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Well-known member
I'm just thinking out line lion loud here, so all points of view welcome.

How important would a quality DVD of the rally be?

First, I'm not going to shoot it. I will not charge a dime to help put it together, even if you guys want it. And even if I don't attend, I'd be willing to help locate some very talented shooters. Film guys that could shoot video, transfer to a DVD.

I'm not talking some typical slock car gathering video piece of dung, like you and I've bought in the past. Some car guys love cars so much and think they can make cool videos, but, sorry they suck at it, and nobody talented does.

I'm talking a quality hour long, could be 2 hours if you want lots of not important but buyer interesting footage.

And or could be two DVDs, one just great super cool Ford GT footage with tight cuts. The other a longer, can't show strangers vertion, or you'll bore them, but car guys might like it.

Cool predawn shots of all the GTs waiting first light. Some action shots of drive bys, cool pans, tight long shots comming over rises etc., mutiple cars.

Factory tour footage if Ford/SV? says, "cool".

Maybe ten to thirty seconds of some dumb speech or inside
BS, but mainly great shots like a dozen guys finding a Ritz pass key and raiding Piccola's room at 2:59 AM.

Good Ritz bar footage of us talking, joking. etc. Dinner too.

Has to have everyone's GT in the thing.

Has to have everyone's face in the thing. Even if a quick barage of facial portraits (1 sec. each).

'The Italian Job', Ford GT designer guy if he's cool, maybe in his studio, and Piccola all covered in wet paint and him rolling on the floor in a huge unstrung canvas. Like the movie "Blow Up', also of which Piccola hasn't seen, but should.

A few very cool car mount shots, spliced with tight vignettes of great angles of the Ford GT.

Possibly some cool fade cuts of the same shot of a portion of the car, but then blend different car colors of that same angle.

On and on we can go.

Just a thought.

Here's the bad/good news.

Making a DVD is work, hard work. And expensive to boot.

No one will make any money really, even the shooters will be working for peanuts. Still expenses etc. add up. Plus their time, traveling shooting editing.

The rally attendents can't be expected to get up at predawn and go to some place and sit on thier butts till great light and drive the same streach of 200 yards of payment over and over, unless you want to.

In other words, the project must be realistic and fun for the rally attendants. The shooters do most of the work.
Some time must be allotted for great driving footage.

Getting stuff on the 'fly' is possible but not likely.

First is this something you guys+piccola want?

If so give me ideas of what you want, and anything else.

Later we could put a figure together so I can contact some people to see if this can be pulled off.

Any thoughts pro or con?


PS I do want access to this footage later, not the whole thing, but maybe a shot or twenty I don't know yet, everyone must sign a release. I did'nt want to say this because I don't know for sure if I'm going to do this but, I am concidering a DVD on a few Supercars. Of which the Ford GT will be one. I will only do this if I can presell it.

This is not the DVD above.

It will only be cool footage of many action shots of the cars in action. Nope I haven't been posting here to make Ford GT friends for a DVD, I've been posting here because I like the Ford GT and while here I've been fortunate to find so many interesting people. Enough said. :cool
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GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jan 4, 2006
Belleville, IL
Alan with an A, for the first time I unequivocaly agree with you. I don't care how it looks, but I'll take one just for posterity.


Well-known member

Can't buy what ain't made yet. But thank you just the same bud.


PS I apprciate your positive attitude, are you going?

Also If anyone isn't going but would like a DVD tell us because this might help off set costs.

FJ, COOL I noticed you are just in IL, great. :cheers
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GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jan 4, 2006
Belleville, IL
Yes I'm there, one of the first to sign up.


Well-known member

What would you like to see in a DVD of the rally? Be specific if possible.


PS I have to run be back in a hour.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jan 4, 2006
Belleville, IL
I'll think on it and let you know. I get to go home tonight and see my baby in the garage and wax it tomorrow. Pictures of everyone there with/without cars is a must.


Well-known member
One thought I had this afternoon is sponsorship.

Two car accessory manufacturers or auto related sponsors, or auto unrelated but interested in sponsoring companies could throw in $5k each and give us a good base. We could add to budget with a DVD price slightly above cost. Or stay lean and mean. These sponsors could have DVD Logo on face of DVD and a spot running on Rally video inside.

DBK, GTjoey get free copies for putting the rally together and the Forum itself. Centerpunch for his valiant efforts for startng the Ford GT price site. Tell me of other VIPs we need to do some 'Major Sucking Up To', and take care of, most likely a few Ford VIPS as well as Saleen etc.

Ford should not be asked to sponsor because they are already a graicious rally host.

I know of one maybe two car business people that could possibly be interested. I'll wait to hear if this is possible and or you people want a DVD. If any of you guys know of possible sponsors keep them in mind.

Need to hear lots of 2 cents guys.


Now is the time to pull the plug if this doesn't sit well with you for any reason. Or anyone else?



