Trouble Getting-It-Up in Atlanta


GT Owner
May 21, 2006
We are officially out of garage space since adding my daughter's new car. Now, we also plan to add an `04-06 Viper vert as a daily driver for me.

So, we need a lift.

I know most/all of the brands and their comparative (to each other) advantages.

The problem is getting one installed in Atlanta.

Dealers that we have contacted give us names of installers who are either in witness protection or in the process of gender reassignment.

I know that there are a lot of Atlanta folks logged on as members and a great number who are lurkers.

Any information about lift sellers, installers and personal experiences would be deeply appreciated.

If you do not wish to post publically, please either PM me or write:

Thank you.

- doc


Proud Owner/ BOD blah bla
Mark IV Lifetime
Feb 14, 2006
North Carolina
Doc - great title for the thread. Had me wondering. I'm going for the four post and have been told it's "easily" assembled but I understand your desire to have it done right and most importantly checked out. Good luck


GT Owner
May 21, 2006
Man in N.C.

It is a multiple man and heavy job, and for safety purposes, I would rather defer on the assembly to a team that has done it several times. I would do my own garage floor, but this appears a bit daunting.

Most lift places will ship to a depot and then make you responsible for trucking it and/or truck it to you and in both cases make you responsible for offloading.

- doc


Well-known member
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Nov 3, 2005
Renton, Washington
Lift Assembly

I've done this. Just need two missing-link types and a few wrenches.

To save quite a $$ on home delevery charges I had it shipped to my fab shop, off loaded using forklift onto my open racecar trailer. Much easier to break down pieces and parts and only had to carry the heavey stuff 15'. The four poster's are real straight forward to assemble. Adjusting the lift took a bit of time to get everything level.
I splurged and got the aluminum drive on ramps. Best upgrade for the $$. A definate must have. Steel ones, that are standard, are very,very heavy.
Doc, If you plan to have the Mrs. do any wrenching, oil changing etc., you might order the jack trays, rolling oil change "funnel" along with the lift.



GT Owner
May 21, 2006

You bring up the central problem/issue:

If you have the means (as you do) for alternate delivery and installation, then things can proceed painlessly.

However, what I have not been able to find is a turn-key solution where the company ships two your door, several cortically challenged indivuduals then install, test the lift and depart without your silverware.

Likely it exists somewhere is a huge City...but I have not located it; thus, my request for contact infor.

- doc

Not 4N

Tungsten GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Apr 5, 2006
Calgary AB
I have three of these & assembled them with help from a friend - very easy.
I know this company has a dealer network with installers and I would think they would assemble any brand.
May be worth a call.


GT Owner
May 21, 2006
The companies are understandably invested in moving inventory.

They uniformly stress that aside from sales and general delivery to a city, all other responsibilities are assumed by the purchaser.

Several have local boys to perform the install, but this is where it breaks down: The local people are not reliable teams, fail to show, etc.

What is needed (and likely exists outside my range of vision) is a company that sees the whole process through including their subs...much as poor companies operate.

- doc

P.S. Has anyone stored a GT above an SRT-10 on a lift and have a total height required for the sum (real life rather than summing published numbers)?

FlorIdaho Chris

Yeah, I've got one.
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Have you tried talking to Rotary (Reliable) lifts? I have purchased three lifts from them and they were able to provide an installer that handled everything turnkey.

US manufacturer, top quality. Call them at (800) 640-5438.


GT Owner
May 21, 2006

I believe that I have some preliminary data from Rotary. Don (Tungsten) is here in (greater) Atlanta, and he knows someone who just had a lift installed so that may be route toward a solution.

Thank you for the input.

- doc


Big Dawg!
Mark IV Lifetime
Mar 9, 2006
Going by the title, I almost thought this had something to do with the little blue pill. :biggrin
I remember reading once that someone had their general contractor do the install for them. They had the shipper drop it off (have them ship with a liftgate), and the contractor did the install right there.
The lift company will ship the unit on a pallet or 2, then just use the pallet jack on the truck to wheel it into your garage. The trucking company usually calls to schedule, so you will know when they are coming and can plan accordingly.


GT Owner
May 21, 2006
(Mark...the Thread Title had sexual implications to you? Hmmmm...interesting).

Yes, people with brawny buddies, contractors, grunt laborers, problem. What I was seeking was someone in Atlanta who had accomplished this task using a turnkey operation. As mentioned, Tungsten (Don) knows someone who had it done and is getting me the data.

- doc


Heritage GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
A must for all of you who install a four post lift in your garage; be sure you get ¼” of polypropylene sheet and cut it to size to place under your lift posts. This will protect your garage floor from being scuffed if the lift shifts any [and it will].

Do this before you install the lift, it is not easy to do once the lift is installed.

This material can be purchased from any industrial plastics supply house in your area.


GT Owner/Board of Directors
Mark IV Lifetime
Aug 29, 2006
Atlanta, Ga.
I'm a recent owner of a Heritage and live in Sandy Springs. I painted my garage floor with some terrific products from They also sell lifts and were working on their own design which would have improvements over some of the products they currently sell. You can log on and call them directly and they might have an installer in Atlanta.


Oct 14, 2006
Mobile, AL
We have a terrific local Rotary dealer/installer, so surely you can find you a good dealer in your area.

They have installed 3 lifts for me in the past 1.5 years, and I have been extremely satisified with the quality of the product, as well as the installation (safe, quick, and professionally done). For the top rated name in the industry (Rotary), I was also impressed with the pricing.

I specified all my lifts in "black", so to match the theme/look I was going for, which was red floors and black equipment. You can get most lifts in red, yellow, blue, and black.

Check this out everyone:


(And, no, I'm not part of their referral program, lol.)


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