Any news on gauge failures?


Mark II Lifetime
Jun 13, 2006
Louisville CO
There is no bearing on the needles. They are mounted directly to the motor shaft.
That may be true, but my speedo needle is dead -stuck at 40 mph. That seems possibly like a mechanical issue since I'd expect a dead motor would leave the needle at 0. Are gages typically failing in the "off" needle position or is my mid position failure common too?


GT Owner/ Forum Sponsor
Mark IV Lifetime
Jan 12, 2007
The motor can "freeze" in the last position given to it by the board. The motor will not automatically return to zero without input from the control circuit.


GT Owner
Jan 21, 2012
Houston, Texas
Sounds like the answer is Speedhut.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Aug 17, 2006
Washington Crossing, PA
Fuel gauge stuck at 1/4
Amps gauge stuck at zero
Boost gauge stuck at 5 psi


GT Owner
Mar 21, 2012
Knoxville, TN
I think it is the Flux-capacitor

I was going with the Interocitor, but on reflection, you may be right. My speedo died at 200 mi(on the car). It was apparently working fine, then immediately after a 500 mi trailer ride it was stuck at 90. Over the following days as I continued to drive it finally crept up to read 200. It never wiggled or came down until I replaced it, then I could bump it around to different speeds. Yep, thatsounds more like a flux capacitor issue to me. Good luck to us all.
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Tungsten GT Owner
Sep 20, 2007
Hattiesburg, MS, USA
Had periodic gauge failures with original battery, went away with Diehard replacement of the oem Optima, no problems for past year since replacement.


Proud Owner/ BOD blah bla
Mark IV Lifetime
Feb 14, 2006
North Carolina
drove the FGT today - no gauge failure.....


GT Owner
Jul 26, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
drove the FGT today - no gauge failure.....

It's kind of a bummer but that is the first thought I have every time I start mine.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Dodged the gauge gremlin today. First drive of the season, all winter car was on Battery Tender, fired up no problem but boost gauge was dead. Shut her off, started her again and boost gauge came back to life. Clean livin' pays off.


GT Owner
Jan 7, 2007
Orange Park Acres, CA
Speedhut seems to make the gauge issue moot. But I like some others I want some answers.

I started to look into the issue and delved into the wiring issue and posted several observations after several gauge failures. Based on one of my post I was contacted by a Ford engineer who reads the board but cannot comment due to his agreement with FoMoCo and I've promised to keep his name anonymous.

He worked on the Ford GT wiring and electronics and was more that curious as to what is causing the failures. I agreed to send him one of my dead gauges as it may shed some light on the failure. First, I spoken to several other specialists and they have have opened the gauges and have opined that the quality is not very good and I'm being charitable. Once the gauges are opened specifically the tach their toast asyou're not going to be able to reseal based upon the way they are manufactured. He and another engineer were looking for a way to open the gauges with the possibility of repairing them, but alas not to be.
The gauge in question was a tach and the spring that moves the needle was broken. According to him this is not a voltage type failure but a cheap instrument movement with a low quality spring that failed.
So what to do. It would seem very remote to have any sort of fix by Ford short of a class action. Unless it's a safety issue there's not going to be any interest by Ford to remedy the situation in my opinion.


GT Owner
Nov 2, 2005
SF Bay Area in California
Speedhut seems to make the gauge issue moot...

...Unless it's a safety issue there's not going to be any interest by Ford to remedy the situation in my opinion.



Go with Speedhut and never look back!


GT Owner
Mar 21, 2012
Knoxville, TN

Go with Speedhut and never look back!



GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Aug 17, 2006
Washington Crossing, PA
Can somewhat answer a few questions regarding Speed Hut (SH) gauge illumination. Does the OEM dash light dimmer operate properly with the SH gauge setup? Do the gauge needles require special wiring and/or electronic components in order to illluminate and dim along with backlighting?

paul b

GT Owner
Nov 2, 2006
My gauges dim and brighten just like stock, just hook them up according to instructions, no problem.