

pit crew chief
Dec 28, 2006
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GT Owner
Feb 3, 2006
so. ca.
International iPhoning Results in $3,000 Bill

International iPhoning Results in $3,000 Bill
It was only going to be a matter of time before something like this happened. Someone decided to take their iPhone on a little jaunt to Europe, where he says he underwent "sporadic AT&T EDGE network usage off and on mixed with wifi when available." The bill waiting for him when he got home: three grand. (And I bet it was 40 pages long, too.)

Dave Stolte is hardly alone in the annals of absurd, accidental overseas charges, but as more and more people start traveling abroad with their iPhones, cases like this are going to become a lot more common, and fast. The iPhone is a chatty little device, constantly checking the network and calling home to the mothership, and iPhone users quickly get spoiled on its nifty data features, using them constantly to check the web, watch videos, etc. (In fairness: You do have to call AT&T first and ask for international roaming to be unlocked for this to work at all.)

Those little charges add up fast. $0.02 per kilobyte sounds pretty cheap, right? WRONG. Do the math: A 1-megabyte web page (a very common size) costs almost twenty bucks to open. 20. Dollars. Whoa. Seriously. (Thanks to Portfolio for helping out with our collective multiplication, and noting that there are various rate plans available, going down to $.005 per KB, which would still be about $5 per megabyte.)

So what do you need to do if you're going abroad with your iPhone? Portfolio suggests the same thing I do: Sign up for an affordable international voice plan but disable the data plan altogether. You can still use data services over Wi-Fi, which is free. The inconvenience of not being able to check Google Maps when you're away from a hotspot is nothing compared to a multi-thousand dollar data bill. When you get home, just turn your data services back on.

Stolte's story has a happy ending. After wide online publicity, AT&T agreed to waive the charges. As the first to report such a problem, he's the lucky one. But I doubt the next 10,000 or so people to fall into this predicament will find AT&T so accommodating. Don't become one of them.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Mar 9, 2007
New York & SoCal
I've had the iphone since the day it came out. For the most part i love it. All you blackberry users probably won't like it....I know you guys like your querty keyboards!
The camera on it rocks.......not sure why it takes better pictures than my 5 mega pixel camera but it does. The edge network is pretty fast sometimes...depends on where you are....the wifi works really well. My main complaints are
1.) can't download and save attachments...like pdf files or pictures....which is really dumb.......
2.) can't personalize the ring tones
3.) the international rates are insane! (as mentioned earlier) I've been in Europe now for 6 weeks.....lots of texting (50 cents each!) some calls....and some internet browsing.....my bill this month is $900 so far. :willy

I like it cuz it interfaces with my mac.....which is awesome for a guy who never made it a habit to backup his contacts.....now its a piece of cake!

as far as I can see most of the issues with it are software related...so hopefully they'll have some fixes for this stuff soon........


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 22, 2005
I am user also and recieved my first bill last week. No suprises just confusing and too detailed.

I have travelled from delaware beach to Napa with it with pretty good coverage. Although in delaware phone worked but email would not.

Very cool gadget and now i leave the laptop at home when on the go.


Well-known member
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Nov 3, 2005
Renton, Washington
Ipod Camera

"The camera on it rocks.......not sure why it takes better pictures than my 5 mega pixel camera but it does."

RickM how about a brief technical explanation of this?

I missed you two at R II.



Totally ****** Up
Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Aug 2, 2006
Dallas, TX
I got mine when it first came out as well. As DBK said "this will change the way people use their phones."

It really is the first major advancement I've seen in mobile phone sense Motorola’s flip phone (marking the shift to small pocket phones). In typical Apple fashion, they are so user friendly that 90% of people will use all the functions.

I fully expected to be disappointed in it. My need for the latest gadget overshadowed my better judgment and I got one anyway. It may qualify as one of the better mistakes I’ve made. Go get one, you won't regret it.

PS: Going to the Rally, I watched an entire movie on the iPhone and didn't use 1/2 the battery.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Dec 3, 2006
From a professional standpoint .... its a revolutionary device but it needs a revolutionary data plan to really make it a winning combination.

I feel that your going to hear a lot more from disgruntled people racking up data fees that they did not realize that they where getting into.

Also, from what I am hearing there will be a v 2.0 model with in a year.



GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jan 4, 2006
Belleville, IL


Gt Owner
Jan 11, 2006
love mine....BTW DBK did you get my email?


GT Owner
Jul 14, 2006
So. Ca.
Great Video

I got one too. You're right DBK, it is the first phone sense motorla's flip that will really change the way people use a mobile phone.

As for the debate about Apple users... behold


The flash blurb after the video that the song was availible at i tunes realy tells it all.:rofl:lol


Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 5, 2005
Fresno, Ca.
My CIO said we could not acess his system with one. Putz :)