cold feet


GT Owner
Nov 14, 2006
had car picked out. so excited i couldnt sleep. then came the old "that sure is a lot of money for a car" and what will our customers think if they see you driving a 150k car. i own an auto shop that was started by me and my dad 35 years ago. she thinks that the customers will think he must be charging alot to afford that car. i told her that the car was art to me. anyway been married 25 years and usually not a problem for her on my hot rods cars and bikes but this a big jump. any thoughts.


GT Owner
Feb 3, 2006
so. ca.
So sorry to hear about your divorce:ack
but now you can get the car:banana :cheers :banana
Really though how will your customers know what you drive unless you take it to work. If you do take it to work think of all the new customers you will get for having it parked out front.

FlorIdaho Chris

Yeah, I've got one.
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
People like to do business with successful people. You own/run a successful profitable business. I do not know you, but I presume your success comes from providing a good product at a fair price. Unless you change business practices I cannot believe your customers will leave you because of the car(s) you own/drive. I, for one, would be inclined to frequent an auto or body shop where I knew the owner was a "car guy" and enthusiast.

If you are really worried about this ask your five best customers if they would care. My guess is they would be happy for you.

Just do it!


Active member
Sep 16, 2006
SE Arizona

Perceptions can be a big detriment or a big plus. Most people are petty and jealous and begrudge others with nice things. No one "sees" the looooooong hours, day in day out, to get where most of us have gotten to afford the things we have.

Leave that bad boy at home and resist the temptation to show it off. You got nothin' to prove. The satisfaction comes each and every day you are behind the wheel grinnin' from ear to ear while driving it!!!

Florida Chris..........Totally disagree with you.

MG 42

GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Oct 11, 2006
That same thought crossed my mind when I bought mine (what will customers think). I didn't let that stop me. I did run into one of my customers the first week end I had my car and he said exactly that " must be over charging". I have not seen any negative fall out yet and don't think I will.

I think it makes more of a statement about your success and shows you to be a competent business owner, if you haven't over extended yourself to buy the car. It's the "He must be doing something right" thing.

So long as you are making your customers happy with the service you are providing, I don't think that is an issue. I have found people are more than willing to pay for quality work on time. Nothing to be ashamed about.

Buy one before its to late! You wont regret it.

Gulf GT

GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Feb 9, 2006
So sorry to hear about your divorce:ack
but now you can get the car:banana :cheers :banana

Now that was funny!


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 21, 2006
State of Confusion
BUY IT !!!!!!!
You have worked deserve the rewards:thumbsup


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 21, 2006
State of Confusion
So long as you are making your customers happy with the service you are providing, I don't think that is an issue. I have found people are more than willing to pay for quality work on time. Nothing to be ashamed about.

WOW..........ain't that truth !! Well said :cheers


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Feb 18, 2006
New Jersey
BUY IT! But dont drive it to work. PD


The Favor Factory™
Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
People like to do business with successful people. You own/run a successful profitable business. I do not know you, but I presume your success comes from providing a good product at a fair price. Unless you change business practices I cannot believe your customers will leave you because of the car(s) you own/drive. I, for one, would be inclined to frequent an auto or body shop where I knew the owner was a "car guy" and enthusiast.


Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
had car picked out. so excited i couldnt sleep. then came the old "that sure is a lot of money for a car" and what will our customers think if they see you driving a 150k car. i own an auto shop that was started by me and my dad 35 years ago. she thinks that the customers will think he must be charging alot to afford that car. i told her that the car was art to me. anyway been married 25 years and usually not a problem for her on my hot rods cars and bikes but this a big jump. any thoughts.

No matter WHAT "new car " you buy & park out front SOMEBODY WILL BE ANNOYED BY THE FACT YOU HAVE IT. A new "Kia" will irritate SOMEBODY.There's no way you can get around it.

Fla/CHRIS is right though (as usual) (...did I say that??) ... you might ask a few of your BEST customers for their opinion. Your wife would pbly feel better knowing what those people tell you beforehand (hopefully!). You don't need to say, "I'm thinking of buying a Ford GT. Whaddayuh think about that?" You might just casually bring the subject up in a conversation & ask their view of ANY BUSINESS OWNER buying something like that. (You know your own customers ... so you're the best judge of the way to approach 'em.)

Live is short. Tomorrow is promised to no one. Live it that way.



GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Feb 7, 2006
Winston-Salem, NC
Many good points here. I would not let potential perceptions change my purchase plans...if you want the car, get the car. However, I would tend not to drive it to work. I have found that even among physicians, who all tend to earn a good living, jealousy and enviousness exist, and this can impact your business or practice. That being said, I do not try to hide my car, but I do not drive it to work either. The phsician's lot where I work is full of nice cars including bmws (new M5), Mercs, and quite a few porsches and a Maserrati Grand Sport. However, none are in the price range with the Ford GT...and a few of these physicians do own similar exotics.
So, IMHO, get the car, don't hide it...but let it be for your joyriding away from work.

Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
"leave the GT at home"

'Makes no difference if he hides the GT at home or not! THE WORD GETS OUT! Anyway, it's a lead pipe cinch somebody will IS BOUND TO SEE HIM driving it somewhere, someday!!!! Even if he trailers it outta town to drive it somewhere else!
A guy can't hide something like this!



2006 Twin Turbo
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
I own a retail business and had the same concerns as you before I bought mine. The first thing that happened was my employees went online and found out what the car sold for. There were no comments from them except sincere awe of the car.

The first reactions from my customers were VERY positive. I even had one who wanted to shake my hand because he was so excited to just know someone who actually owned a GT. I was surprised at how many of my customers actually knew all about the car. Over the course of the last year there has been the occasional snide remark about "helping to make Keith's car payment" but I believe most are joking more than serious. They'd really give me hell if they knew I'd paid cash for it. (And wait til they find out I just bought another one)!

I can state that there have been no negative instances with employees or customers over the car. If anything, it's been good PR for my business. It draws people off the street like a magnet and word of mouth has gotten all over town.

You worked hard for your money, don't let fear of other peoples opinions ( or their jealousy) keep you from enjoying the rewards.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Jun 14, 2006
Atlanta area
People like to do business with successful people. You own/run a successful profitable business. I do not know you, but I presume your success comes from providing a good product at a fair price. Unless you change business practices I cannot believe your customers will leave you because of the car(s) you own/drive. I, for one, would be inclined to frequent an auto or body shop where I knew the owner was a "car guy" and enthusiast.

If you are really worried about this ask your five best customers if they would care. My guess is they would be happy for you.

Just do it!



GT Owner
Oct 19, 2006


I bought mine and have not had the time to drive it at all before the first snowfall here in the north east. I really do evny you west coasters and southerners for that. I store it here at work and all of my employees have seen it and love it. The only issue I have had is 1 person who rents me call me "mr Money Bags". I turned and asked him where he was at 3:30 this morning, his response was "sleeping" mine was "well i was plowing snow to pay for my toys and if you want to own nice things you need to work for it not "sleep"''. My staff heard it and all laughed.
When you work long and hard most people see it and respect you for it. If they don't just throw it in their face once and piss on them.

DRIVE THE CAR and enjoy every minute of it

Getting mine was hard, owning it is easy

just my 2 pence worth

Mark O

had car picked out. so excited i couldnt sleep. then came the old "that sure is a lot of money for a car" and what will our customers think if they see you driving a 150k car. i own an auto shop that was started by me and my dad 35 years ago. she thinks that the customers will think he must be charging alot to afford that car. i told her that the car was art to me. anyway been married 25 years and usually not a problem for her on my hot rods cars and bikes but this a big jump. any thoughts.

Boy, can I relate!!!!!! :lol


GT Owner
Dec 6, 2006
Derby, KS
You deserve it!!!


GT Owner
Aug 15, 2006
Wichita, KS
had car picked out. so excited i couldnt sleep. then came the old "that sure is a lot of money for a car" and what will our customers think if they see you driving a 150k car. i own an auto shop that was started by me and my dad 35 years ago. she thinks that the customers will think he must be charging alot to afford that car. i told her that the car was art to me. anyway been married 25 years and usually not a problem for her on my hot rods cars and bikes but this a big jump. any thoughts.

Would you rather eat at a restraunt that was busy or empty? Sure, there are a few that would look down on you for being a success, but I think that is a good thing. I would rather surround myself with people like me..that understand me. It wastes time, money, and energy to make crazy people happy...they can't even make their own life happy.


GT Owner
Nov 14, 2006
appreciate info. i live in a small town and know most everybody. when i bought an 01 viper thought id never hear the end of it especially from my employees. if you can afford that how about a raise. first time i saw the gt was at sema and i told myself somehow i had to own one. im not gonna quit yet. by the way i have a good down and was thinking of a refi on my home which i have a good amount of equity in for balance.