Competion Belt Bar DONE and available


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Feb 2, 2006
Diamond Bar, Ca
Yes the Bars are available. Went to the shop this Morning and ran some more stuff.

Give me a couple weeks and everything will be pre-packaged and ready to go.

Just Pm Me to get any track gear reserved. More orders will go out this coming Saturday.

Harness Bar sets are for both seats - Black or Silver

Belt Clips are GT Specific - Stainless - allows the use of a 6 point system with no drilling, etc. They also swivel out of the way for use of OEM belts when you are done with your track day. These are a very custom fit and Driver/Pass Specific. When swiveled aft they kinda disappear in the car, so you can just leave them in ( Stealth)

Fire Ext Brackets are also available - The are designed to work with the Safecraft 2.5lb halon bottle. These have a track that allows you to manually adjust the seat forward to use the space behind for track gear or luggage on a trip, lock it here for the trip, silde it back if you want the seat in the far back position and lock it in ( wrench required and provided). They can be made to work with others, but the Safecraft piece is fitting for the car and you won't find a better one.

Titanium Brake Shims - Only needed for tracks with multiple High torque braking zones. Optional elsewhere. For example Willow springs they really are not needed. Laguna Seca, they are worth it. Works as a heat sink to reduce temps to the pistion area keep brake fluids from boiling as quickly ( Fade, Low or Soft Pedal).

Thanks to all for the inquiries.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Feb 2, 2006
Diamond Bar, Ca
Great post, Wally!!

One of my concerns with the Ford GT's has been the anchor points for the lap belt, as they are tied to the seat instead of the car's frame. I'm sure that the safety testing at Ford showed that these were sufficient for the required specifications, but I still feel a bit leery of this mounting, which then means that the seat mounting to the rails and the rail mounting to the frame come into play. Should the seat rail mounting fail, the seat (and driver) would then only be tethered to the back bulkhead by the shoulder straps, as both the lap belts and the sub belts typically use the seat mounting bolts.

While they (Ford) did provide anchors for the shoulder harness belts, I would feel better if the lap and sub belts also had frame mounting points. Just MHO.

Will try to anwser all the questions in one sitting here.

Ralphie, I agree the frame mount is best. This can be done it if you don't mind some drilling. A nutsert can be placed in the frame and a ring screwed in to clip the belts too or better yet a very strong bolt through the frame with a steel plate on the bottom of the frame to accept the nut or bolt thread. If it wasn't a GT and a rare piece of art. This is the way I would do it for a track only car.

Remember though, the car is designed for 205mph with just the factory seat belts. Same seat Shell as the Stradle, same attachment style, so Ford did not short cut any thing IMO.

I believe the seat bracket will bend before it brakes, There is a large nut on the inboard side the 1/8" steel outer rail. This nut would have to be pulled through the 1/8" steel or tear the steel. The design in this area is really very good. Take a look at it closely and you will see what I mean.

The bolts are pretty thick where the belts attach to the seat. We sleeve out bolts to add strength as well. If the belts are worn loose, more chance of a problem. Worn tight is better to reduce shear possibilites.

The bolts that hold the seat, are mounted to nutserts in the frame. Pretty large diameter and when tight are strong in a frontal impact IMO. A rollover would strain these points more as there would be some action that pulls them upward. The weak link here would be the steel nutsert getting pulled out of the frame.

Testing wise, all the stuff works, some weaker than others, but all to the point where the G's from impact are the most dangerous IMO. Hitting anything directly at very high speed is just not good. :frown, for that matter hitting anything in a GT is a sin. Keep the shiney side up. :thumbsup

Overall The GT is better built than many would think, just looking at it all closed up. If you review some old threads on the haps in a crash you will find many complimenting the security of the cockpit. The rear of the cabin is especially strong.

Parts of the car will break apart and become unsalvagable, but the cockpit has stayed pretty secure, likley saving lives.

IMO the worst case and mostly likely accident type is a 30-50 mph side impact at a slight angle to the drivers door by a truck. The heavy vehicle wins. This is pretty much the same for any passenger car on any trip down the road. You just never know, Lost my Brother in Law this way a couple months ago. Life is just too short, when you card is up , it's up. He did nothing wrong, the other guy did. Enjoy it while you can and don't trust a signal light, like mom said, look both ways before crossing the Street/Intersection.

Moving on to more cheerful subjects.


GT Owner
Mar 1, 2007
Thanks Wally!

I'm really not to worried about the belt mountings - I just thought that I would have put in frame belt mounts. I'm sure that the crash tests at Ford verified the designs as implemented.

For a full race car, many modifications would be necessary - full roll cage, etc. and that would not be done to most of our cars, as most of us abhor the idea of drilling a "new" hole anywhere, or cutting into a wire length.

I appreciate your answer, and I'm sorry to hear about your brother-in-law.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Apr 5, 2006
buffalo, NY
I am interested in the brackets, PM sent!


GT Owner
Aug 30, 2008
Hollywood MD
Thanks for my care package Wally. Everything is in order as you said it would be.:banana:banana Paypal is sent Thanks Kevin


Apr 1, 2006
I would like to purchase a complete harness assembly, email sent.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Oct 2, 2006
Santa Ynez, California

I was just balancing my checkbook and noticed that the check I sent you back in mid June has still not cleared. Did you lose it?

Richard Hille
The GT School


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Feb 2, 2006
Diamond Bar, Ca
Made me look through the stacker. My wife had the envelope in her junk. Yes got it. Thanks.


GT Owner
Aug 30, 2008
Hollywood MD
Hey Wally,
Check your Pm I'm trying to get a hold of you!!!!!!!!
Thanks Kevin


Apr 1, 2006
Props to Cobrar1339

I received the Racing Harness Kit. I installed the items this past Saturday. The harness bars fit and finish are excellent, the choice of stainless or black oxide bolts. Well-done. The overall kit, harness bars, harness assembly and belt clip set was outstanding, plus the bonus items, my complements.


Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Received my harness's today and installed this evening:thumbsup
Thanks for a great product Wally:cheers


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Aug 5, 2006
Pahrump, NV
Received mine also. Absolutely beautiful and what great service!


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Feb 4, 2008
Got my box today! Thanks so much.


GT Owner
Staff member
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Feb 13, 2006
Scottsdale, Arizona
The easy install.

The GT Guys are in my garage installing mine right now!! The look GREAT!



GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 22, 2005
The GT Guys are in my garage installing mine right now!! The look GREAT!


I must say the directions and pictures are well thought out. Easy job and a great addition to the car.

Mucho Gracias!! Texas practice!!


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Sep 9, 2006
Belts were very nice! Easy to snap in and out with the rotating brackets. Secure hold. Thanks Wally!


GT Owner
Jul 3, 2009
Still Available

Interested in purchasing a set (Silver) :thumbsup


Totally ****** Up
Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Aug 2, 2006
Dallas, TX
Are these still available?


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Feb 2, 2006
Diamond Bar, Ca
Yup all track gear now back in stock. Site is now working. Thanks.