PS LURKERS, This is as good a time as any to come out of the WOULD work, and sign up as a forum member. You don't have to own one to realy like them and want to buy one in the future. A cool DVD of this event will be something special. I know if I miss the rally, I will certainly want to see what I missed. Sign up post on another thread then come and post I want one. We are talking here, no comitments, just all hot air and type. :cheers
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GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Sep 11, 2005
Phoenix, AZ
I think I am going and I'd get one. Would be great to have a lot of interview footage with the GT project team.


GT aficionado
Mark IV Lifetime
Feb 17, 2006
Grand Junction, CO
Pipelion said:
just all hot air and type. :cheers

Like most of your posts Pipelion! :biggrin j/k I think putting a DVD together is an excellent idea!!! I'd definitely get one or two of them! A great way to remember the event. Looking at one GT is an incredible sight. Can't wait to see what it feels like to look at so many!!! I'm getting really excited & can't wait until August! I'll PM you if I have any ideas on sponsors.

Most of your ideas were great but, there'll be no sneaking into Piccola's room since she won't be staying at the Ritz. And... I'd rather be caught enjoying the cars than rolling around w/Camilo Pradi in paint... I'm sure there'll be some great video!!! Hopefully no fires though. :wink

MJ :cheers


Well-known member
PHXGT PHD of answering me he he.

That's what I want to hear. Specifics, pure and simple.

With digital footage, as long as it's in the can, it's then an easy edit and or re-edit. A long footage of people talking isn't visually stimulating, still its possible to do that, if we get enough imput, we could satisfy many.

Thanks for the imput,

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Well-known member

Don't throw COLD COLD water on my pitch so soon. Come on now.

OK how about you interviewing him in Italian and then kicking the snot out of that little artist, with or without gloves. :lol


HOT AIR I like that, it's so true some times.

Awsum GT

GT Owner '18
Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 17, 2005
Carmel & Cntrl Ca
One thing that we do at all of our national Viper Invitationals is hire this company that has a camera that pans the entire group of cars in one photo. With the Viper meets there are more than 300-400 Vipers each day in the photo.

Maybe they would do this event. BUt not worth it if there are onyl 40-50 cars. Do we have an idea how many of us are bringing our GT's?

I think we can put together a great DVD from bits and pieces of what each of us shoot while there. We do this at the Viper events also. They play them during the dinner partys at the national events. They are put together by professionals. They take all submittals of everything from the trip to the event from when they left home to when they arrived to shots, video etc during the event and then they make a great DVD.

I'd be willing to purchase one of those. They also hire a video crew to wander around throughtout the entire event and play their footage during the event also.


GT aficionado
Mark IV Lifetime
Feb 17, 2006
Grand Junction, CO
Pipelion said:

Don't throw COLD COLD water on my pitch so soon. Come on now.

OK how about you interviewing him in Italian and then kicking the snot out of that little artist, with or without gloves. :lol


HOT AIR I like that, it's so true some times.

I'd interview him in Italian if he was Italian, but he's not. I would like to meet him though! I will be there for the cars & other than probably vibrating with excitement, I doubt you'll be able to pick me out as "Piccola". How hard can it be to blend in? :biggrin However... I'm also there to have a good time & will keep an open mind.

That being said, you're going to have video inside both buildings showing the different stages of building the GT, right? On that note, since they allow cameras in there, I'm assuming they also allow people to bring their video cameras, right? You'll probably want to get some humerous quotes from some of the GT owners as well to mix in there. They are always enjoyable to read on the forum mixed in with the serious stuff, so I think some short & funny stories would work. If there are any other events (ie, live music & dancing, after hour fun, other stuff like that), having short clips thrown in I think might also work to get a mix of the event as a whole & not just the cars being driven... (obviously keeping the cars the main focus throughout)


Well-known member
Awsum GT said:
One thing that we do at all of our national Viper Invitationals is hire this company that has a camera that pans the entire group of cars in one photo. With the Viper meets there are more than 300-400 Vipers each day in the photo.

Maybe they would do this event. BUt not worth it if there are onyl 40-50 cars. Do we have an idea how many of us are bringing our GT's?

I think we can put together a great DVD from bits and pieces of what each of us shoot while there. We do this at the Viper events also. They play them during the dinner partys at the national events. They are put together by professionals. They take all submittals of everything from the trip to the event from when they left home to when they arrived to shots, video etc during the event and then they make a great DVD.

I'd be willing to purchase one of those. They also hire a video crew to wander around throughtout the entire event and play their footage during the event also.

The bits and pieces of attendees footage is easy. But won't be truly or even close to a kick a$$ DVD. Local video shooters suck, plain and simple. I'm being blunt because
you are obviously successful and talented or you wouldn't own a Ford GT. But for the same reason you wouldn't get your GT fixed by the closest shop, is the same reason one souldn't hire local talent to shoot a DVD. Video shooters are
dime a dozen. They can hold a camera, edit footage, deliver a DVD. But it will look like poop poo.

I'm not saying we can hire Spielburg, and shoot a $500,000 per minute DVD. What I mean is having almost that quality on a shoe string budget. Lighting will suffer because( we can't take three hours to light each location.

