Au Revoir or should I say Caio


Totally ****** Up
Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Aug 2, 2006
Dallas, TX
Neilda said:
but Ferraris are almost ten a penny (lovely though they are) in Europe, a bit like Rolex's really (can't fault them). But the GT is something else - it has voodoo, you can't define it, legislate for it, capture it.... quite a unique mojo.



GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Sep 9, 2006
Rong said:
My wife won't take a weekend jaunt with her overnite bag between her legs. And why should she? We enjoy tooling up the Coast Highway or hitting the back roads together.

Lucky for me, my wife has.

But then again, she used to ride on the back of my motorcycle and we'd do light sport touring, including overnighters. All before we became proud parents.

She was a great sport about travelling from Temecula to Palm Springs and overnighting in the GT. Again, I am lucky for that. I do my best to make it fun for her, and realize that it might not be every woman's idea of a great time - so I try to balance it out and remember that more she enjoys the trip, the more I will enjoy the trip.

Every woman is different of course, and knowing what they will and will not appreciate is key. I'm no expert, and still learning, always.