CHL holders in Oregon

Twice Bitten GT

GT Owner
Apr 23, 2006
Is there anyone from Oregon who can confirm if this is true or not?


May 10, 2007
I notice that its dated Nov 14th 2008, which is the future. Was this written in the future? Seems fishy to me...... :frown

Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
A simple phone call to his office should confirm or disprove it.

Given all the internet scams out there, it wouldn't surpise me a bit if this wasn't wunna 'em (to get you to list the requested info). 'LOOKS OFFICIAL and all that, but, just like if one gets an email from "the bank" requesting personal info - or ANYTHING for that matter (which we all know they never do) - one call's the bank instead. :wink

Twice Bitten GT

GT Owner
Apr 23, 2006
Supposedly the print edition of this paper listed names of people from the this county that were CHL holders.

I do not like the thought of anyone making this kind of information public.


Proud Owner/ BOD blah bla
Mark IV Lifetime
Feb 14, 2006
North Carolina
Ironic that they state they won't release info such as name and address but to have your name pulled, you send that exact info to an open website inclusive of your name and info....



Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 5, 2005
Fresno, Ca.
I agree. In some states you can get the registered and legal owners address from the DMV by paying a fee. Some states sell lists of data.

What is privacy anymore?

Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
Supposedly the print edition of this paper listed names of people from the this county that were CHL holders.

I do not like the thought of anyone making this kind of information public.


I read the article and wanted to puke. Talk about a guy with an agenda.

"(for, there's no telling how many people out there are packing without a permit; in Humboldt it's probably a pretty damned high number). HOW MANY OF US FEEL THE NEED TO CARRY A CONCEALED WEAPON? And why?" (Oooow! I smell a sinister plot a-brewin' on these people's part!)

And just WHAT business is it of HIS? As I see it, he oughta be on a crusade to search out and NAME all the people who 'carry' ILLEGALLY! THOSE are the people we need to know about. The people with permits have been vetted by every law agency from here to Pluto and back.

Some people really need to get a clue on this stuff...

(H'mmmmm...mebbe if he posted a "gun free zone" sign in his front yard he'd be provided some reasons 1st hand. Ya think?)


May 10, 2007
I would think the date would give it away......

Twice Bitten GT

GT Owner
Apr 23, 2006
I went to the Sheriffs web sight and the letter is one of the first things that comes up. So I am assuming this is not a spoof. So much for privacy:frown

Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
I went to the Sheriffs web sight and the letter is one of the first things that comes up. So I am assuming this is not a spoof. So much for privacy:frown

Then I suppose Ore-GUN-yuns should look on the bright side. Maybe crooks planning to rob this house or that will go to the web first and look up their intended vic, find out he IS packin' - and choose sumbuddy else. :shrug

The judge who ruled on this matter must be a complete LOON.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Dec 3, 2006
go to the range... shoot often and then bring your targets home and toss them in your own trash. Anyone canvassing your house will run through your trash see the targets and look elsewhere for someone not willing to return fire. Of course this only works if you are capable of hitting the target. :wink

RE: the concealed carry release. So I guess if you don't want your name listed that you carry you don't get a license? Shear stupidity on behalf of da judge.

Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
go to the range... shoot often and then bring your targets home and toss them in your own trash. Anyone canvassing your house will run through your trash see the targets and look elsewhere for someone not willing to return fire. Of course this only works if you are capable of hitting the target. :wink

..or, if you're CRAFTY. One could always simply use a .45 cal round to HAND POKE holes in those targets. 'Saves ya a trip to the range & the range fees too. And the end effect is 'zactly th' same! :lol


GT Owner
Nov 2, 2005
SF Bay Area in California
..or, if you're CRAFTY. One could always simply use a .45 cal round to HAND POKE holes in those targets. 'Saves ya a trip to the range & the range fees too. And the end effect is 'zactly th' same! :lol

I can sell you a hole puncher in .45 cal. that makes nice round holes indistinguishable from those made by a .45 200 SWC. A standard hole puncher is slightly larger than a 22 LR so the hole doesn't look like anything a standard load would produce.


Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 5, 2005
Fresno, Ca.
I'm sure some dumpster diver is not going to be measuring the holes in the targets....
but who knows.... :)

Just post a picture of the chic whose picture was posted on the internet on your front gate and she will drive away everyone, including the postman and garbage collector :)

Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
I can sell you a hole puncher in .45 cal. that makes nice round holes indistinguishable from those made by a .45 200 SWC. A standard hole puncher is slightly larger than a 22 LR so the hole doesn't look like anything a standard load would produce.

Well, nuts, 'ICE! 'Come to THAT I could just put Saran Wrap over said targets (to prevent "give away" GSR), fire 10 - 12 rounds "close up" outta wunna my .45's and it'd look like I actually knew what I was doing!

In todays world, PERCEPTION - not fact - is what counts don'tcha know! :thumbsup :lol :cheers

(And, psssst! :secret: I think Bony's stmt was right on! Shhhhhhh!)