Theft Warning!


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2006
OK I know for some this falls under "common sense", but I just wanted to bring it to everyone's attention here since I had never really thought about it.

On a site local to me, at least 5-6 cars have been stolen this month from random car meets. It seems as if theifs are lurking internet forums these days to see when car meets are going on.

Think about it. If you're looking to steal a car, you go to a random restaurant parking lot, and you don't know if the owner is walking back to his/her car, since you have no idea who owns what. The person could have just sat down, or could be leaving, cutting your time to steal a car.

Well, what if people posted what time they were going to sit down to eat, how many people would be eating (how much longer than normal it will take), and then posted pictures of themselves from other meets.......and just to top it off, posted all the car's modifications so you knew what was valuable.

That's in essence what you're doing when you post events online.

Also, some people have been followed home after the meets, and then someone steals their car a few nights later, but everyone has the same common factor of having been to a car show, so we're THINKING this is going on.

Now, what can we do about it? :confused

We've started with not posting about going out to eat. We simply post "Food after show" and then decide in person. This helps, but I'm afraid that it won't be a sure thing. Obviously we all make extra sure that no one follows us now, so hopefully we can detect this. I live in a gated community so it's a big easier for me to detect this than some of the students in apartments, or non gated communities.

Sorry for the negative post, but I wanted to share with you guys and hear your comments :frown


Mark IV Lifetime
Apr 5, 2006
That really is great info and don't be sorry for posting it.. I'm sure some guys know and the ones who didn't know ( like me) now know..:thumbsup

Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
MAN!!!! And here all along I thought I was paranoid!:biggrin

Your points are well taken to be sure. But, one can take these things to the point where one sits at home 24/7 with a loaded weapon at the ready too...and, you may be gettin' close!:lol

I'm not tryin' to give you a bad time here. I'm just sayin' you might wanna relax a wee bit more. As long as your car is parked where you can keep an eye on it, AND YOU DO THAT, you ought not have a pblm (mine is NEVER outta my sight). And, you'll be able to spot a "tail" (no, Bony, 'NOT what I ment) headin' home real easy ...especially if you're LOOKING for one. ('Coarse, our pblm is our cars are ALWAYS being tailed, if you get my drift!)

Regardless, you've just "wised up" the guys who may never have thought of this stuff.

'Just my $.02.
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GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Sep 9, 2006
This is an excellent point, and I had not thought of it.

Thanks for posting it. Something to think about.

Motorcycles get stolen quite frequently, and a rider carrying a fancy helmet and gear while walking around or eating, is a indication to a thief, that a nice expensive motorcycle may be sitting outside unattended.

Perhaps it is the same effect, if you are wearing a FORD GT baseball cap...

As they say, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of care. Do enjoy the cars and not live in paranoia, but better to be aware...

Thanks again for thinking of everyone...
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GT Owner
Nov 2, 2005
SF Bay Area in California
MAN!!!! And here all along I thought I was paranoid!:biggrin

Note the scum bags have other ways of getting information on where you live, etc. Knowing the car and plates gives them a head start on scoping the prey!

Quote from Andrew S. Grove - "Only the Paranoid Survive"

I follow that advice and have a gated home, with 24th video surveillance, alarms, etc. and the pièce de résistance are products like this on the rooftop!

Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
Quote from Andrew S. Grove - "Only the Paranoid Survive"

Ya! Who was it (Yogi B.?) who said, "Just because you're paranoid duzzunt mean there ain't sumbuddy after yuh"?:biggrin
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Big Dawg!
Mark IV Lifetime
Mar 9, 2006
If someone wants it bad enough, they will get it. Hopefully they don't want any of mine that bad, cuz I would hate to spend time in jail for killing someone that dared enter my property.:wink
Just get some good guard dogs.
If you have to arm yourself, please get the proper training and keep all your firearms in a good safe!:cheers
Just remember, "Guns don't kill people. Stupid mother****ers kill people!"


  • safe.jpg
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Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 5, 2005
Fresno, Ca.
Note the scum bags have other ways of getting information on where you live, etc. Knowing the car and plates gives them a head start on scoping the prey!

Quote from Andrew S. Grove - "Only the Paranoid Survive"

I follow that advice and have a gated home, with 24th video surveillance, alarms, etc. and the pièce de résistance are products like this on the rooftop!

Clinton, nice roof bling... remind me not to drop by without a formal engraved invitation. You forgot to mention your pit bull with aids.


Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 5, 2005
Fresno, Ca.
If someone wants it bad enough, they will get it. Hopefully they don't want any of mine that bad, cuz I would hate to spend time in jail for killing someone that dared enter my property.:wink
Just get some good guard dogs.
If you have to arm yourself, please get the proper training and keep all your firearms in a good safe!:cheers
Just remember, "Guns don't kill people. Stupid mother****ers kill people!"

