Hard Shift


GT Owner
Feb 27, 2006
South Carolina
Thank God it's here . I just took delivery on 2006 # 697 and love it . Had a lot of great cars in the past but this one takes the cake . One question for you guys is she shifts a little hard for the first 20-30 minutes is this normal or do I need a little adjustment. Hey and if that and a few head bangs to the door is all I have to put up with I Still love It . If any of you have any information on events in the Southeast U.S. Let me know . Thanks Jack


GT Owner
Nov 2, 2005
SF Bay Area in California
Have fun with your new car. The shifting issue has been discussed and is normal. I didn't see the hard shifting when I 1st drove the car, but after that I found that going from 1 to 2nd when cold is hard to do without making a clashing noise. That goes away after the tranny is warmed up.



GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Nov 15, 2005
San Clemente, CA USA

jtatum01 said:
Thank God it's here . I just took delivery on 2006 # 697 and love it . Had a lot of great cars in the past but this one takes the cake . One question for you guys is she shifts a little hard for the first 20-30 minutes is this normal or do I need a little adjustment. Hey and if that and a few head bangs to the door is all I have to put up with I Still love It . If any of you have any information on events in the Southeast U.S. Let me know . Thanks Jack


Here was my experience:


It's fine now... Jay


GT Owner
Feb 27, 2006
South Carolina
Tanks For the Information

Thanks guys , Makes me even more excited . JT


GT Owner
Feb 17, 2006
Sarasota, FL
Upon inspection of my tranny, we found chunks of aluminum casting had been left/broken off inside and gotten mashed in various gears and forks. For those following, that was my second gear issue. There were still some chunks left floating around that had not been caught by any moving parts, yet. Disappointing to say the least.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Feb 22, 2006

Congrats on your new GT...what a car. I have 350 miles on mine and it still grinds when I go into second until it is warmed up. I have found pausing between first and second helps when it is cold. There are a few of us down here in Atlanta so let us know when you are ready to come this way.


One lucky SOB to own a GT
Mark IV Lifetime
Jan 4, 2006
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Chad, sorry to hear about trash in your gearbox. Was this inspection done at a dealer or did you do it yourself. How was it done? Did you drain the fluid and find casting pieces in it?


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime

it is in some respect unbelievable what horror 'QC' stories we are reported here.. Like this one. And that, when the car is hand montaged. Is it the workers who have no eyes, no training, or smoked too much dope before showing up for work ?
That would never happen in Italian 'pride production'. Basically scandalous.
I consider myself very, very lucky, so far having been totally spared from any of such flaws and bad happenings... Hope it remains the very rare exception, to the rule.




GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jan 4, 2006
Belleville, IL
Tranny problems

Chad, did you have some suspicion? What were the symptoms? Did it lock up, make noise? What has Ford done? Thanks for all of us.