Ok, now this is getting odd...


Active member
Nov 9, 2005
Fords, NJ
Not in a bad way but now I'm being amazed..

In about the past 3 years my town went from little old people to exotic car city. Ferrari's moved in, Bentley's, Lambo's every now and then but still rarely, some vipers here and there. Actually one down the road at the dealer right now...oh and something else has been going around.

In a previous post I mentioned of seeing a red/white Ford GT pulling into that Dodge dealer while I was coming home from school. I saw it once in the morning also on my way to school.

I always thought that apperently it was a friend just stoping around and saying hi....

Guess not cause I've been getting told this GT has been running around very EARLY (about 6 AM) down the next street over and then some at least once a week. So hopefully I'll learn to get up early and try to get pics and meet with the owner. :thumbsup

BTW a 69' Dodge Daytona has been making stops at the local quick check. :rofl


GTX1 Owner
Mar 25, 2006
Post a pic fo your GTS!

I am thinking of getting one for the track...(a 2001)