Just Days away....


Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
May 25, 2006
Ft. Lauderdale
Excited for you! Can't wait to see the delivery pictures!!

Special K

GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Aug 23, 2016
Franklinton, LA
It appears I am days away from the arrival of the family NFGT (no, that didn't work with my wife either). In preparation, I need to focus on the following:

1. Making room in the garage . This has been accomplished in part by throwing out all my Dick's sporting goods products, and Yeti Coolers.

2. Timing delivery with my wife being out of the house. I have turned this into an art form even sending she and her girlfriends once to a resort during a pending 2 am delivery.

3. Resolving all inner guilt trips such as my children's inheritance or lack thereof based on yet another purchase; the better good this money could do if spent on feeding the hungry (but I harken back to Sam Kinison "you live in a F-ing desert"). Or what my Pope might say--but yet again what's the MSRP on the Popemobile and its likely harder to get than the GT.

4. Dealing with the stares from neighbors: "well , looks like the idiot has done it again". And comments; "seriously--a V6??" "Yep, we thought about getting one when we got the Explorer--there was one in the showroom."

5. Dealing with relatives--"this , while your cousin Bob twice removed sits in a jail cell."

6.My kid's friends: "your dad is rich". Kids:" no, he's just stupid."

Any help is appreciated. Terry

Thank you for stating what’s been in all of our minds. This has been a truly exciting adventure that I don’t want to end!
If I could add to it:

7. Don’t forget the in laws! Every time I by something that makes me happy, my wife is told by my in laws that I’m impulsive and careless with my hard earned money.
Inevitably not long after, they make the same purchase for my brother in law because they “feel bad” and don’t want him to feel excluded... You can imagine the backlash when I applied for the NFGT!

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GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Apr 3, 2007
Northern California
Breathe and enjoy. Be grateful!


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Aug 5, 2006
Pahrump, NV
I love this Forum. :biggrin
Congratulations Terry! I bet all of these feelings will dissipate when the Reliable truck shows up on your doorstep.
If the feelings ever return, my quick prescription would be to walk into the garage, sit in the GT, close your eyes and just take in the moment. :thumbsup


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Mar 13, 2010
Richmond Virginia
Thank you for stating what’s been in all of our minds. This has been a truly exciting adventure that I don’t want to end!
If I could add to it:

7. Don’t forget the in laws! Every time I by something that makes me happy, my wife is told by my in laws that I’m impulsive and careless with my hard earned money.
Inevitably not long after, they make the same purchase for my brother in law because they “feel bad” and don’t want him to feel excluded... You can imagine the backlash when I applied for the NFGT!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

Favorite in law line I just never get tired of: “well, you can’t hide money”.