A sad day for me. I may be selling the GT.


Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
May 25, 2006
Ft. Lauderdale
I've got some more Carbon Fiber stuff coming real soon !!! You'll need something to put it in !!! Make sure you stick around here bub !!


Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 5, 2005
Fresno, Ca.
I've got some more Carbon Fiber stuff coming real soon !!! You'll need something to put it in !!! Make sure you stick around here bub !!

Well Brian, exactly what's coming?? Inquiry minds want to know....:wink


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Apr 12, 2006
Los Angeles
ROCKMAN, don't sell, your back will get better, if you need a consult PM me, and I will arrange one at UCLA. Get divorced, sell the kids, the house, but not the GT or the VIper! Like bony said "we don't want to lose you as a member", and we need to to come to the Santa Monica MTNS Cruise on 6-16-07. So be positive, it will get better. :thumbsup


Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Feb 20, 2006
Washington Michigan

Listen up! I broke my back, shattered my lower left leg, broke my knee, broke my wrist, 'had blood clots, internal injuries, and nerve damage!!!! And now I'm held together with plates & screws - AND, I'M DRIVIN' MINE!!!!

Give it a while, buddy!!!!:cheers


Larry I got to ask, how the heck did you do this?

Rockman get the back fixed sell the viper.

Like Bony your in our prayers.

Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
Larry I got to ask, how the heck did you do this?

Rockman get the back fixed sell the viper.

Like Bony your in our prayers.

Ah shoot, 'raceman! It was EASY! Nuthin' to it! :lol

I was up 2 stories on a ladder ...need I say more?

Anyway, the feet of the ladder just decided to slide out from under me (dispite the steep angle the ladder was placed at - and, yes - it WAS on a level surface) ...and there was nothing I could do but drop straight down onto the concrete and steel grate below.

I found out two things in a matter of seconds: 1) fat people CANNOT fly, and, 2) we don't "bounce" well either.

Sooooo, I was air lifted to "Harbor Zoo" (Harber View) trauma center in Seattle where I spent a couple days in what, for all intents and purposes, was a morphine coma pre/post surgery. 'Had the full body cast routine and everything! (If yur gunna DO something - go the whole nine yards!) 'Was there for about 12 days. 'Then spent 45 days (or so) in a "rest/rehab" facility.

My "STURjun" told me I shudda bled to death B4 help arrived because my femural artery should have been a sieve due to the shattered femur. It wasn't. 'Not a nick. Barring that, because of where my back was broken, he said I at least shudda been a "para" if not a "quad". I am neither.

Needless to say, I'm very grateful God didn't decide take that day off!!! ...However, He and I have on occasion discussed why He chose that particular moment to take a coffee break!:rofl (Well ... I "discussed" ... He listened!:lol )

And dat's da story! Like Chip said, that DO 'splain a few things 'bout me, now duzzunt it!

(Okay. I'll say it B4 Bony gets the chance. If I'd landed on my HEAD insteada my FEET - concrete repairs would have been all that'd been necessary...:bored :skep)


GT Owner/B.O.D
Mark IV Lifetime
Dec 13, 2005
Sandpoint Id
Dang!:ack My neighbor is still in bed/traction from a ladder fall putting up last years Christmas lights. MAN can things go to sh-t in a hurry!
Pockets, are you back close to 100%? (I hope so). Doctors tell my neighbor he will have to deal with his situation for the rest of his life.:frown

Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
Dang!:ack My neighbor is still in bed/traction from a ladder fall putting up last years Christmas lights. MAN can things go to sh-t in a hurry!
Pockets, are you back close to 100%? (I hope so). Doctors tell my neighbor he will have to deal with his situation for the rest of his life.:frown

Oh., I'm pbly 93-95%, Steve (and remember, most statistics are made up on the spot:biggrin ). But, considering what could have been, 'can't bellyache!:lol

I have a little "chronic" pain to deal with, yada, yada, yada. And I seem to send missiles to Russia alot when I go thru airports. But, aside from stuff like that, 'no biggie.:thumbsup


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Apr 12, 2006
Los Angeles
I see roughly 8-10 severe ladder accidents a year that are life altering injuries. Mostly pelvic and distal tibial fractures. When the distal tibia fracture unters the ankle joint it is called a pilon fracture. "Pilon" in French means a hammer, so imagine taking a hammer to the bottom of your tibia and exploding the joint. End result is arthritis and many surgeries. So, "stay off ladders" is my motto for life!


Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
So, "stay off ladders" is my motto for life!


And a wise man U R, sir.

When I was able to walk again, I bought an electric/hyd hoist. ('Nuthin' like locking the barn door after the horses have gotten out...)


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 21, 2006
State of Confusion
Rockman Was Serious

ROCKMAN, don't sell:frown , if Empty Pockets is walking there is hope for all of us.:willy

No offense intended Gramps (EP), but you really do inspire me.:thumbsup


Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
No offense intended Gramps (EP), but you really do inspire me.:thumbsup

:lol Thanks, Doug! :lol

(Sometimes I'm so darned inspirin' - even I can't stand it!:rofl )
Last edited:


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Nov 15, 2005
San Clemente, CA USA
Dang! Your just a pup. Take some time and get the back fixed right. You have a ton of living to do.

Steve is right. I have been fighting back problems (inherited from my father) for many years. Recently, I was trying to get out of my GT in a tight parking lot (that alone is an ultimate sin) and hurt my back so badly that I could barely stand up. I had to put the GT aside for a while during recovery. This also delayed my transaxle bolt update to a much later time. My GTsaver business also suffered (sorry to my customers...). I realize that my back problems cannot compare to yours. I cannot visualize someone having to part with their GT. Couldn't you compromise and just sell the Viper? Best wishes, Jay :thumbsup


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jan 11, 2006
Coral Gables

Get better quick!