Who could sell a GT??


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Oct 24, 2005
Well I thought I would wish everyone a very merry everything !!!The holidays are all about family and friends. And I have sure made some great friends thru the forum and rallies.For this I am thankful!!
To clarify ,Assuming your life ,family and economic well being are all just fine .How could you ever sell your Ford GT???
I must say I find it amazing how many forum members have and are selling there Ford Gt's.To those the best of luck in what ever you do.
Now I realize this is not so amazing to some ,especially the Ford Gt forum sponsors who sell Gt's .But to me, I find it amazing! I can only think of adding More Ford Gt's to my garage. Sell my one and only ????? NEVER!!!
Who could sell a Gt ?? Not me!!
To me, its still and always THE ONE!!!!
My very bests to all,
aka Roketman
MY 02:biggrin
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Mark II Lifetime
Apr 11, 2008
Lake Las Vegas, Henderson, NV
Totally agree. People often ask me what's next car wise......and for the first time I have no answer. :biggrin

Especially in my car's current set-up I think why would I buy something that will not look nearly as good and even more importantly buy something that could not touch the performance of this car. There will be additions in the future, but hard to imagine subtracting this FGT!! :thumbsup

Happy Holidays!! :cheers


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Apr 3, 2007
Northern California
I would find it hard to sell my GT, but I understand that there are potentially financial reasons one may need to sell their GT. Some people the economy has hit hard. There could be other reasons. My youngest Son is thinking about following me into the dental profession. At $100,000 to attend the first year of UOP, I might sell my GT to help with the expenses.


GT Owner/B.O.D
Mark IV Lifetime
Dec 13, 2005
Sandpoint Id
Sadly, the only two I know personally that have sold have done it due to the down turn of the economy. Both plan to repurchase when things get better.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!


Le Mans 2010 Sponsor * Moderator
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jan 22, 2006
N.E. OH & Naples, FL
I hear you. When I hear of one our fellow owners stating that they intend to sell their cars, I am always saddened. I hate to see anyone miss out on the tremendous experience of owning a FGT.

Fast Freddy

Mark II Lifetime
Aug 5, 2005
Avondale, Arizona
the wife yes. the dog maybe. my GT never......

Merry Christmas everybody :cheers


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Oct 24, 2005
the wife yes. the dog maybe. my GT never......

Merry Christmas everybody :cheers

Very good !!
Thank you for the laugh!!


For the right $$$$ everything is for sale. The only emotional attachment I have in life is towards my family.


Blue/white 06'
Mark II Lifetime
For the right $$$$ everything is for sale. The only emotional attachment I have in life is towards my family.

I have several toys that I swear I would never part with.

This is a good reminder of what is really important. Thanks.


Where's reverse?
Mark II Lifetime
Dec 17, 2010
San Antonio, TX
Look at each sale as passing the torch to a new owner. The best thing for any car/value is demand. Increased exposure, especially with a phenomenal car like the GT will only help to increase our cars values. I don't think sales are too bad. Think of the growing numbers of GT lovers. The sellers will always be GT guys, as will always be the new owners.

...this from a newbie that if it were not for a seller would not not have the opportunity to become a newbie.


GT Owner
Staff member
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Feb 13, 2006
Scottsdale, Arizona
Over the side!


These are difficult times and circumstances sometimes require even the most valuable cargo cast over the side to save the ship. Never in our wildest dreams could many of us foresee the current vilification and full frontal assault upon productive and successful Americans. My son Charley is also going off to college next year and I will be selling many of my long held possessions to put him through debt free. My business income has declined by 75% and I am luckier than many of my fellow Chevron dealers who have lost their stations. So we all prioritize and do what we have to do in order to make it through this and live to fight another day. My yellow GT would be the last thing to go however! :biggrin I probably wouldn't be able to sell it at all as I would have sold my home first and I would be living in it. :lol

Let's hope 2011 gives us all a break so we can get back to business and good times. God bless America.

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GT Owner
Nov 2, 2005
SF Bay Area in California
I would find it hard to sell my GT, but I understand that there are potentially financial reasons one may need to sell their GT. Some people the economy has hit hard. There could be other reasons. My youngest Son is thinking about following me into the dental profession. At $100,000 to attend the first year of UOP, I might sell my GT to help with the expenses.

Have your son studied harder so he can go to UCSF and save some buck and keep your FGT.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Apr 3, 2007
Northern California
Have your son studied harder so he can go to UCSF and save some buck and keep your FGT.

4.2 High School GPA, with sports and 4.0 College GPA. Hopefully, that will get him somewhere! But in the spirit of the post, I would sell my GT if he needed money for school. I told him that if I did that he would have to buy me one later.


GT Owner
Staff member
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Feb 13, 2006
Scottsdale, Arizona

I would sell my GT if he needed money for school. I told him that if I did that he would have to buy me one later.


What a great idea, I like that! :thumbsup



GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
May 4, 2006
Owning this Ford GT is an incredible blessing. To be in a financial position to afford such a luxury item is something beyond anything I imagined when I was a kid and first caught wind of the Ferrari Slayer Ford GT40. I know it is a mere material possession in this world, but I surely hope I don't find myself in a position that others have, and will, where I need to liquidate.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Apr 3, 2007
Northern California

What a great idea, I like that! :thumbsup



GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Oct 24, 2005
I have several toys that I swear I would never part with.

This is a good reminder of what is really important. Thanks.

Great point .No argument there.
I am basing my thoughts on a stable life.


Mark II Lifetime
Apr 11, 2008
Lake Las Vegas, Henderson, NV
Great point .No argument there.
I am basing my thoughts on a stable life.

That is kind of what I figured as well when I responded. :thumbsup

My response was based purely on a love of cars and the thought of which ones would move me to part with the GT. The funny thing is I see alot of responses of how this was a lust car since the 60's for many members. That had nothing to do with my purchase. It was strictly about now......although the pedigree makes for a great story. :cheers


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Mar 13, 2010
Richmond Virginia
I agree that being able to own these cars is a tremendous blessing. When I was growing up I could not have dreamed of owning a high end car much less a GT. Many BMWs, Caddies, Vipers, Vettes later I remain thankful. But I also try to remember--to whom much is given, much is expected.

Reading Chip et als posts made me worry about how my kids will pay for their kids (assuming they have any) education. Tuition has gotten nuts. I paid over $200,000 for my daughter's college education (about enough to buy a Heritage, but I digress) This coming year I will pay well over $100,000 with one in law school and one in state college (UVa) (And still one in HS). I suspect by the time my 3 are out I will have paid $400,000--$500,000 or so. It has really gotten crazy. My law school tuition was a total of $12,000 for 3 years. You young guys here--take note--if you don't want to sell those GTs later start putting aside a college fund NOW.

Back to the topic. I grew up without a lot (but never needing anything either) I have been blessed with much as an adult but as much as cars (and other toys) are my passion , I could go back to doing without if I had to do so. Religion/family at the top--cars a distant priority, but man, are they fun.
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Future GT Owner
Dec 20, 2009
I realize we are straying a bit off topic (but perhaps not since the topic really gets to pretty quickly to financial pressures and family responsibilities) what exactly is the purpose of a $200,000 college education? Most of my co-workers and I benefited from a high quality education at state universities that in todays dollars with strict budgeting could be accomplished for maybe $60,000 including all expenses. My son dropped out after 2 years at a state college to start his own business, and is now doing extremely well and expanding his business. Of course I think expensive weddings are ridiculous too, so what do I know?