I need a mafia today


Ford Gt Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Aug 8, 2007
Hey guys torrie is here and tuning my car and we just realized my mafia is dead and I really need another one today if any of the houston guys have an extra one for sale it would really help me out. thanks


GT Owner
Dec 5, 2010
31.022340° N / 44.846191° W
I can't help you there, but wondering if simply placing a resistor on the MAF would lower voltage enough to force the lower voltage to the ECU? I'd start with a 1k resistor - which you can get anywhere...or even a variable potentiometer (Radio Shack) with a 10ohm-20k ohm spec. You will find the voltage you need in there; I'm sure. Just dial it in until you get what you need. All the MaFIA does is lower the MAF output voltage to the ECM, no? The potentiometer would do exactly the same thing...

With a cheap voltmeter (Radio Shack or Home Depot), you can figure out where the pot needs to be set to NOT exceed 5 volts, or whatever max voltage the ECM needs to see. I think that would work for you. With the potentiometer I posted about above, output voltage becomes fully adjustable. The output voltage would still be as linear as the MAF itself and this should all work. Any port in a storm!
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May 10, 2007
Try John Hennessey

Fast Freddy

Mark II Lifetime
Aug 5, 2005
Avondale, Arizona
soroush - you may be out of scale with that mafia. you might want to try JMS's mass air modifier.


GT Owner
Dec 17, 2011
I have one that I don't need my bigger mass air took care of that . Do you still need one


Ford Gt Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Aug 8, 2007
thanks guys but I got one from chad earlier and it all worked out great, thanks again.


GT Owner
Aug 21, 2006
South of Sydney, AUS
soroush - you may be out of scale with that mafia. you might want to try JMS's mass air modifier.

+1 to JMS MAM. Just had one put on my car.