Will I evere realize a dream?


Well-known member
Oct 29, 2006
Will I evere realize a dream? UPDATED THREAD

I just finished watching a movie called "Who killed the electric car" its a good movie, and I have seen it a few times now. The film talks about how GM, California,Big Oil, and a few other party's killed GM's electric car back in 2001. Personally I am in favor of "Saving our Environment" .... I mean its just common sense to want to keep our world healthy, but at the same time I love automobiles. Obviously I would with out question choose the environment over my obsession with cars, but in my opinion there is nothing wrong with the cars we drive today for a few reasons.

1) Most of anything in this world gives off byproduct's. The combustion engine by itself produces two things HEAT & FRICTION.... the two things most moving objects produce whether they are artificial or biological. Therefore I say the problem is not the mechanics of the combustion engine, but the fuel used to run it.

2) Lubricant technology is advancing and Artificial / Synthetic products can and will replace petroleum based lubricants. They can also be recycled!

3) The combustion engine can be made to run on anything that combusts with compression and or spark.

As far as the electric car... I personally wouldn't mind having my everyday car be electric, maybe a nice SUV that I could just plug-in and feel good about owning. As long as the power, durability, and reliability were the same or better then what we have today. I do see a down side to electric powered cars being there range. The GM car in the film did 70 miles on 1 charge. And they said the average person in the U.S.A only needs about 29 miles to do there every day commute. Tho I travel about 80 miles in total a day including the little trips to the food store and diner...what about traffic? I hit at least 30 min of it on the way to and from work! The car is on and i'm going nowhere! OH NO wheres the next Energy Station?! Even if there were as many recharge stations as gas stations the time it would take to charge up for another 70 miles of GO TIME would probably take longer then the trip.
If an alternative fuel is going to be an "Alternative" it needs to be easily introduced into the system we have established. That being we put gas in our cars get 300 miles or so on it before we fill up again. We spend 5 min at the pump and drive off ready to go another 300 miles with out the hours of trickle charging :bs. If the production of ethanol didn't burn more fuel then produced I would say thats the best solution since 10% of our gas already is ethanol. I'm optimistic about it tho and I feel with more development that its the next step in our independence from OIL and eventually clean air, but one has to come first and my guess is Oil independence.... why because its always about the money.

One of my dreams is to own a Ford Gt...why because it is absolutely a performer in every way... its sexy, fast, comfortable, and carries a long lived heritage. Im only 21 and have most of my life ahead of me, but will I even be able to enjoy the things I am working so hard for? Why should I give up my dreams and hard work when the accused problem aka the combustion engine is totally open to updates and advances in technology... cars are only getting more fuel efficient, more powerful, and more practical. What other creation of man has endured because of its ability to adapt and accept change other then the wheel, and hmm.. oh yeah the B-52 :rofl? I find it hard to believe we cant find other liquids that can burn and do not pollute our environment. As I see it the combustion engine is 1 step away from being a 100% environmentally safe... for the recipe states "Just remove oil" :thumbsup I think we let the tech perks get to our heads, when the answer is staring us in the face. :cheers
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GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Feb 7, 2006
Winston-Salem, NC
Thanks for the comment.


GT Owner
Staff member
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Feb 13, 2006
Scottsdale, Arizona
Oil's well.

As I see it the combustion engine is 1 step away from being a 100% environmentally safe... for the recipe states "Just remove oil" :thumbsup :cheers

Oil is 100% natural, and so is the carbon dioxide that you, your dog, and your car exhale. Nothing is 100% safe but life is ultimately 100% fatal. I disagree with the notion that oil is not the best fuel to use now and in the foreseeable future for powering automobiles. If we don't use it for fuel, what good is it? The problem is not now, nor has it ever been the oil. The problem is those on the left who prevent us from drilling for it, extracting it, and using it. The Democrat mantra, no offshore drilling, no inland drilling, no drilling in the frozen tundra wasteland up in Anwar, no nuclear power plants, no new refineries, no new electrical power plants, no new pipelines, no new coal-fired electrical generating plants, and then bitch up a storm because we are "Too dependent upon foreign oil"!! Then these same whacked out left-wing environmentalist nuts want us to mow down millions of new acres of crop land while burning up a ton of energy to grow corn, turn it into ethanol, and then force us to put that water absorbing, mileage destroying bilge into our cars while driving the price of all food stocks to unprecedented highs. I love the smell of internal combustion in the morning.

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Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 5, 2005
Fresno, Ca.
thanks Chip...
we have made ourselves hostages of the muslim-facists and hugo chavez, we are the vicitims of the sierra club and demo-nazis


Well-known member
Oct 29, 2006
I agree guys... and my write up just explains the situations we are facing because of what you said chip. There just some solutions and points I thought to counter this crazy reality were facing. Dam it I want to drive my GT one day! Not some soulless electric contraption. Even if it has to be water absorbing corn killing liquid :( lol