Authoritative Registry of New FGTs ?


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Oct 15, 2012
New York
Anybody know whether Ford will be taking professional photos of the NFGT builds? With all of the options on the website, plus the paint to sample options, and perhaps more changes coming in future build years, there will be a lot of awesome variety in the way the new cars come together.

It would be near impossible to get each car tracked down with owner consent to photograph. But, Ford could do it as each one rolls off the assembly line, and just lay it out by build #. They'll also have the options list for each car in their records. Would be a terrific reference guide and Coffee Table book.

Dave? Raj? What do you think?



GT Owner
Jul 26, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
It would be cool to have a record of the cars being built for the owner even if it is only part of the delivery package and not made public.


Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
I think that would be a great idea. I wouldn't have a problem if my early GT were photographed as it was produced or finished.


Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jun 28, 2006
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
I can agree also. It would be nice to have our cars documented and in the "coffee table book".
Take pics of mine when it is built.!
andy (ajb)


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Oct 15, 2012
New York
They could keep the identity of the purchaser private, but since Ford will only produce 1000-ish cars, it would make a nice 500 page book. All the color, stripe, wheel, interior combos would be laid out from 1 to 1000!