Glossy or Matte Wheels and Trim on Carbon Series?


Ford GT Team Alumni
Dec 11, 2018
Hey, about to put in our order, and am having a hard time deciding between glossy or matte for the wheels and trim on a Carbon Series. We won't be doing the accent package, but will do carbon mirror caps also.

When I was working on the program down in the basement, I always loved the matte.

Anybody out there with real world experiences living with either option?


Mark T
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Mark II Lifetime
Apr 18, 2014
Kalama, Free part of WA State
It’s hard to polish out scratches or marring on matte surfaces. Glossy is much easier to polish or restore.
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Mark IV Lifetime
Oct 15, 2012
New York
Congrats, and welcome! Since this is post #1, tell us about yourself and maybe what you’re leaving towards (color, etc.). And congrats on the allocation and upcoming delivery. You won’t be disappointed!
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Mark IV Lifetime
Nov 28, 2005
I think the gloss is a better choice. Ive seen some matte situations where it almost looked unfinished. The gloss I think is also more timeless.
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GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Nov 17, 2013
It’s hard to polish out scratches or marring on matte surfaces. Glossy is much easier to polish or restore.
The same reasoning behind our selection of Gloss Carbon vs. Matte finish.
Color was primary source of sleepless nights! Once color was checked, Other options easily fell in place.
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Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jun 28, 2006
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
Silver or chrome - shiny
Ajb (andy)


Ford GT Team Alumni
Dec 11, 2018
Thanks for the tips. Sounds like glossy might be the way to go. I am going to do Leadfoot Grey, no accent color, carbon mirror caps and red calipers. I would like the car to be a little more understated. It’s a crazy car in it’s own right. I know there are a few Leadfoot examples out there now, but I had an F-150 that color and I always did love it. It will look great with the carbon.

As for me, I was the Studio Engineering lead on the program in the basement working with Garen and the Design team. Martyn Swain, Mike Mellor and I worked with them and Multimatic driving the feasibility into the Class A surface. Finding creative solutions and and coming up with new ideas to make it happen. Figuring out ways to meet Global regulations and working with the FIA for to meet those regulations also was an awesome challenge. Working on this thing was a career highlight. The team at Multimatic were nothing short of amazing.

I have since left Ford, a little over two years ago and went to Rivian to lead their Studio Engineering department in California. I had a long career at Ford, but I am not looking back!

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Mark IV Lifetime
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Feb 13, 2006
Scottsdale, Arizona

On a Carbon Series GT the stripes are glossy CF so the only way to go is glossy wheels and trim to match those stripes. I'd consider matte CF trim on a non-Carbon Series GT but certainly not on a Carbon Series GT. All the best.



GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
May 20, 2012
Austin TX

On a Carbon Series GT the stripes are glossy CF so the only way to go is glossy wheels and trim to match those stripes. I'd consider matte CF trim on a non-Carbon Series GT but certainly not on a Carbon Series GT. All the best.

What Chip said. I have a Carbon Series and everything on the outside of the car is glossy carbon. It would look mismatched If you went with matte.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Nov 28, 2005
GREAT Choice, really like that color, and saw one at our recent rally. I thought LF was going to be very popular, (we considered it), but has not been at all. Love no accents! I would totally do gloss. We have a dark gray stripeless car with gloss, and appreciate the understated look.

Thanks for the tips. Sounds like glossy might be the way to go. I am going to do Leadfoot Grey, no accent color, carbon mirror caps and red calipers. I would like the car to be a little more understated.
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Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
On my 2017 Ford GT I went with the glossy wheels because the wheel wells are dark and I like the Bling rather than the totally dark look! I also matched the exterior carbon fiber in Mat finish so when I open the doors the exterior carbon fiber matches the interior carbon fiber, all dash carbon fiber is Mat finish to reduce glare as per Megan My Concierge! PS Because my GT was an early one (H045)I had nothing to look at and only my Concierges advise!


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Ford GT Team Alumni
Dec 11, 2018
Alrighty, glossy it is!!! Will call concierge on Tuesday and get the ball rolling. It’s all getting quite exciting! Thanks for the tips!


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jan 4, 2011
Great decision. You won't be disappointed!


GT Owner
Nov 22, 2005
Sacramento, Cali
Congratulations and welcome!


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Sep 9, 2005
Congrats on being offered a carbon series! They are great.

No accent package with added carbon mirror caps should be a great look.