrin

I say hello again ! Did as you suggested, installed firefox (thanks wonka), and fired off my edition of the last post (Gallardo vs Z06) without any issues... That was not possible seven times ina row on Gates crapware aka internet explorer...

Thanks buddy !


Well-known member

I don't have a forum problem, I have a don't know how to use the forum problem.

When my PM thing has 50 messages it's full. I don't know how to get rid of some I have to trash. When I click on PMs only 4 or 5 show up. How do I get to the others being stored? I once did it by accident, but can't repeat it.




The Favor Factory™
Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
At the top, where it says "folder controls" you can click on either sent or recieved messages. You may have a bunch in the sent folder that you can delete. Because the default comes up as received messages, you've probably only been deleting received ones...


Well-known member
Thanks DBK,

It took me a while even with your help, :ack

Now I've got it, thanks to you. :biggrin



Tungsten GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Mar 8, 2006
Austin Texas
Dave is there anyway you can set things so it's possible to upload more than one photo at a time? Other boards I use allow you to upload three at a time. I've refrained from posting some photos due to the time it takes. Not a big deal and thanks for your efforts!



GT Owner
Oct 19, 2005
London, UK
I'd like to know who 'The Architect' is! I've seen him post elsewhere.


The Favor Factory™
Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
Thanks for pointing that out Bigs. :lol Here I am uploading one pic at a time like a retard when all I had to do was change a setting.

Should be good for 5 at a time now :cheers

The Architect

Ergo..vis a vis...concordantly
Jan 1, 1970
The Source
See signature.

Neilda said:
I'd like to know who 'The Architect' is! I've seen him post elsewhere.


GT Owner
Oct 19, 2005
London, UK
Well that was illuminating. Thanks.


The Favor Factory™
Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
Neilda said:
Well that was illuminating. Thanks.


Tungsten GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Mar 8, 2006
Austin Texas
DBK said:
Thanks for pointing that out Bigs. :lol Here I am uploading one pic at a time like a retard when all I had to do was change a setting.

Should be good for 5 at a time now :cheers

Thanks Dave! :cheers