Have Some Fun!!!


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Dec 3, 2006
Ya! That one threw me too!!!:rofl

'Darn car pbly launches it's spare tire during down shifts as well!!! :rofl:rofl:rofl

Ok guys ... I meant distributor cap...

cracked a collar bone yesterday ... having fun with meds today

Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
Ok guys ... I meant distributor cap...

cracked a collar bone yesterday ... having fun with meds today

'Makes no diff! I STILL say super glue the puppy!

Okay... FIRST - whadizzit that DRIVES the dist? That may help in answering your question. (I know N-U-T-H-I-N-G about those particular lil' 4 cyl putt-putts at all.)


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Dec 3, 2006
the distributor cap is ceramic... so you drill two small holes in the bottom edges of the cap to vent exhaust gas that comes up the distributor shaft and into the cap when you down shift aggressively in the 124 spyder .... its even worse in a turbo spyder. :bored:bored

Don't ask how many caps I went through before we figured that one out. :ack:ack

Nardo GT

Well-known member
Jul 15, 2006

Looked on my VCR (had to move my 8-track tape player to get to it) and it says "EP" is extended play and "SP" is slow play. Just FYI.:biggrin

Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
the distributor cap is ceramic... so you drill two small holes in the bottom edges of the cap to vent exhaust gas that comes up the distributor shaft and into the cap when you down shift aggressively in the 124 spyder .... its even worse in a turbo spyder. :bored:bored

Don't ask how many caps I went through before we figured that one out. :ack:ack

1- What was the cap FASTENED DOWN WITH from the factory...a rubber band???

2- How the devil can EXHAUST GASES access the distributor shaft! :eek Or are your meds causing you to say that rather than "crankcase gases/pressure"?

British engineering baffles the stuffings outta me... :frown

Nardo GT

Well-known member
Jul 15, 2006
1- What was the cap FASTENED DOWN WITH from the factory...a rubber band???

2- How the devil can EXHAUST GASES access the distributor shaft! :eek Or are your meds causing you to say that rather than "crankcase gases/pressure"?

British engineering baffles the stuffings outta me... :frown

I must be in the Sports Car Twilight Zone here. First I hear about "alternator caps", "exhaust coming up the distributor shaft" and now Fiats made in England? Meds please!!!!!!!!!:eek:rofl


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Dec 3, 2006
1- What was the cap FASTENED DOWN WITH from the factory...a rubber band???

2- How the devil can EXHAUST GASES access the distributor shaft! :eek Or are your meds causing you to say that rather than "crankcase gases/pressure"?

British engineering baffles the stuffings outta me... :frown

Well the engines are a bit loose so gases are gases ... the caps are connected by this plunge/hook configuration and when the gases surge it breaks these caps where they attach.

BTW Fiat is italian .... but England is close to Italy. :lol

The meds are quite fine .... haven't had a drink in over a year so these things are poppin my head a bit.

Nardo GT

Well-known member
Jul 15, 2006
BTW Fiat is italian .... but England is close to Italy. :lol

The meds are quite fine .... haven't had a drink in over a year so these things are poppin my head a bit.

And I was "close" to a gorgeous blonde today:wink........But I thought "close" only counted in horse shoes:thumbsup.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Dec 3, 2006
And I was "close" to a gorgeous blonde today:wink........But I thought "close" only counted in horse shoes:thumbsup.

depends on how "close" you where to her and if your wife was around. :wink

Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
I must be in the Sports Car Twilight Zone here. First I hear about "alternator caps", "exhaust coming up the distributor shaft" and now Fiats made in England? Meds please!!!!!!!!!:eek:rofl

Darn your hyde! I wanted to see if '92' would catch that 'n' you blew it for me!!! I mean after all, turn about's fair play!


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Dec 3, 2006
Darn your hyde! I wanted to see if '92' would catch that 'n' you blew it for me!!! I mean after all, turn about's fair play!

ep .... beware of the dancing green dot. :bang:bang:bang

btw, speaking of dancing dots.... check the battery on the xd laser its about due for a change.

Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
ep .... beware of the dancing green dot. :bang:bang:bang

btw, speaking of dancing dots.... check the battery on the xd laser its about due for a change.

'Just did. 'Laser's 5X5...


GT aficionado
Mark IV Lifetime
Feb 17, 2006
Grand Junction, CO
Man oh man!!! Did I do poor or what? I got only 7 of them correct, so I must be MUCH younger than all of you - ESPECIALLY YOU EP! :rofl (I think that's the first time I'm happy to have a bad score!!) Never saw the Lone Ranger. I think I've heard about the Ed Sullivan show at some point in my life, but couldn't tell you what it's about. Never heard of Satchmo or Red Skeleton. :frown

Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
Man oh man!!! Did I do poor or what? I got only 7 of them correct, so I must be MUCH younger than all of you - ESPECIALLY YOU EP! :rofl (I think that's the first time I'm happy to have a bad score!!) Never saw the Lone Ranger. I think I've heard about the Ed Sullivan show at some point in my life, but couldn't tell you what it's about. Never heard of Satchmo or Red Skeleton. :frown


Nardo GT

Well-known member
Jul 15, 2006

Atleast you are "banging" something!:biggrin


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Dec 3, 2006
Atleast you are "banging" something!:biggrin


And NO! its not the meds! That S^&T is just funny!

Nardo you're a sick man! Welcome to the club. :thumbsup

Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
Atleast you are "banging" something!:biggrin

:skep :tap: :slap