Lets start a gun thread.:lol Also remind me not to call you a stupid motherXXXXer:rofl :eek :rofl Is it really necessary to keep the gun scrub in the safe, I am sure the gate and alarm is adequate protection for that stuff:biggrin


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Dec 21, 2005
Location, Location
Rocman -

You have mild to wild in your handgun arsenal! You won't even have to shoot, just use that Magnum Research Desert Eagle as a club!


Well-known member
Jul 11, 2006
If someone wants it bad enough, they will get it. Hopefully they don't want any of mine that bad, cuz I would hate to spend time in jail for killing someone that dared enter my property.:wink
Just get some good guard dogs.
If you have to arm yourself, please get the proper training and keep all your firearms in a good safe!:cheers
Just remember, "Guns don't kill people. Stupid mother****ers kill people!"

rocman, I like the pictorial definition that you have added to your avatar's tag (post whore "POLICE")....with that kind of firepower...whoa!
Thank you very much for carifying this. (grin)


GT Owner
Jul 13, 2006
Also, note addresses can be found via ebay.

In watch collecting many a robbery has occured with someone buying a $100 item to get the guys home address, then robbing him for $50K. Police are on this and now routinely ask for any recent transactions.

ps, Dont ever put in a ebay listing will be on vaction from #-# so cant respond.

Rocman, I had a friend in NYC who blithley commented once if someone enters his apartment he is shooting to kill, as dead folk dont sue in general, while maimed, wounded always do.

Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
... and keep all your firearms in a good safe!:cheers

Except for the one that's "on duty", of coarse!:biggrin
(Last I heard, it does no good to holler, "Time out, Mr. Burglar, while I go unlock my gun safe & grab somethin' to shoot you with.")
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Le Mans 2010 Sponsor * Moderator
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jan 22, 2006
N.E. OH & Naples, FL
If someone wants it bad enough, they will get it. Hopefully they don't want any of mine that bad, cuz I would hate to spend time in jail for killing someone that dared enter my property.:wink
Just get some good guard dogs.
If you have to arm yourself, please get the proper training and keep all your firearms in a good safe!:cheers
Just remember, "Guns don't kill people. Stupid mother****ers kill people!"

I agree with Rocman. I am licensed to carry a concealed handgun in all 50 states and political subdivions in the U.S. When I am travelling with my GT in the trailer or just driving to unknown parts my good friend Mr. Glock is close to my side. I was approached and nearly robbed in January in Downtown Detroit at the N.American Autoshow. No need to use or even show a gun in that instance, just some fast thinking did the trick. You never know. I appreciate the heads up about forums being used to "case" our hardware. It makes perfect sense that a criminal mind would use this tool to his or her advantage. I think it is wise to be "sharp" when planning, visiting, and travelling to and from these events!


Totally ****** Up
Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Aug 2, 2006
Dallas, TX
Look guys, as bail bondsmen for the last 15 or so years, I can tell you that nobody is really guilty of these crimes. The police set them up; the police steal cars, sell drugs and then take innocent people to jail. It's a crazy world. If you just put one of those “I support the Blue” stickers on your car, you will be protected from all of this.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Sep 9, 2006
Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Dec 3, 2006
handguns are nice but ......

Roc... nice spread across the board.:biggrin an old saying from my previous life ... a 22 in the chest is more lethal than a 45 in the foot and a 12 gauge stops all the arguing.



GT Owner
Dec 20, 2005
Beautiful East Texas
I agree with Rocman. I am licensed to carry a concealed handgun in all 50 states and political subdivions in the U.S. When I am travelling with my GT in the trailer or just driving to unknown parts my good friend Mr. Glock is close to my side. I was approached and nearly robbed in January in Downtown Detroit at the N.American Autoshow. No need to use or even show a gun in that instance, just some fast thinking did the trick. You never know. I appreciate the heads up about forums being used to "case" our hardware. It makes perfect sense that a criminal mind would use this tool to his or her advantage. I think it is wise to be "sharp" when planning, visiting, and travelling to and from these events!

Tim, how 'bout some details on the fast thinking? What happened?



GT Owner
Jan 14, 2006
I guess there is some other gforce?

IM in the full auto club,But that right give me a 12 ga anyday.P.S. I get my new trailer thursday,so now i can find good weather to drive.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Dec 20, 2005
Wilder, Idaho
You guys are my kind of people. A gun forum would be a nice addition here. I too pack heat, legally of course. There are just too many crazies out here in my neck of the woods and everywhere else. Do youself a favor, join the NRA, GOA, and learn to use a gun responsibly, safely and effectively. :usa