Sorry for the interruption out of the blue, but in Googling (vainly) for "GTX1 for sale" I was interested to see a post by a user "MK2" in the Corvette Forum site showing a one-off candy-apple/chrome GTX1 that I first saw on Shelby's site (at the time, I nearly jumped out of my chair in my haste to call him, because he'd never marked the car as "SOLD" on his site, and I was hoping he still had it!). Are you and the "MK2" on the Corvette forum the same person? Just wondering if you still had the car and how it's been for you.
If that candy-apple GTX1 is yours, that is an absolutely STUNNING car!
I'm hunting high and low for a GTX1 myself, so if you know of anyone who's contemplating selling theirs, I'd love to hear about it!