Thanks to DBK for putting on the add banner of our forum


Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
I don't know if anyone else has noticed or not but DBK has added on as a banner add. Looks great:thumbsup Thanks Dave:cheers


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jan 4, 2006
Belleville, IL
Who are you guys? What do you make? Is it something interesting? Do I need it for my car? Inquiring minds want to know.


Proud Owner/ BOD blah bla
Mark IV Lifetime
Feb 14, 2006
North Carolina
Frank - with a name like that do you expect they make "doctor instruments" ....

what is true is that they have been known to specialize in scaled models of Red FGT's as shown below.... ya gotta pedal faster to keep up with the other colors bro.......


  • frank.jpg
    70.8 KB · Views: 181


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jan 4, 2006
Belleville, IL
You guys are tooooo much.


Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
:rofl:rofl Hey Mike can you get Franks picture in looking like he is driving that RED beast? :lol:lol


GT Owner
Aug 30, 2008
Hollywood MD
Christmas is comming

Hey guys, Christmas is only 2 weeks away. There is still time to order some billet parts for your FGT, to put under the Christmas tree.:banana


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Nov 17, 2008
Ft. Myers, FL

Any consideration being given to making custom billet gas cap with/without Logo?

Have a great Christmas and 2010.



Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter

Any consideration being given to making custom billet gas cap with/without Logo?

Have a great Christmas and 2010.


Yes Al as a matter of fact we just went over this a few weeks ago but we really didn't think folks would want to remove their fenders to do this install as well as it seams as if not many people are spending money on these type of parts because of the economy:frown. It does take countless hours just to get to the point of cutting chips so in order to do this type of project I would need to either put up the designing fee myself or have a guaranteed number of parts spoken for. If we could put a list of 15 commitments together I would say for sure it would get done and right away. If you would like to get a list started please by all means feel free but I am not having so much luck anymore. I think everyone is getting tired of seeing these billet parts coming out over and over again:ack The last few billet parts that were done ended up being a flop for our machinist so I think we are just going to finish the last designs that we are in the middle of and take a break for a while. :cheers


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jan 4, 2006
Belleville, IL
'tunia, got home today to my new billet cars. What workmanship and precision. Even my family thought they were nice. Thought they might make nice Xmas ornaments till they picked them up and I explained they were billet. Thank you so much for these. Can't wait to paint them RED. Frank


Mar 17, 2007
Memphis, Tennessee
Very interesting yet, like it.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Nov 17, 2008
Ft. Myers, FL
Yes Al as a matter of fact we just went over this a few weeks ago but we really didn't think folks would want to remove their fenders to do this install as well as it seams as if not many people are spending money on these type of parts because of the economy:frown. It does take countless hours just to get to the point of cutting chips so in order to do this type of project I would need to either put up the designing fee myself or have a guaranteed number of parts spoken for. If we could put a list of 15 commitments together I would say for sure it would get done and right away. If you would like to get a list started please by all means feel free but I am not having so much luck anymore. I think everyone is getting tired of seeing these billet parts coming out over and over again:ack The last few billet parts that were done ended up being a flop for our machinist so I think we are just going to finish the last designs that we are in the middle of and take a break for a while. :cheers

Understand John. Did not know that fender need be removed. If you ever determine there is sufficient interest to make it worth your while, I may be interested.

Bill Briley

GT Owner
Aug 9, 2005
Valley Forge PA.
IMO, I think the "Hot Set up" would be a a total replacement gas fill. One that not only replaces the cosmetic door, but replaces the troublesome inner flap as well.:thumbsup


GT Owner
Aug 21, 2006
South of Sydney, AUS
Awesome. I didn't know these were in full production yet and hadn't seen all the various offering together. I was sold soon as I saw the stock style side vents as I never was into the ones that matched the custom top design. So I just ordered the stock look top vents as well. Very cool! My car is going to look unreal with all this new stuff coming, plus the CF coming from Kip, and the interior bits from Andrew. It's going to be a great start to '10 with all that and moving up to 4.0l! :cheers
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