Who here is using a conventional lead-acid Battery in the GT???

Aug 25, 2006
Hey Shadowman, where do you have the battery dropped shipped from to avoid getting one that is old? Just took my car out for a ride tonight and the red light on the freeflyer boost gauge came on and my battery tender jr is alternating flashing red/green when connected. I think it is time for a new battery after 4 1/2 years of good service.

Are there any dates or codes on the battery to look for?


Gulf GT

I order them through my local Ford dealer and they then have them drop shipped from direct from Optima

If you are unable to have your dealer do so call or email me and I will tend to it for you from my end

All the best



GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
May 7, 2006
FYI-I had 2 gauges fail in my 06 GT. I recently bought a new Optima battery for my 1970 Ford Torino. It's a new optima battery but the outside skin is made to look like it is from 1970. I put it in the Torino, and it was dead in 1 1/2 weeks, I couldnt even jump the darn thing. The only gauge drawing power was a small clock in the dash. I put back in the old wet cell battery that has been sitting in the garage for 4 months and it started right up. I have had no problems since, and its been 6 months since the install. I'm not to favorable of optima's.


Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Dec 10, 2005
Fort Worth, TX
I changed both my GT's over to AC Delco acid batteries. On a side note, I had an Odyssey in my Ferrari 360CS. Car started weird (on one bank of cylinders) all the time with so many computer modules. I think the battery didn't have enough cranking amps or voltage. Changed to Batteries Plus generic lead battery...no further problems.


GT Owner
Jul 13, 2006
Sears Die Hard are great... 7 yrs on one


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Having had two guages fail already, I think I will dump my five year old Optima and go with the highest quality lead acid battery I can find that fits. I'll keep my Optima for posterity since it says FORD GT on it. I'll recheck this thread, but does any one have the quick answer to which high end conventional battery fits our application? My car is sitting with the battery disconnected with the Deltran on it at the moment.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jul 18, 2006
Largo, Florida
Having had two guages fail already, I think I will dump my five year old Optima and go with the highest quality lead acid battery I can find that fits. I'll keep my Optima for posterity since it says FORD GT on it. I'll recheck this thread, but does any one have the quick answer to which high end conventional battery fits our application? My car is sitting with the battery disconnected with the Deltran on it at the moment.


I'll do some research on this. My battery is 4 years old now and I'm going to change it as a precautionary measure. I've never have a problem with my gauges or battery but I bought my car right off the truck from Ford so I know the dealer did not improperly charge it. I'll let you know what I come up with.

Gulf GT

GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Feb 9, 2006
Gulf GT

I order them through my local Ford dealer and they then have them drop shipped from direct from Optima

If you are unable to have your dealer do so call or email me and I will tend to it for you from my end

All the best


Thank you Shadowman for that tip! I'll call the local Ford dealer today.

Thank you for the lead acid tips, but I went back and read all the posts before asking Shadowman for the referral. My OEM battery has been flawless and lasted the prescribed 5 years with no gauge failures. Maybe becuase I always turn the key and let all the gauges and the system prime before starting, or maybe its an old habit from the old race cars days when I had no choice but to follow that procedure to prime pumps, etc. I will stick with getting a new OEM for now.

I also noticed that the OEM battery is also designed for higher vibration, and being that my car is sitting on Penskes and drawn down low to the ground the ride is pretty rough. I haven't done a search on that though. Was wondering how that played into the battery type discussion.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Feb 15, 2006
Hi Dave. The alternating Red/Green flashing on the charger does, in fact, indicate an abnormal condition.

I agree with many others here after having been one of the first to recommend AGAINST the Optima. Sears Die Hard, or one of many different alternatives would be higher on my list than a replacement Optima. YMMV

Nardo GT

Well-known member
Jul 15, 2006
Sears Die Hard are great... 7 yrs on one

Had really good luck with those too in other cars. Walmart Everstart (Neverstart lol) is good because of the warranty. I have a Chevy pu that I have close to 20 years (was 4yo when I bought it). Always had a Walmart in it and amazingly they went dead right before each 3yr warranty ran out. Replaced every time for free.