Welcome: Knight's Autoworks


The Favor Factory™
Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
I know some of you have already dealt with Steve because our esteemed moderator Rick has had a great deal of work with him, but please welcome Steve "The White Knight" Knight to the forum. At the recommendation of Shelby#18, we've added him as a supporting vendor to the forum. He is the originator of the GTX1 soft top as well as producing many of the custom interiors you have seen on those cars.

Hopefully Steve will chime in and mention some of his services.




Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Welcome aboard Steve:cheers


GT Owner/Vendor
Mark IV Lifetime
Apr 24, 2006
St Augustine, Florida
Welcome !


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Aug 5, 2006
Pahrump, NV
Welcome Steve!

Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
Welcome for the SECOND time, Steve! :thumbsup :cheers


Ford Gt Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Aug 8, 2007


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Oct 24, 2005
I love you man!


GT Owner
Aug 30, 2008
Hollywood MD


GT Owner
Staff member
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Feb 13, 2006
Scottsdale, Arizona
A great addition to the Forum.

Do they sell items for non-GTX1 GTs?



Welcome aboard.
Hi Boys. Thanks D.B.K. for the intro. And many thanks Shelby #18. A fine man indeed is our Rick! Now if I can just keep up with his cars we'll be doing well! Actually it has been a real pleasure to create some unique, and if I may say so, rather nice interiors for you Rick. The X1 soft top of coarse being a lengthy endeavor, it pleased me greatly to hear how well it performed for you on your trip to this year’s rally. I forget how fast you got it up to with the soft top on but I know I did about 100 and she held on like a scared cat in a tree. Thank you Rick! It was hard. But it was fun!
As far as everyone else… What can a man say? GT people are remarkable! It has been a real privilege to serve as your upholsterer. I can hardly count how many interiors and seat options we’ve done. Well actually I can count them and it’s embarrassing to say how many so I won’t. A lot.
With that being said, we should waste no more time dilly dallying. I have five children to feed and there is much upholstery work to be done. All we need is for you to call and order it!
Please visit our site (free blog actually). I stopped doing any advertizing a half dozen years ago so we made this for the soft top release, but you will find plenty of trim photos and products as well as the stow-able GTX1 soft top info, and we’re not so stiff necked that we don’t do any other cars. Our sewing machines work on Lambo’s and Vipers as well as GTs or Corvettes.

Thank you fellas, God Bless!
Last edited:
Aug 25, 2006
Hi Boys. Thanks D.B.K. for the intro. And many thanks Shelby #18. A fine man indeed is our Rick! Now if I can just keep up with his cars we'll be doing well! Actually it has been a real pleasure to create some unique, and if I may say so, rather nice interiors for you Rick. The X1 soft top of coarse being a lengthy endeavor, it pleased me greatly to hear how well it performed for you on your trip to this year’s rally. I forget how fast you got it up to with the soft top on but I know I did about 100 and she held on like a scared cat in a tree. Thank you Rick! It was hard. But it was fun!
As far as everyone else… What can a man say? GT people are remarkable! It has been a real privilege to serve as your upholsterer. I can hardly count how many interiors and seat options we’ve done. Well actually I can count them and it’s embarrassing to say how many so I won’t. A lot.
With that being said, we should waste no more time dilly dallying. I have five children to feed and there is much upholstery work to be done. All we need is for you to call and order it!
Please visit our site (free blog actually). I stopped doing any advertizing a half dozen years ago so we made this for the soft top release, but you will find plenty of trim photos and products as well as the stow-able GTX1 soft top info, and we’re not so stiff necked that we don’t do any other cars. Our sewing machines work on Lambo’s and Vipers as well as GTs or Corvettes. Buy the way, Kirby, do you need paddles with yours??

Thank you fellas, God Bless!

Nice to hear from you

We have and contiue to work together even though the distance between us is great because you do "awesome" work.

All the best



Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
May 25, 2006
Ft. Lauderdale
Welcome Steve . :cheers


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jan 4, 2006
Belleville, IL
Hey Steve, can you come up with something that looks like kitty litter leather for StormCat's cars?
Who says you can't train a cat?


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Aug 11, 2006
Surf City, USA

Welcome to the Forum.

Quick question - do you have, or have you thought of a solution for the rubbing going on where the seat belt meets the upper bolster and strap guide?


Every king needs a knight.

If your talking about avoiding having the seat belt rub off the leather surface, we could mount a plastic spacer inside of the strap so the seat belt runs over it rather than the leather. I didnt know it was an area of concern. If the leather has all ready been damaged we could review some options. Let me think on it for a while.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Aug 11, 2006
Surf City, USA
Nice word play! Well done. :lol

RE: the belt rubbing. I only noticed this after several Forum members shared that they have had problems. I understand that some even had their seats replaced under warranty for this issue. Luckily that is not the case with mine...yet.

Needless to say, I am confident that this is an issue that will be rearing it's ugly head in the not to distant future for many.

Thank you for your consideration.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jan 4, 2006
Belleville, IL
My suggestion to you guys with belt problems - lose weight!
With these cars coming out of warranty the nearly 4,000 Ford wants to replace the seatback might not be that cozy an option. We do have a few other ways to go, upto and including replacing the seat cover with one of our leather seat covers. We use factory matching leather. Ask Rocket man how he likes his stock seat covers we made for him.