I know three professionals that shoot big time stuff. I might be able to talk them into comming in for a tiny hill of

One guy is a $10-15 grand a day shooter/directior from LA.
He's the hottest commercial shooter in LA for National TV ads. (I taught him how to shoot ), His dad was a big client of mine and he was camera crazy as well as being into snow boards before anybody knew what a snowboard was.
He wouold always come when I shot his fathers clothing lines national ads etc.

The other guy is a pro shooter from Colorado that's done mutiple covers of Sports Illistrated. And has been moving
into video. Fantastic eye.

Third guy is a film pro in No. MI who has shot national TV commercails and also knows how to capture great action etc.

I'm not sure if I can get these guys to come in. I can try.
They might do it for grins or to get away from thier sposes.

If a solid shot list is prepaired this could be stunning. And we could have plenty of footage to put together a crazy long boaring piece also to show every single minute shot.

Sorry to pound. The more I say the more you guys will understand.

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Mark IV Lifetime
Apr 5, 2006
:banana :banana :banana :banana :cheers :cheers :cheers
Looks like we're going to be making a movie/documentary.


Well-known member
If you want to build it,,,,, DVD will come :cheers :cheers

Tim, We all know the Ford GT is a true Super Car. Beyound that it may well be one of the best dozen in a hundred years.
It's also a DOUBLE BUILD. It was built in the 60s and now.

Not many cars carry that claim.

Super Car, Super Rally(ain't happening again), so Super DVD.

The DVD has to be truly cool, as close as we could get with a little money. :cheers :thumbsdow :thumbsup :thumbsdow :thumbsup

It's up to you guys if you want it.

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Well-known member
Nice insites Piccola,

You like the night life, you like the disco :party , I used to like to party too dang hardy. will a little though, and it would make for great footage.

Factory's a given.

Keep um comming people. Time to speak up. Ideas wants wishes. Put them here so if it's a go it can be used as a list.



GT aficionado
Mark IV Lifetime
Feb 17, 2006
Grand Junction, CO
is there going to be any kind of comparing the 1966 GT40 design to this one or explaining why they decided to make these GT's, etc? if so, to keep from just being a boring speech, you could show racing video of the Lemans & the top 3 cars while you hear the guys talking about the GT project. stuff like that that's informative, but also fun to watch & shows the difference between the 2 cars. I don't know. I personally would like to see a mixture of a lot of things all put together since it's the ultimate GT event. hard to say also since I have no idea what will happen exactly other than the 2 tours...

if the GT guys start to talk about some of the challenges in getting it put together in 9 months & how they were going to make it one of the top super sports cars, it would be neat to see some article headlines w/pix of the GT beating other cars like the Ferrari 430, etc.

Are we (or anyone for that matter) going to Camilo's studio? Or is he just going to be at Wixem/Saleen? It would be nice to have a short interview w/him & maybe see some of his paintings in the background or a video of his white GT parked outside the studio & some of our GT guys/families going in to buy (or just check out) his neat looking paintings.

I'm just a very visual person. I love watching speed, the GT pulling ahead of other cars, beating popular cars, going 200+ mph, etc & thought that rather than just hearing the guys talk or watching our guys go 30 mph down the main road (which we still would love to see obviously), we could add a few cool videos showing what the GT can really do. People from the rally (ie, GT guys or the GT owners) can talk a little in the background to tie it into to the event or music playing. Just a few "extras".



Well-known member

Love it, cut , print, it's rap people :cheers :biggrin :cheers :biggrin :lol

Thanks for all the cool ideas. Will DO!



Well-known member
Before beddie bye

I need to write ideas down.

LeMans footage Da Bomb, if we can get it. Maybe Ford.
Piccolas idea good. very good.

Long shot of multi GTs going through curved or multiple bends. Nice trees nice road.

Second camera same location shooting pans from side from woods so cars appear and disapear.

Multiple runs different car spacing. Both directions.

Two camera cars on double road, freeway or scenic, what ever works long string of Ford GTs. Each comes up to camera car pauses then takes off.(sorry guys no burn outs) to dangerous with multi vehicles on full access road, good acceleration OK.
..............Also camera mounted cars(pro mounts) in this line up on a GT or two and drivers or passengers can shoot stills or video too.

Static camera/ cameras low angle, one wide one mid lenght
whole string of GTs pass and or Gts pass in bunches or both.

Also third mobile car camera could pass in opposite direction filming srting or bunches approaching and passing by.

High camera shooting down on a few individual GTs one at a time. One camera low if possible just overhead of GTs. Then have bunches of GTs and or srting of GTs.

Sunset sunrise scenic opener a GT or three.

Whole group in parking lot, sec. guard paceing lot. Cool moving cameras shooting wide angles down rears of GT all in perfect simitry. Like wise noses of GTs. etc. Variuos times different lighting.

Vignettes of above where cool.

Super wide angle mounted on back of GT picking up lots of rear glass and all of rear deck. Great back ground (scenic/sunset) and or string of GTs in motin with camera GT. With without srting. GT alone Gt waith lots of GTs Both directions into sun and last glow after sunset. Light of GT glowing maybe engine interior lifgt for color (subtle)
......3M clar film where camera mounts to GT) Need a little material.

That's all folks!

More later
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