Wiper Adjustment


GT Owner
Apr 6, 2006
My wipers sit approx. three inches above the hood, can they be adjusted downwards? They aren't supposed to hideaway are they?


GT Owner
Oct 19, 2005
London, UK
My GT is locked away in the garage at the moment, so I'm not going out to check, but from memory there's a tiny vertical marker on the windscreen where the end of the wiper blade should rest. If it's not within this marker then it needs adjusting.

I imagine you'll need to pull off the wiperblade and put it back on a fraction counter clockwise. Double check this information!


GT Owner
Sep 8, 2005

My understanding is that the wipers can be taken off by lifting and pressing a tab. No I have not found the tab.

As to alignment it can be changed by replacing the wiper in a different position. There are several notches (ratchets) that allow the wiper to be positioned differently meaning at a different angle.

The passgenger side wiper should align with a small vetical line in the actual glass of the windshield on the fuel cap filler side. If you look carefully near the end of the wiper you will see it. The driver side wiper should align with the black border on the bottom of the windshield.



GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jan 4, 2006
Belleville, IL
There's nothing specific in the Worksop Manual section501-160-31. It says remove the pivot arm by pulling up and pull out the retainer tab. Nothing about alignment, but it looks like if you pull the arm off, you should be able to re-align it.


GT Owner
Sep 8, 2005
fjpikul said:
There's nothing specific in the Worksop Manual section501-160-31. It says remove the pivot arm by pulling up and pull out the retainer tab. Nothing about alignment, but it looks like if you pull the arm off, you should be able to re-align it.


Again there are rachet type adjustments as well as alignment marks on the windshield.



GT Owner
Apr 6, 2006
Worked well there is a small lever on the wiper where it fits over the shaft, pull it out carefully and lift off the blade. Thanks for the info!


GT Owner
Sep 8, 2005
Posted 2 photos to photo gallery showing alignment marks and wipers in correct position.
